Mr Twenty-Twenty – Manifesting To The Max (2016)


Victoria and I want to show you how easy it is to manifest, and how often you can achieve success every day, so that you can succeed even faster.

Mr Twenty-Twenty – Manifesting To The Max (2016)

Dive In Manifesting To The Max

Victoria and I want you to get how easy manifesting really is, and how often you can succeed every single day, so you can succeed even faster and easier manifesting what you truly want – everywhere in life..
(We don’t want you to get this in your HEAD, we want you to NOTICE this in your BONES…)
Because it’s easy to see how easy this is and how often you actually feel what you’re feeling, you can celebrate your wins and be ROCKET FUELED. You can also adjust quickly from there. “your failures”. Your Success Rate will soar!
(Ever wonder why some people just GET THIS, and why other people either don’t get it or sometimes get it and sometimes don’t?)
Here’s how to get it more than EVER before….
Story time…

Every sniper has at least one spotter.

Sniper and spotter, they function as a single highly trained and highly effective unit.
They practically read each other’s minds. That’s what my “Uncle” Rob, who was in World War II, taught me. You need to be both a spotter and a sniper. (Most people, miss this entirely…. Thank God for Uncle Rob.

He stated that the sniper was highly trained to fire the shot. Let’s call that, “following the formula”.
The spotter, was trained to notice and to tell the sniper EXACTLY what that shot did – now – and what adjustments to make – in seconds.

You can get faster results by making INSTANT ADJUSTMENTS.
We are going to SHOW you EXACTLY how we do that, while we are doing it live in the recordings, and we are going to dive much much deeper TogetherWe are now embarking on the most exciting project of our lives.
But first…
THINK about this… take it to HEART…

NOW FEEL how important that is… (REALLY FEEL THIS)
Because without REAL TIME noticing – the sniper can’t possibly do his job – effectively.

His life would be a hit and a miss – and that doesn’t cut it when it matters most.
That’s how I used to manifest, when I got started. That’s how I see most people doing it. And that’s why I ran into problems, again…
Before I figured all this out…. This was how I began to apply it to EVERYTHING in my life.
I was constantly frustrated and playing the hit or miss game.
Since then…
This is what I learned….
“You can follow the formula, but if you don’t have ‘eyes on’ what’s happening (the right now real time big picture) you can’t possibly give yourself credit for your wins (fuel), or learn from your near misses(fix).”
NOTICING your wins so that you can take credit for it – gives confidence – gives momentum – gives an INVISIBLE BOOST. (See how much we have energy on those videos? THAT’S where it’s from.)
This works because we FEEL it working all the time.

(And if we notice – in our bones – something isn’t right (think spotter) – we make adjustments IN THE MOMENT – so we hit our target – 99.9% of the time.)
“You can’t learn from – what you don’t notice.” – Uncle Rob
So in Manifesting To The Max – you are getting how to notice more – much more (in your bones) – much much more, so you can notice fast, in seconds, when you abandon or abort your desires – and when you start manifesting what gets in the way, exactly what you don’t want.
Let’s dial this up a level higher!
If you watched us live or on the replays – the FeelItRealFunVideos – 51 to 64 (about 2 solid hours of good fun) you’ll see me, teaching Victoria two of the three models we are diving deep into in the MEMBERS ONLY SECTION.
These are the same models that I’ve been working with – with a handful of my personal clients – for the past 3 years. And you’ll see her learn, live on camera – exactly how she creates massive success in her life, and you’ll see her SPEED UP.
And you’ll see where she crashes and burns. (And you’ll see how fast she picks herself back up again – retargets – and NAILS her wish FULFILLED – with what you are learning, you’ll do that too in SECONDS, instead of taking eons. That’s awesome!

You’ll learn how to stop abandoning or aborting your wishes, desires and dreams. Instead, live fully from them.
You’ll learn how to notice when you fully assume the state of your wish fulfilled, and when you THINK you do.
You’ll watch and hear us celebrate our successes – AFTER we use the models, so you can follow along, noticing how we get lost, and how we find our way home – so we lock in our success GUARANTEED.

Make sure you enjoy those videos, while you are doing this training….

(You’ll have members only links to all of those…. )

(Yes, we are still working on a Members Only Master data base. – you’ll have ongoing access to this – so you can find ALL THE WAY COOL BITS – instantly – on those videos.)
Those videos ALONE COULD rock your world, make sure you watch them… then let the members only recordings and transcripts take you MUCH DEEPER….
They are not only for their beauty, but also because they can give you the best. “shallow end of the pool”….. (We gave away as much as we could in tiny 15 to 25 minute chunks of LIVE VIDEO while answering your questions – now it’s time to dive deeper)
You can watch them again after you dive into the Members Only Materials. Because they will help YOU SEE what we are looking at – much deeper – in the Members Only Materials. Manifesting To The Max!
Power point: If you’ve compared the 4 FREE INTRODUCTION RECORDINGS we are giving away (one solid hour) – to the live Feel It Real Fun videos you’ll have noticed – they have a different “flavour” The RECORDINGS offer a deeper level of detail and depth than what is available in live shows.
BONUS: MEMBERS also get ENHANCED TRANSCRIPTS to all those intro recordings and more….
MANIFESTING to the MAX is a 90-day program. It is divided into three modules in Section Members Only.
In each module, you will find 30 pages of WRITTEN MEMBERS ONLY goodies. Print these if you can so you can write on them. If you can’t, that’s okay, just take notes on the side….)
UPDATE: These are ALL AVAILABLE NOW in the Member’s Only Section for you to download and enjoy, TODAY! Have fun!
You are getting 3 solid MONTHS, of MEMBERS ONLY ADVANCED AUDIO RECORDINGS also – more than SIX HOURS TOTAL. (Listen to them on your computer, tablet or phone on the special member’s only pages. Feel free to download them all and keep them forever. FAST – EASY JOY
(You won’t be the same person at the end of these trainings…. This is what you can imagine.
“I don’t want you to just LEARN this….
…I want you to GET IT IN YOUR BONES….”
“…I want you to FEEL it in your BELLY.”
THEN PLAY WITH (don’t WORK AT) what you are listening to.
And you’ll notice, time and time again – when you go back to RELISTEN or to REREAD the members only materials, it’s like, “whoa, I didn’t hear that before. Each listen will be a completely new adventure because of the way you are changing throughout the course.
That’s what life should be like EVERYWHERE! That’s why we call this THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME!
Once you dive in…
…You are gonna start noticing EVERYONE in a whole new way.
You will notice it much quicker. When people you know, people you love, and total strangers are standing next to you, NAIL IT! They get instant results. (Let’s call that learning – the best learning you can get ANYWHERE…)
Here’s why you will be speeding up much much faster…
This is not a conceptual goal, but a way to get it in real life. “aha moment”, you are gonna get this at such a core level, you’ll be like us – in wonder – amazed at how many people WASTE so much energy – trying NOT to notice – and very effectively ignoring – what could change their lives forever BIG TIME!
The More you notice – in you and others – how FAST you are “this happens” – and how RARELY both wins and losses get in ANYBODY’S attention, the more you are going to TOTALLY ROCK YOUR WORLD.
SIDE NOTE – Think about this like driving. If you’ve EVER driven in HEAVY FOG, and you can’t tell where your car is on the road – you’ve got to SLOW WAY WAY DOWN – or you will CRASH.
This is how most people live their lives of silence and long-term confusion. (See why most people have a foggy look in their eyes? (Have you noticed people with that far away – foggy look – really don’t have ROCK AND ROLL LIVES? They don’t soar all that high, or live all that fully.)
(Notice in the videos – I almost NEVER have that foggy look? You now know WHY! (And why it matters.)
WELCOME to a world of NON STOP opportunities to have fun, to tune up what you do, and to FLY LIKE AN EAGLE while on this adventure of a lifetime! You are welcome to Manifesting To The Max!
MODULE IS A WAY TO GO DEEP INTO THREE MODELS, which we have never taught live. They are now yours!



These alone are worth the admission price. (Just $97 dollars TODAY!)
* * * * * PLUS you are getting TWO MORE MODULES of ROCK SOLID GOLD GOODIES too. * * * * * 
(Which was for the full 90-day period. Manifesting To The MaxThis means that you get 7 hours of ROCK SOLO GOLD RECORDINGS, and close to 100 pages PURE GOLD!
So here’s the deal….
You know what we teach works, and you know what we share ISN’T what everyone else is teaching – it’s no where near the same old crap, or the fairy fluff everyone shares online.
You’ve read your success stories on FreeNeville, most of those come from Manifesting Mastery Members – Other 90 Day Program.
(If you haven’t done Manifesting Mastery is possible if you do it often enough. Heck, we’re talking investing just a buck a day, the price of a cheapo cup of coffee, to totally transform your life BIG TIME.)

It works. You can see it for yourself.
And you’ve seen the ROCK SOLID GOLD GOODIES we give away 5 days a week on the Feel It Real Fun videos, and over 1,000 articles, lectures, videos and audios on our sites….
If you want to go even deeper, we offer all this for $97.

For $97 bucks you get all that – and a surprise bonus or two that you’ll discover along the way. We’re talking PRETTY MUCH back stage access….. For Members Only.
The 18 Inch Adventure guarantees that you will be able to fulfill every wish. Keyword – FULLY. The 18 Inch Adventure helps you to avoid ACCIDENTALLY ABANDONING or ABORTING the child you have chosen, so you win every time.
Ignition allows you to manifest the BIG THINGS and THE IMPORTANT. It’s as easy as manifesting the little things and the silly. SIZE does not matter if you are noticing how many times you actually do manifest – which is all of the time. But when you are actually noticing – in real time what you are manifesting – two things happen – you STOP manifesting stuff you don’t want. You can also stop manifesting stuff that blocks the big things you want.
(Most people don’t realize that they are manifesting daily what prevents them from obtaining the things they really want.
THE POWER of Purposes makes you pretty much bulletproof. As you’ll hear in the recordings, living from the state and manifesting the one big thing I wanted, made life a living hell. I was either very happy or very unhappy. “YES I’M ON IT” Living completely lost or “NO, I’M SIDETRACKED AGAIN”. You’ll see how Mr Twenty Twenty, his own personal sidetracking and delay in obtaining his Black Belt for one year (only having ONE primary purpose) taught him the importance of why you need to be focused. The Power of Purposes is 100% locked in, the same way we do it now. This SUPER STATE model was developed over 30+ years.
“With those three Core Teachings – in place, it’s impossible to knock me out of my chosen states for more than a few moments, then BOOM – flying like an eagle.” – Mr Twenty Twenty
February 3, 2017
I just placed an order Manifesting To the Max Yesterday afternoon. Yes! The Intro is insane! It was so soothing that I fell asleep. It was so exciting to hear it again today. Just ordering it was actual proof from other teachings I’ve implemented.
I’ve been stashing away money in a few different places just since Jan 1st 2017 and I love it! I feel like I have money all around. Because I DO!!!
I was stuck in an old mindset and now I am free to think differently. “make” The money “and then” I can do the course. I was strategizing to. “get” I was spending the Feel It Real For Fun videos to save the money.
It was funny to be able to strategize for the money and listen to a lesson on how to live the life I want. Talk about being double-minded!
I then remembered the bank money, the checks that needed to be deposited and the cash box. I thought, “Wait, I already have the money!” This of course doesn’t even touch the Attitude Money in my wallet that smells so good because I spray it with my favorite perfume.
My Cash box, as well as the investment and pleasure cash portion of my wallet, are sprayed. Thank you for your encouragement to go to the bank and get new bill. I LOVE LOOKING IN MY WALLET AND VIEWING THE BRAND NEW $100, and the BRAND NEW 50 that I know I won’t have to touch again. I’m adding more today when I go into the bank Woo Hoo !!!!!!!

We are so grateful!!
M. Ashley Paisley
Welcome to Manifesting To The Max
October 28, 2018
Hi Twenty and Victoria
Thank you for the welcome mail Manifesting To The Max! It made me happy!
Just finished my last day of Manifesting Mastery was my goal and I wanted to continue learning. It was clear to me that I would also do the Manifesting To the Max course.

I have already started it and have read the 18-inch adventure introduction – and I am now applying it. It’s very powerful – and also such a wonderful feeling! Oneness. It’s my favorite thing!
I look forward to the next 90-days (or maybe it will take me a bit longer) to learn and grow more.
And I will, of course. Manifesting Mastery again. I will begin Monday with Lesson 1 _x0001F642_
Since I started, I have seen so many changes in my life. Manifesting Mastery. I have learned so many things and my awareness has grown a lot.

It is a very powerful course. I am so grateful I decided to take it.
Everything is still in motion and will continue to fall into its place. It’s like coming or being home.
I want to thank you for your incredible work! It is a wonderful thing! Thank you so much!
Have a great Sunday!
P.S. I’ll keep you posted! _x0001F642_

P.P.S. Please say hello to Emmett and Bruce!

Here’s what you can expect in the new book Mr Twenty-Twenty – Manifesting To The Max (2016)