Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source


The bad news is that it’s really hard to let go of those expectations and attachments, even if you know how counterproductive they are, because the impulses to form them are rooted so deep inside you.Purchase Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source courses at here with PRICE $497 $75Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the SourceGet Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source at the CourseAvaiIn my new, 12-Week Masterclass, I will guide you and walk you through the 4-step formula I’ve used in my own life to overcome those same obstacles…I call this 4-Step Process “The Manifestation Formula,” and every time you use it, it will bring you closer to creating the life you want to be living:Identify your highest hopesIdentify your expectationsRelease your requirementsLive from The Source (which means to be the source for others of the very thing you are hoping to receive yourself)Once you get the hang of using this approach in your life, it can allow you to make changes more quickly than ever before, eventually leading you to the profound fulfillment, deep connection, and ecstatic joy that are possible for you, and for everyone.The even better news is that as soon as you develop the spiritual “muscle” to become conscious of your expectations and let them go, you can begin to easily create happiness, hopefulness, fulfillment and bliss in your life…even if the things you most desire have yet to arrive.Once you learn how to let go of your expectations and attachments, you will at last experience what it is like to truly be free.Now, even though I’ve just given you a whole lot of good news, I do have some bad news, too—though you probably already know what it is.The bad news is that it’s really hard to let go of those expectations and attachments, even if you know how counterproductive they are, because the impulses to form them are rooted so deep inside you.And that’s what my Masterclass program is all about—because I’ll be working with you every step of the way, for twelve straight weeks, to help you master using all 4 steps of “The Manifestation Formula” in every area of your life.Then you can at long last move beyond the reach of those expectations and spend each and every moment of your day truly living from The Source.Join me and discover just how fulfilling your life can be.IntroducingLiving Your Life From The SourceA 12-Week Masterclass with Neale Donald WalschBe Personally Guided by Spiritual Messenger Neale Donald Walsch and Begin to Live a Life of Connection and JoyWe’re excited to announce that Neale is about to offer his comprehensive, step-by-step program to teach you how to apply his 4-Step Manifestation Formula across the 6 “Key Life Areas” of Wealth, Relationships, Health, Career & Life Purpose, Spirituality & Self-Confidence.Over 12 consecutive weeks, from the privacy and comfort of your own home, you’ll learn the techniques and tools that Neale has used to help positively impact the lives of millions of people around the globe.Get Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source at the CourseAvaiNeale’s Students Share Their Experiences“I realized that all the doubt and negative self talk is not really who I am.”“I have started my second career as a METS (metabolic efficiency training specialist). If it were not for Neale’s course I wouldn’t have experienced and understood at the spiritual level that all things are possible. With his help in the course I was able to “open up” to my “true” self and allow what is in me to emerge. I realized that all the doubt and negative self talk is not really who I am. Neale’s straight forward approach and how he is able to cut to the chase helped me to “see” what I needed to see to move my needle in the right direction.”-Caroline, Massachusetts“I discovered who I really am.”“Neale’s vision of the Soul gave me the possibility to pass through a very difficult period of my life, similar of the suffering Neale had when he asked God. The result of taking Neale’s courses is that I left suffering, rage and sense of revenge on life. I discovered who I really am. Neale told me to write a book. I did it. The result is much more self confidence, inspiration and creativity, which helps my career as a counselor and coach.”-Charles, Italy“I’ve discovered how to live my truth and be in the flow if being happy.”“I’m so grateful because I transformed my life through the wisdom of Neale Donald Walsch. I used to be afraid of life, but since I learned how to live in the moments with no worries, to my surprise, everything worked out. I’ve discovered how to live my truth and be in the flow if being happy. My life has become easier.”-Ylva, Sweden“So much healing is flowing into my life, and I’m feeling supported by this course”“I just received my next opportunity to offer my creative arts/health training service in my community as a result of continuing my faith and bringing joy to the forefront. Many thanks, Neale!”-Jan M. Here’s What You’ll LearnIn Neale Donald Walsch’s Immersive 12-Week Masterclass Program:Each “Key Life Area” Module will span two weeks of the programKey Life Area #1:Wealth MasteryIn the first “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Understand what money, wealth and abundance really are so you are no longer fooled by what they seem to beFeel less stress around the acquisition of wealth of all kinds in your lifeAlways have the money you need whenever you truly need itFully understand the secret of how and why financial sufficiency can come to anyone (including you), and how to implement that secretKey Life Area #2:Relationship MasteryIn the second “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Understand the true nature, meaning and purpose of all of your relationshipsLive in a higher state of harmony, peace and unity with your beloved other in your relationshipRecreate the feelings you had for each other early in the relationship and sustain those feelings indefinitelyConnect more deeply and have better relationships with all the other important people in your life—your parents, your children, your friends, your colleagues, and your bossKey Life Area #3:Health MasteryIn the third “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Experience noticeable (and occasionally even miraculous) improvements in your overall health and wellbeingLet go of the negative thoughts you may be holding around your healthKeep “pain” from turning into “suffering,” and be able to recognize the difference between the two so you can stop suffering in its tracks if you begin to experience itTrust your own body to guide you to the best things for your healthKey Life Area #4:Career & Life Purpose MasteryIn the fourth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Create “right livelihood” by understanding the true purpose of your career in your lifeEliminate “going to work” forever, and replace it with “going to joy”Experience less frustration, anxiety and pressure around issues connected to your job (or your search for the perfect occupation)Be someone who has chosen to make “a life,” rather than “a living,” by using whatever you now do to generate income as a means of expressing your True Nature as an Individuation of DivinityKey Life Area #5:Spiritual MasteryIn the fifth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Use the relationship between you and God in more powerful ways than you ever have beforeStrengthen the “signal” between you and God so you can get clearer and quicker guidance whenever you need itUnderstand in fullness the true purpose of life, the specific reason you are here, and how to make every moment feel spiritual, no matter what you are doingExperience the deeper connections between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the rest of the UniverseKey Life Area #6:Self-Confidence MasteryIn the sixth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…Gain quick confidence by realizing that everything is actually perfect and nothing can “go wrong”Build even more confidence by releasing the need for specific outcomes of any particular endeavor and re-aligning your purpose for the endeavor itself.Embrace and inhabit the real reason for thinking, saying, being or doing anything, using deep self-awareness to render self-confidence utterly unnecessaryRecognize the difference between confidence in the “self” and confidence in the “Self” (with a capital S), and notice that when you have confidence in the ability of your Higher, True Self guide you, you’ll no longer be concerned with the smaller self you have thought yourself to be ever again.AboutNeale Donald WalschNeale Donald Walsch is a modern-day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways.With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous first conversation with God.The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those continuing encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring profound changes in their day-to-day lives.Neale’s work has taken him from the steps of Macchu Picchu in Peru to the steps of the Shinto shrines of Japan, from Red Square in Moscow to St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City to Tiananmen Square in China.And everywhere he has gone—from South Africa to Norway, Croatia to The Netherlands, the streets of Zurich to the streets of Seoul—Neale has experienced a hunger among the people to find a new way to live in peace and harmony, and he has sought to bring people a new understanding of life and of God that allows them to experience it in every moment of their lives.Here’s What Luminaries Are Saying About Neale Donald WalschMarianne WilliamsonAuthor of A Return to Love“Neale Donald Walsch is one of the wisest, most generous people I know. He is someone from whom I have frequently sought personal advice and counsel, and whose words have never failed to illumine my understanding.He has a unique ability to focus a universal principle on a specific problem, unlocking the psychological, emotional chains that are holding us back. I know you’ll receive as much insight and clarity from him as I have.”Barbara Marx HubbardAuthor of Conscious Evolution“Neale Donald Walsch has brought the “voice” of God home into our own hearts through his extraordinary ability to ask, receive and offer to all of us the experience of God as the radiant ever present Source, love, and magnificence of our true being.”Dr. Jean HoustonAuthor of A Passion for The Possible“The multi-dimensional mind of Neale Donald Walsch has given us access to realms of self and spirit that announce the arrival of a new humanity.His warmth and compassion shine in this brilliant and evocative course. Using words like wands, he ignites the heart of the participant to become miracle literate, God no longer in hiding.”Alan CohenAuthor of A Daily Dose of Sanity“Neale Donald Walsch is a man of vision, integrity, and heart. His dedication to honesty, clarity, and service is impeccable. He has helped millions toward the light and I treasure any moments I spend with him. Love lives through Neale.”Here’s What You’ll Receivein the Living Your Life From The Source 12-Week Masterclass Program:Get Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source at the CourseAvaiSix Video Masterclasses with Neale Donald WalschIn each Masterclass Session, Neale will teach you, step by step, the practical tools and techniques you will need to be able to live your life from The Source. Neale will support and guide you through each Key Life Area module and work with you to master his 4-Step “Manifestation Formula.”Training Schedule:We will spend two weeks in each key life area, with the masterclass sessions being released at the beginning of the module.The course begins with the release of Masterclass One on Thursday, April 5th.The following 5 Masterclass Sessions will be released on Saturdays, beginning Saturday, April 21st. You’ll receive unlimited access to all of the Masterclass audios (listen online or download the mp3 file to your iPod or audio player).Six Downloadable 90-Minute Group-Mentoring Sessions with Neale Donald WalschAs you engage with the training materials, you may find that you have important questions for Neale about how to most effectively implement the practices and principles of the Masterclass sessions. Many participants report that listening to these recordings of Neale coaching others is as powerful as asking their own questions, and reveals questions they didn’t know they had—as well as Neale’s wonderfully informative and inspired answers to them. You will be able to listen to the recordings of these valuable sessions and download the mp3 files to your audio player.Six Downloadable “Integration Sessions” with Neale Donald WalschOne of the most challenging aspects of learning how to live from The Source is shifting out of your old behavior patterns and into the new ways you will be learning to engage with others and with the world during the Masterclass Sessions. These special Integration Sessions will help you fully and seamlessly merge what you have learned in the Masterclass Sessions into every area of your daily life. You’ll have unlimited access to one of these recorded “Integration Sessions” with Neale with every module of the program.Six Downloadable “Virtual Living Room” Video Workshops with Neale Donald WalschFor every Key Life Area of the Masterclass Program, you’ll have the chance to see Neale in an intimate gathering with past participants on VIDEO as he answers common questions received during that module of the training.The inspiring and illuminating content these sessions contain will make them an invaluable resource for you during the program. Many participants have shared with us that watching and listening to Neale coach others is just as powerful as having their own questions answered, and often reveals questions they didn’t even know they had.You can listen to them online anytime or download the mp3 files to your audio player or iPod.Purchase Neale Donald Walsch – Living From the Source courses at here with PRICE $497 $75Related products Everything Else Kenrick Cleveland’s – Ultimate Persuasion Factor Package$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$81.00Current price is: $81.00.= 81 Points Add to cart Everything Else Amy Porterfield – Webinars That Convert$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$81.00Current price is: $81.00.= 81 Points Add to cart Everything Else Christa Orecchio – The Whole Journey Candida Cleanse$247.00 Original price was: $247.00.$43.00Current price is: $43.00.= 43 Points Add to cart Everything Else Jason and Trav – The 2015 Paradise Pack$197.00 Original price was: $197.00.$37.00Current price is: $37.00.= 37 Points Add to cart Everything Else Scott Britton – Udemy 6 Figure Fast Track$297.00 Original price was: $297.00.$47.00Current price is: $47.00.= 47 Points Add to cart Everything Else Sage Lavine – Feminine Enrollment Mastery Training$797.00 Original price was: $797.00.$85.00Current price is: $85.00.= 85 Points Add to cart Everything Else Brian Tracy – 21st Century Sales Training for Elite Performance$997.00 Original price was: $997.00.$47.00Current price is: $47.00.= 47 Points Add to cart Everything Else Sue Nelson – Buying from Bank Home Study Course$2,995.00 Original price was: $2,995.00.$137.00Current price is: $137.00.= 137 Points Add to cart