Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass


With less than $12 in her account, Lisa A single mother, she barely had enough money to buy pampers for her son. File Size: 12.82 GB

Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass

Brought To You By One Of The World’s Most Successful And Sought-After Speaking Coaches

Join Lisa Nichols On A 30-Day Quest To Uncover Your Unique Voice, Speak With a steadfast confidence, you can achieve Inspire The lives of everyone you talk to

Whether You’re In An Intimate 1-On-1 Meeting, Or You’re In Front Of An Audience Of A 1000, Learn How To Use Lisa’s Techniques That Have Made Her One Of The Greatest Communicators Of Our Time.

Join Speak & Inspire Quest on October 15, 2018 with thousands of students, to transform yourself into an outstanding speaker.
This Program is a Good Idea

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What You’ll Learn

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No matter who you are, or what situation you are in in life…
Would you agree that…
If you want to move the world… If you want people to pay attention to you… If you want to get your ideas heard… If you want to get that next raise or promotion… If you want to get to know that next guy or girl…
… You need to be able to interact and Engage people in a masterful and positive way
What do you think? Are you positive or negative?
Ask yourself this question:
Do you believe that communication, inspiration, persuasion, and motivation are qualities that you possess? and If you had the right guidance, you could learn how to lift people up.
Once again… What do you think? Do you think yes or no?
Let me tell you, the answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes “Yes, Yes!”
Masterful speaking is an art and Storytelling can be a life-changing skill. and the life of others, AND it’s a skill anyone can learn.
This is something that nobody knows better than I. Lisa Nichols.
Lisa Nichols
Mindvalley awarded the World Most Democratic Workplace Award 8 Year Running for Workplace Happiness and Nicereply.com has named them as the Top Ten in Customer Service Worldwide. So, when you order from MindvalleyYou know that your happiness is our top priority.

The Day Lisa Nichols Found Her Voice — And How It Saved Her Life And Inspired The World.
Get your instant download Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass
1994 Lisa Nichols In her own words, she was “broke and broken.”
With less than $12 in her account, Lisa One mom was struggling to make ends meet for her baby boy.
She had almost nothing and the odds of ever getting out of poverty were stacked against herself.
At the time, the only thing she had, something she could call hers, was a voice.
In a moment of desperate need, she stood in front her bathroom mirror. She imagined herself speaking in front of thousands. She didn’t leave out any detail. The laughter. The tears. The soul-She would inspire her audience with stirring moments that would keep them on the edge of their seats.
This vivid image was her message. and mission.
And in an instant, she discovered that…
The world could be changed by the right words spoken at the right moment and in the right manner.
Since 1997, Lisa Her words have touched millions of lives around the globe.
From her appearance in The Secret, a 2007 film that was a huge success, where she was voted as the #1 most requested teacher.
To appear on primetime TV shows such as Oprah and The Steve Harvey Show moves viewers across America and The world. (Her interview on Steve Harvey has been viewed more than 40 million times online.
People from all walks of life have been inspired by her to take action that they wouldn’t have otherwise.
Imagine… Lisa He was able to escape a life of struggle and To be the success she is today, you must overcome your fear of being insufficient. and Be the only African American woman to make her company public.
It all started when she learned to speak. and inspiring.
Yes, words can be powerful. More than most of our imaginations can handle.
Many people never have the opportunity to see the impact their voices can have on the world. For many people, speaking up in public can cause overwhelming anxiety and panic. and even fear.

Why most people are afraid to speak up and struggle to find their voice
Survey after survey has shown that people fear public speaking more than death.
Think about that for a moment…
Many people would rather die than meet their fellow humans. and Publicly speak your mind.
If this rings true for you, you’re not alone.
Millions of people become paralysed from fear of judgement and doubt. and Before they can ever share what is in their hearts, alienation is a common fate. This is often the most devastating loss that any of us could suffer on any given day. We all have an innate desire to communicate as social beings. To connect.
To put into words the desires of our souls.
It is just as bad as going against your nature to suppress your voice.
If you’ve ever found yourself holding yourself back from speaking up — Even though you knew you should — just remember…
It’s not your fault.
Our society trains us and Our education to “keep our thoughts to ourselves” and To “not rock the boat.”
And slowly but surely, we begin doubting ourselves every time we’re told that “if you have nothing good to say, don’t say anything at all.”
This advice has never done anything for anyone except to silence their voices when they are most in need. and Do not take away a message from your heart that could inspire someone else.
It becomes easier if it’s not checked for long enough. and easier to convince ourselves that maybe… Our own voice really doesn’t really matter at all.
Your voice matters. Not only because of the potential impact it could have on someone else’s life, but also the impact it could have on yours.
As Lisa says…
“The distance between YOU and everything you’ve ever DESIRED, is your language, your communication, and your voice.”
Which is what led her to create…

The Speak & Inspire Quest, A Extraordinary Life-A Changing Program to Help You Use Your Voice To Create Positive Change For Others and You
Fun, methodical steps-By-Step by step journey to self-discovery that will enable you to find your voice, and develop your message and Tell a story that inspires your audience.
Each day of this program. Lisa The tools will be revealed and These are the techniques that made her a global public speaker sensation. These techniques will help you to grow your confidence and make your life easier. and More people gravitate towards your persona and Your message will be heard by everyone and mission.
And you’ll experience this profound transformation in the span of one month,
This Is Not Just A Course — It’s a 30-Day Coaching Program Mindvalley’s New Quest Learning Platform — So You Learn At Up To 500% Better Than Conventional Courses
So here’s what we found.…
Traditional methods of taking courses are to invest in the course. and You can study it in your own time, for approximately 8 hours.-10 hours. Some people might do it over a weekend. and Others might extend it over several months.
But you’re doing it by yourself, and It lacks accountability and excitement.
Speak & Inspire The following is the run on Mindvalley Quests learning platform, so what happens is you’re going to go through the program along with thousands of others under real-Time guidance Lisa Nichols.
This learning platform was launched in November 2016 and has doubled student completion. and engagement rates.

How the Quest App Works

1. Your Quest begins with everyone else on October 15, 2018.

2. Daily guidance for 30 days

3. You grow dramatically in just 10 – 20 minutes a day
Meet Your Speaking Coach Lisa Nichols
Lisa Nichols He is widely regarded as one of the best speaking coaches in the country today. and Her ability to command a scene and inspire audiences globally has placed her among the very best orators in history — alongside legends like Martin Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, Nelson Mandela and more.
But before Lisa She was the #1 most sought-after teacher in The Secret. Her life was filled with unimaginable scarcity. and struggle.
1994 Lisa was a single mom barely surviving on government assistance living in South Central, L.A. And with only $11.42 to her name, she didn’t have enough money to even buy diapers for her young child — resorting to using a towel as a desperate substitution. This was the lowest point of her life and it became the fuel for one of the most extraordinary journeys of self-discovery.-transformation.
Today, Lisa She is one of only two African American women who has made Motivating the Masses Inc. public. She is also the author of six best-sellers-Books are selling well, including No Matter What, a New York Times bestseller.
In addition to her numerous media appearances on prime time TV — shows like Oprah, The Today Show, The Steve Harvey Show, and Extra just to name a few — Lisa’s outreach program for teens has touched the lives of 211,650 young men and Women prevented over 3800 teen suicides and supported 2,500 dropouts returning to school. and It has helped thousands of families reunite.
As Seen on:
Lisa’s heart-Feelings appearance on Steve Harvey Show went viral, with 40+ millions views.
Lisa A staple speaker at A-Fest and He has spoken at every event since 2010

What You’ll Learn

How to Speak & Inspire Quest Will Transform you into an Effortlessly Confident and Inspiring Communicator

After completing the 30,-Day Speak & Inspire Quest,

you will…
Uncover Your Voice and Own It

You will quickly discover a special skill as you go through this program. and powerful message embedded deep in your heart which you can’t help but want to share with the world. That will give you the courage to speak up and Stand up for the causes you care about.
Naturally Touch the Lives Of People You Interact

Use the techniques Lisa You will automatically become a more magnetic communicator if you share this Quest and Pay attention to the people around and listen to what they say.
Find your most authentic self

You will find a new clarity in your authentic self as you continue to do daily exercises. You’ll also discover that this is the key to creating deeper levels of connection with your audience, which will earn you their trust and loyalty.
Learn to be a master storyteller

As you do more than just transmit information, watch people fall in love with your company. and Instead, let’s share our emotions-Driven stories that capture the hearts and From start to finish, your listeners’ minds will be captivated.
Develop Unshakable Confidence

Get rid of the nervousness and Anxiety that most people feel before speaking publicly is like dust on your shoulder. and you’ll start carrying yourself with a level of confidence that demands the attention of anyone you talk to.
Engage a Audience (As Small as One or As Large As 1000).

You will feel more comfortable speaking on public stages, regardless of whether you intend to do so.and even willing to) speak to any crowd in a way that keeps them enthralled… Regardless of the topic.
Tap Into the Hearts of Your Audience

Learn how you can operate from a place that is filled with compassion and great care and Understanding your customer’s needs will allow you to better serve them and Your audience’s needs.
What Some Of The World’s Leading Figures Have Said About Lisa Nichols

“Truly winning the hearts of her audiences.”
Laughter can bring you to your knees and Right back to laughter again. More than a great orator Lisa She is able to win hearts and minds of her audience.

Dr. Jim Turrell
Founder and Pastor of Center for Spiritual Living

“I had a paradigm shift.”
After a 1-Day training with LisaI experienced a paradigm shift and 32 women were able to participate. and Participate in my launch of GREATful Woman. In 6 months, my database grew rapidly from 200 to 4,000 people. and I earned more than $48K and wrote a book and Launched an entire line of merchandise

Stephanie Bavaro
CEO and Founder of GREATful Woman

“Life will never be the same.”
Nicole Roberts Jones, a talented speaker who has spoken in front of audiences as large as 15,000 people, couldn’t break through her money conversation and Any income. After coaching with Lisa’s master facilitators and Lisa Nicole was able, in just one month, to generate $10K. She is also expected generate more than $220K annually. Her life will never again be the same.

Nicole Roberts Jones
Founder and CEO of Imani Corporation

“Lisa is an incredibly gifted individual.”
Lisa She is an exceptional individual in her ability inspire, motivate and is highly skilled and All ages can be empowered. It has been a privilege to work alongside some of the greatest speakers in the world. As a speaker Lisa She ranks with the best. She is unrivaled as a facilitator.

Barry Spilchuk
Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, The New York Times Bestseller Series

Information about the program

This is how we structured our business Speak & Inspire So you can get quick, lasting results in the shortest possible time

Speak & Inspire contains tools, techniques and As you gain confidence, exercises that build on each other will help you feel more confident and Inspirational speaker It is divided into four parts.

Part 1: Awareness: Power of Your Voice and Message

Part 1 takes 6 days
In this period of Speak & Inspire, you’ll first take a look inwards as you explore your unique gifts and Discovering, owning, and using your talents as a speaker and Use the power of your voice.
Highlights include:
Learn why language is both one of the fastest disconnectors and one of the most powerful connectors of all time. and How your voice can be the doorway to your most pressing needs and desires.

Discover a simple tool to measure the power of your voice so you can quickly tell just how much of an impact you’re having on the people you engage with.

Learn how to enroll and Learn how to craft your words so that you can add value to the lives of all who come in contact with.

Use the Mirror Exercise to discover your authentic voice. This will allow you connect with your audience on an even deeper level than ever before.

Understanding the essence of a truly loving heart-thumping, soul-An inspiring story and how to craft a mesmerizing story (even if you don’t think you have a story share) that will touch the heart of any listener, leaving them more inspired and motivated.

And so much more…
Part 2: Define the Results and The Experience of Your Listener

Part 2: 7 Days
Are your words connecting with your listeners well? This is the second part. Lisa It will help you to identify the most important aspects of the people that you want to reach so that you can connect with your audience at a deep level-Level and Inspire them to take action.
Highlights include:
A simple technique can help you get rid of the overwhelming fear and anxiety that paralyzes the vast majority of people before they speak, so you can carry yourself with effortless confidence in front of any sized audience — whether it’s one or 1000.

Make a clear decision about the way you want influence others and Your interactions with others will have a profound impact on your passion. This one action alone will unlock a new level passion and So that you can connect with your audience deeper and more meaningfully, you must be a strong advocate for the causes that are important to you.

Find out the difference between confrontational and non-confrontational and being “care-frontational”, and A minor shift in intention could cause a significant shift in behavior and You can heal any communication tensions you might have with the people you love most.

Experience a powerful exercise that will quickly pinpoint the sort of speaker you wish to be — whether it’s informational, motivational, transformational, and more.

Learn how to do more than just educate. and instead start inspiring so that your listeners can’t help but pay attention (and Will continue to search for you again and Please try again and again).

Two prerecorded Q&A coaching calls with Lisa Nichols Day 8.

And so much more…
Part 3: Muscles are developed through action

Part 3 is 12 Days
Get your instant download Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass
This is the third part. Lisa You will be taught a variety of powerful techniques that she has used to make her a world-renowned instructor.-She is today’s class speaker. One of her techniques can instantly raise your level.-Your speaking ability should be improved. Use them all. and you’ll be in a league of your own.
Highlights include:
Learn how to make your audience trust you and You can open your mind by creating a “safe environment” — free of judgement or repercussion — so you can start engaging with an audience (rather than talking to audience).

These three techniques will transform your audience into active listeners and passive listeners. They will be so absorbed in your words that they won’t be distracted by anything (not even a Facebook notification).

Your body language can be used to reinforce your message and Your words will have an even greater impact if you use them. Often, it’s the smallest of gestures that can make the biggest difference in how well your message is received.

Use the “Echo, Repeat, Respond” This technique will instantly create a place where your audience feels like they are part of the conversation. This is the key to building trust. and loyalty.

Learn the art of “Verbal Highlights” to create emphasis on vital elements of your message, grabbing your listener’s attention, and Keeping your audience engaged from start to finish is key. (You’ll also be busting important myths about what many people think is needed to hold people’s attention.)

Discover your potential “Valley Journey” — This is one of the most, if not the most, powerful techniques to connecting with over 98% of the people who listen to your message. Do this. and you’ll not only find your most powerful message, but you’ll also create a wild following from your audience.

Get certified “The Pregnant Pause” technique, and Find out why sometimes silence can have more impact than a stream or well.-Crafted words. (This may be one of the most risky techniques you’ll learn but when you nail it, you amplify the impact of your message by at least 10x.)

Learn how to combine all the techniques into one story. and Watch how quickly people fall for you and Your message.

One prerecorded Q&A coaching call with Lisa Nichols Day 20

And so much more…
Part 4: Speaking to 1 – 100

Part 4 is for 5 days
In the final stretch of this Quest, you’ll learn how to tie all the techniques you’ve learned together and How to incorporate it in any talk, speech, presentation or presentation that you give to make a huge impact. This is true for both public speaking and private speaking. and Non-Public speaking environments
Highlights include:
How to increase your connection and enroll more effectively and engage your audience.

Discover the 6 essential elements of non-Public impactful speaking can improve your relationships with your loved one and The people who mean the most to your heart.

Learn how to reach people across multiple platforms so that you can touch people around the world. and How to do it while remaining true to your uniqueness and authenticity.

You can add the right music to your talks to increase impact and evoke positive emotions. and Your content will be cherished by your audience.

And so much more…
Bonus: Guided Visualization Exercise Lisa Nichols
A powerful visualization exercise, called “Visionary Exercise,” will be included in the program. “Dreams Unlocked: You The Master Speaker” Absolutely free. This visualization will be included as part of the warm up content for the quest and Once you purchase the program, it will be available immediately.

Bonus: A Cinematic Motivational Video featuring Original Cinematics Lisa Nichols
You will also receive a unique cinematic video shot by Mindvalley This feature Lisa Nichols called “Nobody Can Do You Better Than You” Absolutely free. This will be included within the warm-up content of the quest and Once you purchase the program, it will be available immediately.

“I’ve definitely found my voice. I’m using my voice…I’m improving people’s lives with my voice.”

Phineas Newborn III

“Finding my voice and finding its purpose and then owning my voice.”

Anthony Hawkins

“This is quite frankly the most empowering transformational online course I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

Linet Andrea

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Our Commitment to Leading Edge Education at Affordable Prices for All
These are the typical tuition fees for programs of this caliber. A speaking coach will teach you techniques to become a powerful and persuasive speaker over a period 30 days.-days… will typically cost you thousands of dollars.
Except, you’re not being taught be any speaking coach. You’re being taught by Lisa NicholsOne of the most ingenious is-Demand and highest-Today’s paid speaking coaches are highly paid. (Students often pay premium prices to be coached). Lisa.)
Get your instant download Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass
But since we’re committed to getting this to as many people as possible, and we’re committed to creating the best programs in the world in our categories (like the art of powerful communication), we’re delivering them at a fraction of the regular price since we have economies of scale.
This program is valued at $1.095.
This program is only available for a limited time. Mindvalley’s catalogue, you can enroll at the small investment of $495.

Don’t Decide Now — Try Speak & Inspire For 10 Days
Register now and go through the materials to take the next 10 days of risk.-You can cancel within 10 days of Quest’s start. You can then decide whether you want to keep the program.
And if you’re not over-The-moon with your results, simply email our team via [email protected] and Your entire investment will be immediately refunded. It’s that easy.
So get started now. You have nothing to loose, but you can gain a whole new world.

Get Four Powerful Advantages Now!
By becoming a student in our program Lisa Nichol’ new program on Mindvalley Academy, Speak & Inspire, you’ll get FOUR special opportunities that will never ever be available in the future. Here’s what they are and why…

1. This is the best price you will ever find
A coaching program like this usually costs $1,095 (Note: An in-depth coaching program can cost up to $2,500).-Person coaching Lisa Nichols These can cost thousands of dollars per person. Learning how to be a powerful speaker is one of the most valuable investments you can make in helping your mission come to fruition. and We want to inspire others around it, and we want this to reach as many people as we can. For attendees of the Masterclass we have dropped the price by $600… when you order today.

2. Join thousands of others Speak & Inspire Students on October 15, 2008
Speak & Inspire Quest is not a regular selves-Study course. It combines the best of both traditional and modern self.-Study course and Online seminar with the added effectiveness and efficiency of an obstacle course/micro-Learning experience. Which means that you’ll be joining this 30-Day Speak & Inspire Quest with thousands of like-minded people-minded students who’ll encourage you, help you overcome challenges, and Push you to push yourself beyond your limits. And Lisa Nichols You will always have your back. This experience is only possible through enrollment.

3. Gain direct access to Lisa Nichols She herself
This batch of enrollment Speak & Inspire, you will have an opportunity to experience three prerecorded Q&A sessions with Lisa Nichols Here she answers personal questions and Questions thrown by Speak and Inspire students. Her loving wisdom will amaze you.
It’s going to be a fun session with the woman that Vishen credits for helping him become the speaker, trainer and He is a teacher today (Lisa Vishen has been coached by him for 7 years. He will coach Vishen for an hour. Sessions like these are not included in the program and can cost thousands of dollars.
You’re getting it FREE when you enroll now.

4. Our 10-Day (from the beginning of the program), No-Questions-Ask Money-Back Guarantee
We know that this works. Vishen Lakhiani has been coached by LisaShe is mentioned in his New York Times bestselling book. and It had Lisa Not only are you there for every A-Fest event, but she also gives the closing speech at half the events, because she is so good.
It’s not just that. Lisa America’s most admired entertainer. and Through her appearances on primetime TV shows such as Oprah, she has reached the rest of the world and The Steve Harvey Show (the interview went viral online with 40,000,000 views). and counting). We know that this is one of the best programs you can invest in.
However, in the unlikely event that you aren’t completely blown away by the course, even if you just don’t like the color of the cover, please contact our support team for a prompt and courteous refund.
Our support team is available at Mindvalley Nicereply.com ranked Nicereply.com as the best customer support team in the world. This means that you can literally try this free of cost for 10 days. and If this does not meet all your expectations, you can get a full refund.

We’ve Got Your Back:

Award-Win with Customer Support
As Mindvalley’s Customer Happiness Manager, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with this course. Our support staff consistently ranks among the top of all companies using NiceReply. This service scores customer support service. Know that you can always reach us via our support center, or directly at [email protected], or call 1 888 597 8384 (Monday to Friday, 7am – 7pm Pacific Time).

Enjoy peace of mind and all that is more Mindvalley’s Triple Satisfaction Guarantee:
Advantage 1 Results — We work only with the best teachers and Courses that produce incredible results.

Advantage 2 Quality — Mindvalley It is well-known for its world-class customer service, design and reputation. and Learning Experience.

Advantage 3 You’re Safe — this means you can enroll in this Quest and claim a full and Refunds are available anytime before October 15th 2018 (Enroll now).
Kristi Anier

Customer Happiness Manager
Click the “Add to Cart” Click and Try Speak & Inspire Now

Here’s everything you get when you order:
Lifetime Access to the 30,-Day Speak & Inspire Quest by Lisa Nichols.

Start the race to masterful communications on October 15th 2018 with thousands of other participants.

FREE Warm Up Exercises prior to the start of the Quest

FREE Prerecorded Q&A Coaching Calls with Lisa Nichols.

FREE Mobile App (compatible iOS and Android) so you can enjoy it anywhere, any time.

Get an iPad App for FREE to use on your Apple iPad.

Get Daily Guidance, Video and Audio Coachings starting at Lisa You can get it for 30 days.

Access for life to the Speak & Inspire Facebook Community.

Community Support and Group mastermind with Lisa and A vibrant group student.

A unconditional 10-Day money-The program comes with a 100% money back guarantee, so you can be confident that it is the right fit for you.

And the award-Customer support that you can count on, so you know you’re always taken care.

Plus FREE Bonuses Worth $1059

Bonus: Guided Visualization Exercise Lisa Nichols

Bonus: A Cinematic Motivational Video featuring Original Cinematics Lisa Nichols

 Here’s what you’ll get in Mindvalley – Lisa Nichols – Speak and Inspire Masterclass