Mortgage Messsage Move – Mike Paul


If you want to enjoy the prestige and kudos of a wealthy consultant helping mortgage brokers dramatically up their game, then this is for you…Discover How To Create A Prestigious Profitable Business Helping Mortgage Brokers Stack The Deck In Their Favor And Become Far More In Demand And Highly Profitable(All Without Needing To Know Anything About The Mortgage Business)Read on to see just how easy you can become a respected consultant, helping residential mortgage consultants and brokers generate all the leads they can handle, 21st century style – STARTING TODAY!Howdy Fellow Entrepreneur… I’m sure you know the key secret of business success: find a need and fill it.And one such group of businesses – with a desperate need to deploy better methods – are residential mortgage consultants and brokers……which is where you can quickly carve out a very profitable, high status business because, right now, it’s an untapped market with virtually zero competition.Howdy… my name is Mike Paul and I’ve been involved in the real estate business and with mortgage brokers and consultants for many years.I first got involved in real estate around 2001 and then, in the following fall, the atrocity of 9/11 slammed the real estate business into a brick wall.And, in the dark days of general mass confusion that followed, the real estate business was turned upside down, with all the traditional methods of selling homes: open houses, canvassing home owners and mass mailings simply refusing to work.I was fortunate that after a year-long baptism of fire, where I barely clung on, I was introduced to a marketing expert from North Carolina who was very much a pioneer is using the – then – fledgling internet to generate leads in a new and better way.Using these cutting edge methods I was able to quickly get my career as a realtor back on the rails.Eventually I morphed from being a realtor myself to becoming a consultant, training other realtors in this new, better way of generating leads.Then, quite by chance, I caught up with an old buddy from my school days.Turns out he was also in the real estate business, too – only he was on the mortgage brokering side.And he casually let skip how glad he was to be in the home loan side of the real estate business – although, I didn’t fully understand the reason why right away.Long story short, it was only later on when…”It suddenly hit me like a freight train…”By that time, I was no longer a pioneer in generating leads for real estate agents, who are now well versed in obtaining their own leads from the internet. In addition, companies like Century 21, ERA and Remax all offer these online marketing methods FREE.And Realtors can also call on the many referral companies out there for all the leads they can handle.But there’s a problem with all thatAnd it’s a big one.Because, in this feeding frenzy of ‘dime a dozen’ leads, the quality is abysmal.Meanwhile, mortgage professionals are not privy to modern methods, because to a very large extent they simply piggy-back on the realtor’s low quality leads.– a surefire recipe for lower sales, smaller profits and much unhappiness.What’s more, it puts them in the undesirable position of a supplicant – heavily dependent on the patronage of realtor referrals for their very existence.Get Mortgage Messsage Move – Mike Paul , Only Price $22Which is where YOU come inBecause, as a highly regarded mortgage broker consultant, you can offer these mortgage professionals an irresistible way to REVERSE this unattractive master/servant relationship…By offering NON-Realtor blemished, high quality & motivated leads like this…With the help of one ever-so-clever tweak in search Advertising…Part of the beauty of this “tweak” in online ads is that it’s so blatantly obvious and convenient to the end user.  The prospect is already conditioned to use this tool – text messaging. Here’s what’s so baffling about all of this… Do your research and how many other advertisers are using this “add-on” to Google ads?…   That’s right… a big FAT ZERO, ZILCH, NADA!So your competition will be clueless to why your client is miles ahead of every other oblivious Mortgage consultant hands-down!…transforming your mortgage professional client into the ‘Go To’ mortgage broker in their local area and have the realtors chase them instead…And you’ll be a very welcome visitor because you hold the keys to sending your client’s profits and happiness off the chart, with the help of better converting leads. What you will show them will be in two parts (but you only need to be involved in the first part).First, you will show them how you can help them be completely independent of the realtor’s by enjoying their own laser-targeted highly qualified leads, who are ready and willing to go ahead and purchase a new home. You can do this for them on an ongoing basis for a regular repeat fee.Your mortgage professional client will then use their expertise to fix up pre-approved home loans for these hot leads, subject to the home being purchased forming acceptable security for the loan.Oh, how the tables turn…Then, armed with these high quality leads – which are serious potential home buyers AND are filtered by their motivation to buy… …your mortgage professional client will be in a very powerful position to become the favorite mortgage broker for the all realtors in their area, leaving other less privy mortgage brokers out in left field, wondering what happened.And to help you quickly build a highly profitable prestige business in this largely untapped market, I’ve now created a multi-media program, called ‘The Mortgage Message Move’……consisting of a 101 page detailed instruction manual plus 11 ‘over my shoulder’ video tutorials to make it child’s play.So, whether you like to read instructions or watch videos – or both – I’ve got you covered.Introducing:The Mortgage Message MoveSo here’s just a tiny peek at the many powerful secrets that await you inside …The laser-targeted way to generate all the leads your mortgage broker clients can handle, which they will love you for (and my step by baby step instructions make it child’s play for you to do).The smart way to increase your client’s Page One Google ‘real estate’ at no extra cost – multiplying the ways they can get prospect’s attention and thus increasing conversions from the same ad (and you can bet your bottom dollar your mortgage broker client’s don’t know the first thing about this brain-dead simple way to increase traffic and conversions for FREE!).The little known, new and very powerful way to communicate directly with prospect’s cell phones.How to quickly and easily set up Google ads accounts (and how to control multiple accounts from one place).Five examples of compelling ads with a breakdown of why they are so effective.2 Powerhouse landing page resources – and how to set one up in under five minutes.Adding a ‘Homes for Sale’ search function (and how to use that to start a dialogue with your prospective client).Keyword mastery – and a lightening fast way to find the keywords to instantly connect your client with their best prospects.48 done for you keyword phrases – (just add your target city and you’re good to go).The three key ways to Tune-Up your client’s ad campaigns – and it’s as simple as copy, paste and click.The red hot secrets to creating a real killer ad.Contacting your prospective mortgage professional clients the ultra-effective and easy way (and the surprising, little known, fact about B2B email)How to easily find your prospective mortgage broker clients – and the two dubious sources to avoid.The email sending service that lets you email hundreds for free – and could very well get you enough clients for life without ever having to move to the paid service.The key secrets of sending a ‘cold’ mail that gets opened up and acted upon, right out of the gate.The done for you email template you can take and use after putting your own unique spin on it.Where the rubber hits the road – getting paid.And much, MUCH more … Get Mortgage Messsage Move – Mike Paul , Only Price $22Tag: Mortgage Messsage Move – Mike Paul  Review. 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