Mindvalley, Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance LIVE Aug 2019


If abundance is an inner game, are you playing it right? Do you already know which of the 24 Abundance Blocks are blocking your success with money?Purchase Mindvalley, Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance LIVE Aug 2019 courses at here with PRICE $995 $89 Mindvalley, Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance LIVE Aug 2019If abundance is an inner game, are you playing it right? Do you already know which of the 24 Abundance Blocks are blocking your success with money? Or do you just know something needs to change, so you can start earning and achieving what you’re truly worth?Whatever stage you’re at in your wealth journey, the Unlimited Abundance LIVE experience is the single most powerful and personal way to break free from your Abundance Blocks – with the help of Christie Marie Sheldon’s remarkable energy clearing gift (and her infectious laugh).Once a month for 12 months, you’ll join Christie and a small group of students for a live online group coaching session. Here, she’ll dive deep into your energetic essence… draw on the group’s collective energy… and instantly vanquish the Abundance Blocks silently trapping you in a holding pattern of lack, self-sabotage, unfulfilled potential, and that unmistakable feeling of being helplessly stuck.Since the first Unlimited Abundance LIVE experience in 2011, Christie has used this platform to help over 50,000 people dramatically transform their relationship with money – and welcome the life-changing breakthroughs and opportunities that quickly follow.Today, it’s your turn. And it all begins by understanding…How Abundance Blocks Rob You Of The Wealth & Success You Work So Hard ForGet Mindvalley, Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance LIVE Aug 2019 downloadAbundance Blocks are pieces of subconscious programming that quietly sabotage your ability to attract and retain wealth. There are 24 of them, and they could come from anywhere – your parents, your mentors, your friends, the media and the government. For instance:As a child, did you ever hear your parents complaining about “greedy” and “unethical” rich people, and how the government always sides with them instead of the masses?Did you ever hear that line from the Bible saying it’s harder for a rich man to enter heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?Have you ever watched a movie, listened to a song or read an article that calls money “the root of all evil”?In high school or college, were you ever told that working hard is the only key to success?Silently, sneakily, these influences latch onto your subconscious mind, and form Abundance Blocks in you.And the result is in plain sight. Many of us are saddled with a subconscious fear towards money, because somewhere deep down inside, we relate it to greed and evil. Some of us spend way too much time at work, thinking back-breaking work is the only path to success. We overlook opportunities, we’re often too afraid to invest, we always second-guess ourselves… the list goes on and on.Even Just ONE Unchecked Abundance Block Is Enough To Completely Derail Your LifeWhat if you had an Abundance Block that causes you to believe hard work equals success? You might become the kind of person who works 60, 70, even 80 hours a week. You might come home late every night, and miss countless precious moments with your family and friends. You might even overwork yourself, and end up burnt out or worse.When left unchecked, even one single Abundance Block can ruin your life – and what Christie has found is that most of us have at least half a dozen Abundance Blocks affecting us to varying degrees.So if just one Abundance Block can do so much damage, think about how a multitude of them could be sabotaging your career, your finances and your life as a whole. Picture how they could be holding you back from your true potential, and the wealth and abundance you deserve.Looking at your personal financial and career situation – do you believe it’s possible that Abundance Blocks are holding you back right now? If so, here’s the good news…Investing In Yourself Is The Most Lucrative Investment That You Can Ever MakeUnlike real estate, stocks, or precious metals – there is no risk or volatility in your Unlimited Abundance LIVE investment. That’s because you’re investing in the single most powerful asset you’ll ever encounter in your life: yourself.And what an incredible investment it is. When Christie begins erasing your Abundance Blocks, you’ll gain priceless new levels of clarity, productivity, and performance.You’ll develop a laser-accurate sixth sense for avoiding painful financial mistakes (including the ones you used to make for years).And, you’ll discover an uncanny ability to attract abundant opportunities like metal to a magnet.Christie can’t wait to help you step up to this new reality – which is why…We’re Committed To Making Unlimited Abundance LIVE As Affordable As PossibleIf you were to invest in these live sessions individually, you’d be paying a total of $12,000.But since these are group coaching sessions, the final price won’t be anywhere close to that.In fact, the entire experience is yours for not even not even $10,000, or $9,000 or even $3,000-But just a one-time investment of $2,395.That’s a whole 80% off the total value – for an investment that will pay you back in spades, every day for the rest of your life.What You Get When You Enroll InThe Unlimited Abundance LIVE Coaching Program:12 LIVE online group coaching sessions with Christie Marie Sheldon for erasing your Abundance Blocks – one per month starting August 17th 2019Experience the advanced energy clearing tools normally reserved for Christie’s personal clientsRecordings and transcripts of all 12 live sessions (as they happen) so you can revisit them or catch the ones you missedAn unconditional money-back guarantee starting from the purchase date until August 31st 2019, so you can try the bonus content and the first LIVE session risk-freeAward-winning customer support throughout every step of your journey and beyondPurchase Mindvalley, Christie Marie Sheldon – Unlimited Abundance LIVE Aug 2019 courses at here with PRICE $995 $89Reviews There are no reviews yet.Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.