
Mindfulness Made Easy Course

Original price was: ₹7,050.00.Current price is: ₹2,550.00.


(This course is available and delivery within one day!)People looking for a down-to-earth approach mindfulness and meditation that is based on reason and science.File Size:3.753 GB Format File: [720P 31 MP4, 25 PDF, 9 …

Mindfulness Made Easy Course

Who this course is for:

1People who want to reduce stress and anxiety, understand their minds, and develop more emotional resilience.

2People looking for a down-to-earth approach mindfulness and meditation that is based on reason and science.

3People looking for a structured, 14-day training guide for building a habit of mindfulness that sticks.

Practical Tools For Your Daily Life

14 Days that will will help you to learn how to meditate.
Day 1 – Welcome to the course!

Duration: 9m 57s
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How to get the most out of this course

How to sit in meditation

GUIDED MEDITATION: Learning to rest

Day 2 – What is mindfulness?

Duration: 11m 08s
Mindfulness Explained

Did you know?

GUIDED MEDITATION: Mindful Breathing

Day 3 – Returning Your Attention to the Present

Duration: 13m 31s
Coming back to the breath

GUIDED MEDITATION: Coming back with patience

Day 4 – Building Concentration

Duration: 13m 16s
The Monkey Mind

GUIDED MEDITATION: Labeling the breath

Day 5 – Cutivating Body Awareness

Duration: 13m 39s
Bringing Awareness to the Body

GUIDED MEDITATION: Body Scan Meditation

Day 6 – Practicing Mindful Listening

Duration: 12m 15s
Being Aware of Sounds in the Environment

GUIDED MEDITATION: Mindful Listening

Day 7 – Equanimity

Duration: 12m 46s
Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos

GUIDED MEDITATION: Practicing Equanimity

Day 8 – Obstacle #1: A Hyperactive Mind

Duration: 13m 23s
Clouds in the Sky

GUIDED MEDITATION: Letting thoughts come and go

Day 9 – Obstacle #2: Distractions

Duration: 13m 31s
That Which Gets in the Way of Your Task…

GUIDED MEDITATION: Focusing on Distractions

Day 10 – Obstacle #3: Difficult Emotions

Duration: 12m 57s
Hello, Old Friend

GUIDED MEDITATION: Inviting Everything in For Tea

Day 11 – Obstacle #4: Pain In The Body

Duration: 14m 41s
Finding Your Edge

GUIDED MEDITATION: Meditating with pain

Day 12 – Obstacle #5: Doubt

Duration: 11m 28s
Working with doubt

GUIDED MEDITATION: Noticing Doubt in the Mind

Day 13 – Loving-Kindness

Duration: 13m 47s
Cultivating Care for Others


Day 14 – Bringing it All Together

Duration: 11m 07s
Bringing it All Together


Upon completion of the course, you will be able to:

Confidently practice mindfulness in any situation.

Master the key concepts and practices of mindfulness meditation.

Identify and overcome the 5 most common obstacles in meditation.

Release stress and anxiety from the body using the mindful body-scan technique.

Feel more at peace, even in high stress situations.

Easily sit in meditation for long periods without feeling anxiety or restlessness.

Feel connected to the present moment more frequently throughout the day.

Have an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

Finish meditation sessions feeling more calm and relaxed.

Bounce back from anxiety attacks and emotional difficulties more quickly than before.

Develop a consistent meditation habit that feels joyful and is sustainable.

What you’ll learn

Master expert-level techniques and practices of mindfulness meditation.
Meditate anytime and anywhere with ease and confidence
Deepen body awareness and relaxation using the mindful body-scan technique.
Develop a daily meditation practice that is enjoyable and sustainable.
Overcome the 5 most common obstacles in mindfulness practice.

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