Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter – Rodger Kamenetz


Move beyond dream interpretation — and recognize how your ‘sacred encounter’ dreams can enrich your waking life with more imagination, love & joy.Purchase Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter – Rodger Kamenetz courses at here with PRICE $297 $92Move beyond dream interpretation — and recognize how your ‘sacred encounter’ dreams can enrich your waking life with more imagination, love & joy.Access the deep feeling in your dreams to uncover and transform old reactive patterns… and unveil your soul’s wisdom.Receive powerful experiential practices to help you recognize your ‘sacred encounter’ dreams.When you experience a gripping dream… do you try to interpret the “symbols” and piece together a narrative to make sense of it?Or, maybe you approach it as a riddle to be solved, connected to a challenge or event in your waking life…These are useful approaches to working with dreams, yet they can deprive you of a more organic experience of your dream images and the feelings they evoke.That’s why, in Natural Dreamwork, the emphasis is always on what you feel in your dream. Instead of trying to figure out what a dream means, Natural Dreamwork invites you to ask yourself, What did I see… hear… sense? What do I feel in my body… in my heart?At a time when there seems to be a drug for every form of emotional discomfort, dreams offer their own natural medicine…The Healing Power of Natural Dreamwork.After decades of experience leading people through their dreams in more than ten thousand hours of sessions, Rodger Kamenetz, bestselling author and certified dream therapist, created Natural Dreamwork…… an empirical approach to dreams in which YOU act as a guide to the unique terrain of your dream — and identify the images and presences that have the most potential to help you heal.This powerful approach to personal and spiritual growth is rooted in Carl Jung’s perception of dreams as natural experiences…… and asks you to delve so deeply into a dream image that it comes alive in you.A central aspect of Natural Dreamwork is what Rodger refers to as a “sacred encounter” — recalling events and images within the dream, such as a person, animal, or aspect of nature, and feeling it so deeply that the ego dissolves any sense of separateness.In this “sacred encounter,” loved ones, teachers, and healers can emerge to help and inspire you.Sacred encounter dreams help you uncover and transform old reactive patterns in your waking life — liberating you from past conditioning, unveiling your soul’s wisdom, and opening you to a deeper connection with yourself and others.In Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter, you’ll learn to recognize the sacred encounters in your dreams, embody the powerful emotions they evoke, and use this embodiment to feel more deeply, love more deeply, and live more fully.As a Natural Dreamer, you learn to open to your senses to distinguish between a reaction, imposed by the ego,  and what you’re feeling beneath that reaction…… a nudge from your soul — to reach beyond the limitations of your waking mind and open to deeper levels of healing, imagination, and creativity…In this soulful, transformative — and practical — live video training, you’ll discover:How to move beyond dream interpretation — and see your dreams as transformative experiences, guided by your feelings and sensesWhere to look in your dreams for the moments of greatest feelingWhat defines a sacred encounter in your dreams, and how these profoundly healing connections with a living presence elicit feelings of awe, wonder, and painWhy it’s important to distinguish between facts and fantasies in your dreamsHow dreams reveal old reactive patterns by personifying them, as well as ways to shed these patterns — to feel more deeplyHow to live with more imagination — from the revelations in your dreams, and from the experience of the primary imagination of great poets and artistsA powerful experiential practice to help you recognize your sacred encounter dreamsHow to reframe your life with greater imagination from the point of view of the dream — a liberation from past conditioning which opens you to the reality of loveWays to develop profound connections with the teachers and healers in your dreams, so the relationships with your loved ones in your waking life can be strongerWhat the “facts” of a dream are — in the field of “feeling-space-time” — and how to use this new knowledge to distinguish primary imagination from mere fantasy… both in dreams and in waking lifeHow the dream field is responsive to the thoughts and reactions of the dream ego — and how every image and presence in the dream is aware of what’s happening within a dreamHow your dreams teach you how to transform early-life programming — though the recognitions can be painful at firstHow you can become the child to the parent, the student to the teacher, or the wounded person to the healer — in your dreamsAnd more…Receive Guidance From a Celebrated Dream Therapist & TeacherRodger’s book, The History of Last Night’s Dream, sparked his appearance on Oprah Winfrey’s Soul Series program.He’s guided thousands of people, including rabbis, deacons, and Buddhists in the art of Natural Dreamwork. He’s worked with hundreds of healing practitioners as well, teaching them how to weave Natural Dreamwork into their work with clients.Natural Dreamwork asks us to sift fact from fantasy to identify what actually happened in a dream… instead of relying on a narrative created later by the waking mind…Dream images provide us with honest, useful mirrors of ourselves. This Natural Dreamwork process requires a level of honesty that forces us to face profound and difficult feelings — illuminating the places of hurt (and joy!), and bringing healing…And the beauty of Natural Dreamwork is that the more you walk the actual ground of dreams and practice immersing yourself in the feelings arising in them, the more sacred encounter dreams you experience.What You’ll Discover in These 7 WeeksIn this 7-week transformational intensive, Rodger will guide you through a wellspring of wisdom to help you dissolve your ego, embody deeper feelings, and receive your soul’s wisdom through Natural Dreamwork.The Power of Live Streaming VideoYou’ll connect with Rodger and experience his teachings through live streaming video. This connection will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Rodger’s body of work. You can easily connect via audio only if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or computer.Course Sessions Thursdays at 9:00am PacificThis course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive training sessions, and experiential practices with Rodger. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need receive the healing power of your dreams.Module 1: The Sacred Encounter in Our Dreams (December 12)Natural Dreamwork is not about dream interpretation. Rather, it teaches you how to bring your dreams to life — allowing them to affect you more intensely.It’s in that place of deepest feeling that you discover powerful moments of healing… and a new vision for your waking life.In this opening session with Rodger, he’ll introduce you to Natural Dreamwork — an approach designed to help you engage in the “sacred encounter”… which enables your deepest feelings to emerge.In this module, you’ll discover:Where to look in your dreams for the moments of greatest feelingThat the medicine of the dream is carried in the most powerful emotions it evokesHow the dream is a nightly experience of primary imagination — providing you with confidence to access your imaginative capacityAccess to the creative ability to reimagine your waking lifeHow to live more deeply in the feeling state by deeply experiencing the images in your dreamsWays to develop profound connections with the teachers and healers in your dreams, so the relationships with your loved ones in your waking life can be strongerModule 2: Feeling as the Pathway to the Sacred Encounter (December 19)Feelings in dreams are so important because they lead you to sacred encounters… while reactions take you out of the dream, and out of relationship.In this session, you’ll discover the difference between a feeling and a reaction — using vivid examples from dreams.With the sacred encounter as your destination, this session begins the exploration into the “facts” of the dream and your “natural” experience of the dream — in the field of “feeling-space-time.”In this module, you’ll discover:How the dream ego often misses sacred encounters — and the possibility of deeper feeling or engagement — to preserve its old storiesHow to bring dreams to life and understand the deeper feelings under your habitual reactionsHow dreams vividly reveal both reaction and feeling to help you learn how the waking life ego can become less reactive and more receptive to feelingWhat the “facts” of a dream are — in the field of “feeling-space-time” — and how to use this new knowledge to distinguish primary imagination from mere fantasy… both in dreams and in waking lifeHow dreams present you with a useful image, and critique, of waking lifeModule 3: The Ego Is Always at the Wheel (January 9)Dreams in which you’re driving a car help you understand how “the ego is always at the wheel.”Watching the dream ego drive past miracles and wonders reveals how the ego functions as a story-making mechanism, operating out of an unfelt terror — and responding with stereotypical reactions instead of spontaneous feeling.In this session, you’ll see how sacred encounters in dreams enable the dream ego to soften and loosen its grip on the wheel — allowing the internal feelings to arise, and creating deeper relationship and connectivity with the sacred presences in your dreams.In this module, you’ll discover:How the dream field is responsive to the thoughts and reactions of the dream ego — and how every image and presence in the dream is aware of what’s happening within a dreamHow the ego — so often at the wheel in waking life and in dreams — can cause numbness, indifference, and reactivity in your waking lifeThat the dream, over time, can loosen and soften the grip of the ego on your experience and allow you to be more open to feeling and relationshipA harmonic of feeling underneath your control and reaction… much richer than any single noteHow dreams uncover the ego as a narrative mechanism, constantly making up stories and interpretations to preserve its old story about itself — and how you can break out of mechanical reactionModule 4: Working With Images — Sacred Encounters With Things (January 16)As you discovered in the previous session, something as ordinary as driving a car in a dream has a much deeper significance.In the same way, things you encounter in your dreams — especially remarkable things — can evoke a deeper response to them.In the sacred encounter, images carry strong feelings. Certain images in our dreams can actually restore the impaired imagination… which is at the root of anxiety, numbness, and despair.In this session, Rodger will introduce poets and artists who can open up effective ways to respond to images in your dreams… with more imagination…… and he’ll guide you through a practice of dream contemplation to take you from one dream into a deeper experience of the next.In this module, you’ll discover:The deeper fact of dream phenomenology… that things and presences in our dreams are conscious and aware and respond to feelings and reactionsA deeper appreciation of the responsiveness of people and things in the living dream of waking lifeHow to live with more imagination — from the revelations in your dreams, and from the experience of the primary imagination of great poets and artistsMethods for bringing the images in your dreams to life… enabling you to find more feeling in everyday experienceThat the contemplation of images from dreams can nourish and restore the impaired imagination and the resulting anxiety, worry, depression, and numbnessModule 5: The Fateful Triangle — The Dream Ego Caught Between Imagoes of Conditioning & Imagoes of the Soul (January 23)In this session, you’ll explore living personified images… known as imagoes.You’ll first discover the imagoes of conditioning — personifications of reactivity that represent what’s hindered you in the past, and all the conditioning that made you who you are.In order to access the deeper, imaginative version of yourself the dream wants to offer, you have to first see these how these imagoes are personifications of pride, rage, worry and anxiety, and accusation and shaming — all deeply rooted in our past conditioning…In this module, you’ll discover:How your dreams teach you how to transform early-life programming — though the recognitions can be painful at firstImagoes of soul — often appearing as children whose presence can inspire you to become more youthful in your attitudes, full of wonder and joyHow imagoes of conditioning can show you the difficult truth of your own reactivity and conditioning, and how you can begin to separate from habits and attitudes that block feeling and imaginationWhy your reactions to children in your dreams reveal the presence of your past conditioningThe possibilities that dreams present to move from seeing the soul to being the soul — leaving old conditioning behind and becoming more vulnerable and more capable of feelingModule 6: A Love That Heals — Dream Soul in Sacred Encounter With the Archetypes (January 30)In this session, you’ll explore how, as your dreams turn away from conditioning and merge into soul, you become the child.You can then observe the sacred encounter with a new set of imagoes — the archetypes.In the reality of the dream, you’ll have sacred encounters with these stunning, brilliant, playful, highly imaginative, and often radiant archetypes…In this module, you’ll discover:How you can become the child to the parent, the student to the teacher, or the wounded person to the healer — in your dreamsHow the archetypes produce deep feelings of joy, pain, awe, and terror… AND a growing sense of being lovedHow the boy in your dreams personifies joy, initiative, confidence, and a knowledge of being lovedHow the girl in your dreams personifies the need for love, and understands the importance of love and relationshipDreams in which identification with the boy or girl can help you feel the love of that archetypeModule 7: Beyond the Sacred Encounter — The Sacred Relationship (February 6)In this session, you’ll return to the sacred encounter — recognizing, at this point in the course — the depth and detail of its purpose.You’ll explore more powerful, transformative moments of encounter and see how these encounters are reflected in images from art and in poetry.Rodger will show you how, instead of looking to dreams for messages to interpret, you can look to the feelings that transform. The primary imagination of the dream produces ever-evolving sacred experience.In this module, you’ll discover:What a dream arc is — and what develops as one dream connects to anotherHow the weakening of conditioning, combined with the emergence of dream soul, open you to an arc of sacred encounters which make up a sacred relationshipThe power of the primary imagination in your dreams offers you a sense of being loved — and how it carries over into waking lifeHow to reframe your life with greater imagination from the point of view of the dream — a liberation from past conditioning which opens you to the reality of loveA powerful glimpse of what lies beyond the sacred encounter — the arc of the sacred relationshipHere’s What You’ll ReceiveSeven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Rodger KamenetzExperience a rare opportunity to be mentored by and learn with international bestselling author, certified dream therapist, teacher, and poet Rodger Kamenetz — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a live streaming video option and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to access the deep feeling in your dreams to uncover and transform old reactive patterns and listen to your soul. Course sessions are on Thursdays at 9:00am Pacific.Seven Video Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the video will be available for you to download or stream in high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.Seven Audio Recordings of Class SessionsAfter each class, the audio will be available for you to download in high-quality MP3 format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere — on any connected device and at your convenience.Seven PDF Transcripts of Class SessionsIn addition to the high-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.Online CommunityOur exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class. Here, you can continue the discussion about your course materials and interact with your fellow students to take your exploration to an even deeper level.The Natural Dreamwork Bonus CollectionOne-On-One Session RaffleEntry Into the All-Course Raffle for a Session With a Member of the Natural Dreamwork TeamHow to Write Down Your Dream the Natural Dreamwork WayVideo Dialogue With PDF Companion From Rodger Kamenetz and Kezia VidaDream PoetryVideo Teaching With PDF Companion From Rodger KamenetzSubmit a DreamDream Feedback From a Member of the Natural Dreamwork TeamGet Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter – Rodger Kamenetz, Only Price $92Tag: Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter – Rodger Kamenetz Review. Natural Dreamwork & the Sacred Encounter – Rodger Kamenetz download. 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