
Mosh Hamedani – The Ultimate Design Patterns: Part 1

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Mosh Hamedani – The Ultimate Design Patterns: Part 1
If you want to reach the higher levels of software engineering, you simply MUST master design patterns.
It’s a no-brainer!
Most employers are looking for senior software engineers with design pattern skills, and they’re willing to pay extra $$$’s to hire them.
Basically, design patterns are all about designing maintainable and extensible object-oriented software.
But, the problem is most of the books and courses out there don’t explain the subject well. Most of them teach the subject using really bad examples involving pizzas, ducks, cars, coffees, etc – basically, the topics you never see when building software. You finish a course and you still cannot apply a single pattern when building real-world software.
I don’t agree with that approach, so I’ve created a 3-part series that does the exact opposite.
All the topics are broken down into bite-sized chunks that are easy to digest. I’ve also used real life examples that can be applied to real world situations.
Much more useful if you want to put your new skills to work right away.

Pinpoint maintainability and extensibility problems in your code

Write maintainable and extensible object-oriented code

Ace your next coding interview

Become a better developer

This course is the first part of a series. In this part, you’ll learn the essence of object-oriented design principles as well as the behavioral design patterns first introduced by GoF.
Memento Pattern

State Pattern

Iterator Pattern

Strategy Pattern

Template Method Pattern

Command Pattern

Observer Pattern

Mediator Pattern

Chain of Responsibility Pattern

Visitor Pattern

Getting Started (5m)

Start1- Introduction (1:40)

Preview2- What are Design Patterns (2:34)

Start3- How to Take This Course (1:34)

Start4- Source Code

StartFollow Me Around

The Essentials (33m)

Start1- Introduction (1:03)

Start2- Getting Started with Java (2:30)

Start3- Classes (4:11)

Start4- Coupling (1:59)

Start5- Interfaces (5:42)

Start6- Encapsulation (5:08)

Start7- Abstraction (4:07)

Start8- Inheritance (2:22)

Start9- Polymorphism (3:46)

Start10- UML (3:39)

Memento Pattern (13m)

Preview1- The Problem (1:51)

Preview2- Solution (5:48)

Preview3- Implementation (5:50)

Start4- Exercise

State Pattern (25m)

Preview1- The Problem (5:23)

Preview2- Solution (3:13)

Preview3- Implementation (6:32)

Preview4- Abusing Patterns (1:47)

Start5- Abusing the State Pattern (8:05)

Start6- Exercise

Iterator Pattern (21m)

Start1- The Problem (6:07)

Start2- Solution (4:06)

Start3- Implementation (7:25)

Start4- Benefits (3:51)

Start5- Exercise

Start6- A Quick Note

Strategy Pattern (13m)

Start1- The Problem (4:38)

Start2- Solution (3:28)

Start3- Implementation (5:49)

Start4- Exercise

Template Method Pattern (13m)

Start1- The Problem (3:39)

Start2- Solution (3:13)

Start3- Implementation (6:04)

Start4- Exercise

Command Pattern (28m)

Start1- The Problem (1:53)

Start2- Solution (3:01)

Start3- Implementation (4:31)

Start4- Composite Commands (3:58)

Start5- Undoable Commands (4:32)

Start6- Implementing Undo Mechanism (11:02)

Start7- Exercise

Observer Pattern (18m)

Start1- The Problem (2:59)

Start2- Solution (4:09)

Start3- Implementation (4:14)

Start4- Communication Styles (3:04)

Start5- The Push Style (1:56)

Start6- The Pull Style (2:17)

Start7- Exercise

Mediator Pattern (30m)

Start1- The Problem (3:53)

Start2- Solution (5:23)

Start3- Implementation (8:55)

Start4- Using the Observer Pattern (2:01)

Start5- Implementation Using the Observer Pattern (10:03)

Start6- Exercise

Chain of Responsibility (20m)

Start1- The Problem (5:55)

Start2- Solution (3:07)

Start3- Implementation (10:59)

Start4- Exercise

Visitor Pattern (16m)

Start1- The Problem (5:11)

Start2- Solution (5:52)

Start3- Implementation (5:35)

Start4- Exercise

Course Wrap Up

Start1- Behavioral Patterns Summary

Start2- What’s Next (0:34)

Start3- A Quick Note