Mindvalley, Robin Sharma – Hero Genius Legend 2019


For a super-performer at life, equip yourself with key techniques, habits and skills.

Mindvalley, Robin Sharma – Hero Genius Legend 2019


If you’ve been feeling…

That whatever you try to do fails… 

Like you can’t crack success, no matter how hard you’ve tried… 

Like you’ve been just coasting through life, stagnating, with no sense of purpose… 

It’s not your fault. The truth is, the streak you can’t stick with has nothing to do with your natural abilities.

Think like a GeniusPerforming like an actor HeroLiving like a human being Legend IS NOT Your genetic makeup will determine how you are.

It isn’t about how you were born. It’s about ONE Strategy that you should follow.
Habit formation.

Many of the world’s most successful people — leaders of impact, famous celebrities, billionaires with influence — follow this success strategy without even realizing it

That’s why we highly encourage you to read on and discover a revolutionary approach to not only bringing out the gifts you know you have, but also…

Let go of your fears and set yourself up for success.
Learn from great leaders to inspire others to work with you.
Learn what makes super performers at work. The 1% of employees who are the best in their industry or business. It is not about skills, but a certain set of rituals and a particular mindset.
Become so good at what you do that people can’t ignore you.
Get the same mindset as world-class athletes, geniuses, and entrepreneurs.
You can make quantum leaps in your work effectiveness.
High stress times can be a time to remain positive and productive.
You can do all this without sacrificing your family’s health or your lifestyle. It has nothing to do the amount of time you put in. But with how you spend your time doing the work you’re meant to do.

Robin Sharma

Mindvalley was awarded the World Most Democratic Workplace Award for 10 years running and the Top Ten in Customer Support globally. Mindvalley is committed to your happiness, so you can order with confidence.

Success Is Not What It Seems

You’ve probably heard a lot of myths about success, performance, genius, and talent.
“It takes hard work, preparation, and talent…”

“You need natural ability…”

“You just need to keep doing what you’re doing…”
Or something that suggests you need to double down in hard work, triple your strengths, or have some otherworldly talents to make it all happen. And you’ve tried to do some combination of this time after time…

Only failure.
Because, regardless of what you did to stay with the routine, failure set in. You then consider yourself uninteresting, untalented and even unremarkable if you fail.
But you’re not to blame.
Most people are approaching success like its a mountain they have to move and it’s to move right now, or else you’re not a genius, can’t be a hero, and legendary living is impossible.
You’ve been trying barrel your way through to success and nothing has worked.

But that’s because society got it wrong.
Myths are created when you focus on hard work and natural talent to achieve success.
Because you’re not focused on the one thing that ACTUALLY builds success…
Habit Formation
21 days is not enough to create the neural pathways that will allow your brain to form habits. This time length is just another myth. Habit formation is much more complicated.
But involved doesn’t mean impossible.

Your Genes Don’t Determine Your Genius… 

Habits are good for you
Over 80% of the world’s most extraordinary people — top athletes, billionaires, and renowned leaders — all have one thing in common…

They all developed the habits that have made them who they are today.

It takes an average of 66 days to form a habit, according to a cutting-edge study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology.

And the proof is in the research…

Genius isn’t born, it’s built. 

You can make yourself into what you want. You can enrich your life by reciting the same habit every day.
The science is clear — 

Change Your Habits To Change Your Lifestyle

That’s what this Quest is about: Creating Habits The RIGHT Way

Robin Sharma’s Hero. Genius. Legend. Quest is the path that will lead to small, but powerful actions that make a huge impact.

Robin’s renowned approach to peak performance training, combined with Mindvalley’s Quests platform, lets you cut through procrastination and dial into your genius.

Throughout the Quest, you’ll get daily 10-20 minute rituals and practices to form the habits that make the world’s top performers who they are today.
The Hero. Genius. Legend. Quest is the EXACT STRATEGY Robin He has taught world-famous athletes, legendary Olympic medalists, and extraordinary world leaders. CEOTo form successful habits, s
Imagine discovering the success strategy to…

Build Your Business Genius.
Be the Hero Your Story
Meet and conquer your challenges
Step by step, transform your growth
Reach what you thought was impossible Legend

At the end of your 66 day journey, you’ll be committed to your mastery…

Because your habits determine your happiness.

Robin’s guided and strategic Quest will show you daily tactics, methods, and tools to Think like a Hero- Perform like a GeniusLive like a… Legend.

4 Reasons You are Destined to Greatness With This Program
1. The Result of 20+ years of leadership training experience
Over the past 20+ year, I have had the privilege of coaching hundreds geniuses and legends around the globe. Robin Sharma He has perfected a process that can invoke legendary results in students such as you. You can reap all of the benefits of this program by making Robin Sharma Your coach for 66 consecutive days.
2. Daily repetition to propel you into productivity
This Quest aims to transform your energy, install new methodologies and tools to make big things happen with it… so all of us can elevate the world in the process. It’s a calling that will be ingrained in your bones long after you’ve finished the Quest.
3. Powerful psychology that creates high-performance habits
The guided practices that you’ll have will build on themselves daily, for a total 66 days to solidify habits of success. This Quest is designed to provide you with days of discovery and strategically positioned days for the implementation of your new skills. The Quest platform allows you to take your time between each skill, practice, and master it step by step, for life-changing shifts and productivity.
4. It’s Not Just A Program But A Community That Propels You Forward
This Quest aims to transform your energy, install new methodologies and tools to make big things happen with it… so all of us can elevate the world in the process. It’s a calling that will be ingrained in your bones long after you’ve finished the Quest.
Here’s everything you get when you enroll:

Complete 66-Day Quest designed for you Think like a hero, act as a genius, and perform like a legend.
Start the race for your legendary self on September 2nd 2019 With thousands of others.
Support for the community Group mastermind with a lively group of like-minded people-Students who are open-minded
An Unconditional 10-Day money-back guarantee You can be confident that this course is right for you once you have started the quest.
And Award-winning customer support So you always have someone to turn to if you have a problem.

Get Mindvalley, Robin Sharma – Hero Genius Legend 2019 Get it now!