MPSH – Ignite Phase 1: Embark


MPSH – Ignite Phase 1: EmbarkMindset & Research for a 5, 6 or 7 figure international business on Amazon from absolute scratch.Course CurriculumModule 1Section 1 – InterfaceVideo 1 – The Amazon InterfaceIn this video, we’ll help you become familiar with the Amazon platform so you can easily na…Assessment – Video 1Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 2 – Item Specifics To Avoid, Amazon Product Categories & How To Find The Top 100In this video, you’ll learn how to filter researched products, navigate Amazon’s cate…Assessment – Video 2Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 3 – Why Am I Researching This Way & What Will We FindA critical video where we run through the ‘why’ behind our unique research methodolog…Assessment – Video 3Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 2 – ResearchingVideo 4 – Starting Research To Find Potential ProductsAn introduction to the principles that make up our ROOTS Research System. In this video, you&rsqu…Video 5 – The Components of MAPThis is the final piece of the research puzzle before moving a product onto the Supplier stage. I…Assessment – Video 5Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 6 – Mapping The Market Live Session With AliIn this over-the-shoulder session, you’ll get to see the MAP process being applied to poten…Struggling With Research?!Check out the playlist of our BEST research videos! Make sure to save this playlist…Section 3 – Software Quiz ResourcesVideo 7 – How To Use Researcher AppIn this tutorial, you’ll learn how to quickly and easily navigate the Researcher App inside…Video 8a – Module 1 – Building BlockCongratulations! You’ve reached a huge milestone by completing the content in module one. I…Video 8b – Module 1 – AssessmentTake the Phase 1 Quiz to see how much you’ve remembered from the videos you’ve watche…Video 9a – More LIVE ROOTS ResearchBack with more LIVE Roots researchModule 2Section 4 – SuppliersVideo 10 – Where To Find Suppliers And What We Need From ThemLet’s go and turn the lights on in this area by going through the details related to suppliers as…Assessment – Video 10Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 11 – Why We Need Information From A SupplierNow we want to move on, we will be looking at what we say to our potential supplier, what we send…Assessment – Video 11Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 12 – Contacting A SupplierOk, so now that we know how to calculate profitability and what variables we’re going to fi…Assessment – Video 12Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 5 – Your OfferVideo 13 – The Offer Defining GAPNext we’ll figure out how to stand out in that market by identifying ‘The Gap’ …Assessment – Video 13Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 14 – The Physical BonusWe haven’t really talked about how product bonuses actually work, as well as how to actuall…Assessment – Video 14Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 15 – Offers & Bonuses With AliThis is a live over the shoulder look at how to create the perfect offers & bonuses with our …Section 6 – Module 2 ResourcesVideo 16 – How To Use The Software – CommunicatorCommunicator is a handy tool for keeping a log of all your communications with your Suppliers.&nb…Video 17a – Module 1 – Building BlockLet’s jump into your building block. For this, we need you to contact your suppliers and also add…Video 17b – Module 2 – AssessmentComplete this Quiz to see how much knowledge you have gained from the previous videos.Module 3Section 7 – ProfitabilityVideo 19 – Essential Variables Behind ProfitabilityThe first thing we’re going to do now that we’ve already determined our item’s …Assessment – Video 19Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 20 – How To Prepare For Calculation TakeoffWe are just about to move over to your Ecosystem and into the Profit Calculator Application. This…Assessment – Video 20Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 21 – Validating the IdeaLet’s run through the most important part of your business, your validation checklist.Assessment – Video 21Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Section 8 – SamplesVideo 22 – Ordering And Testing SamplesNow we are moving on to product samples, why we do them and how we get them from the supplier.Assessment – Video 22Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 23 – Pulling the TriggerPerhaps one of the hardest parts of your journey especially so far will be what we refer to as pu…Assessment – Video 23Complete this assignment before moving on to the next video.Video 24 – Supplier Communication & Ordering Samples Live With AliWe dive headfirst again into another live segment where our research expert Ali will show supplie…Section 9 – Module 3 ResourcesVideo 25 – How To Use The Software – Profit CalculatorUse Profit Calculator to find out whether a product is profitable to sell in all market…Video 26a – Module 3 – Building BlockThis is your third building block. We have gone through communicating with suppliers and ordering…Video 26b – Module 3 – AssessmentComplete this assignment before moving on to the next video.