MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette


Hi, my name is Mike Gillette and I am a performance coach.Over the past 30 years, I have helped over 10,000 students attain peak mental performance so they can achieve their greatest goals and transform their lives.I Have Provided Mental Performance Strategies To:The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) ​The United States Marine Corps. (USMC)​The United States Air Force (USAF)​Special Forces Units​Olympic Wrestlers​High-Level Entrepreneurs​​International Champions in Combat Sports (like Muay Thai & Boxing)​Members of Cirque du Soleil​And countless more…My Own Life Story Is Rather Unusual…I Have Lived As:An Army ParatrooperA SWAT Commander ​A Member of the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame​A Counter-Terrorism Consultant to the Department of Homeland Security​A Bodyguard to Billionaires and Celebrities (such as Warren Buffett & Sylvester Stallone)​A Record-Breaking Strongman who has been featured on Ripley’s Believe it or Not & Guinness World RecordsGet MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette, Only Price $25I am not sharing this with you to brag or boast, but simply to illustrate that I have an intimate understanding of what it takes to achieve even your most difficult goals.With a background like that, most people would assume that I was always “mentally tough”.But The Truth Is, I Used To Be Weak And AfraidOf Pretty Much Everything…You see…Growing up, I watched helplessly as my stepfather ruthlessly beat up my mother.One night, after having her head beaten against the living room wall, my mother went to the doctor.A brain tumor was discovered. After a year of treatment, she died.I was just 15 then.I descended into drugs and alcohol, as much and as often as I could.In February 1981, at the age of 18, I decided that I finally had enough.I checked into a motel, consumed a ridiculous amount of booze and painkillers and laid down on the bed waiting to die.Much to my surprise, I woke up the next day.Which led me to conclude two things…One, I must be hard to kill.And two, perhaps there’s a reason why I am still alive.I decided that I wanted to lead a different life… to live as differently as possible from who I used to be.But Change Did Not Come Easy…I felt completely powerless to stop my stepfather from beating my mother.Without even realizing it, I had mentally conditioned myself to be weak.Despite wanting to transform my life, I was afraid of failing and doubtful of my own ability to succeed.To make things worse, I would often feel like I have no energy or motivation to pursue the goals I have set for myself.And during the times I manage to pick myself up and get started, I would get easily distracted and lose focus on my tasks.In a desperate attempt to change my circumstances, I read every self-help book I could find.Most of what I learned did not help much, but they all seemed to suggest that you “think positively”.The problem was I rarely believed my own positive thoughts and I would often blame myself for any negative thoughts.Thoughts like…“Why can’t I just be more positive?”“What’s wrong with me?”And this would just lead me back to a vicious cycle of negative thoughts.I knew that unless I changed the way I thought, nothing in my life was ever going to change.But the question was: How?It Wasn’t Until One Faithful Day That My Life Truly Began To Change…I had worked up just enough energy and motivation to drag myself to the gym.Having poisoned my body with drugs and alcohol for years, I figured that working out would at least make my body stronger.While struggling to perform a pull-up, I was struck with the sudden realization that “thinking positively” was just like performing a pull up.If you lacked the physical strength to perform a pull-up, you won’t be able to perform a pull-up until you have strengthened your body sufficiently.That might seem like a very obvious statement…But just as it requires physical strength to perform a pull-up, it requires mental strength to stay positive and focused on the task at hand.The reason why I couldn’t transform my life was simply because I lacked mental strength.Most people would find it obvious that if you wanted a strong body, you would need to train your body.But what most people don’t realize is that the same is true for the mind…Get MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette, Only Price $25If you want a strong mind, you need to strengthen your mind.The truth is, most people simply lack the mental strength to think positively and stay focused when confronted with adversity.And that is the BIGGEST reason why most people fail to create the life they want.But it’s not their fault either…Most people have at least some understanding of physical exercise…But when it comes to mental training, there is very little that is known about it.Over The Past 30+ Years, I Have Relentlessly Studied Everything On The Subject On Mental Training…I have studied and applied methodologies from law enforcement, military training, sports psychology, hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming and countless other mental training methods.Mental training helped me to not only recover from a crippling accident that shattered my back and my ankles…It also allowed me to perform record-breaking mental stunts that were documented by Ripley’s Believe it or Not and Guinness World Records.As a SWAT Commander, mental training literally kept me alive by helping to stay calm and focused even during the most life-threatening situations.My extensive research and practical understanding of mental performance led me to become a trainer for Special Forces Units, the FBI, the DEA, Cirque du Soleil, a Fortune 50 company, and many other elite organizations which regularly operate in high stakes circumstances.For over 30+ years, my mental training methods have remained accessible only to the most elite performers in the world…But because I want to be able to reach and impact more people, I am going to give you the opportunity to access these exclusive techniques that I have developed over a lifetime.Introducing…These mindset techniques are the most potent, powerful, and practical exercises you’ll ever experience for unleashing your greatest human potential.Even just ONE of these unconventional exercises can give you a stronger sense of confidence – and you can feel it as soon as tonight.Get MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette, Only Price $25It doesn’t matter who you are, where you’re from, or how insecure you feel…The Maximal Mindset Exercise Library can and will work for you.You do not need any special equipment… it does not require you to do any weird mystical rituals… and you do not need to spend hours a day to see results from this.Because what you’re getting right now is simple, easy, and highly effective for giving you mastery over your mind… in just 7 minutes a day.Try These Simple Exercises And You Will:Experience a razor-sharp spike in your CONFIDENCE – making you exude an undeniably attractive energy… so you’re always feeling deeply relaxed and in-control in almost any situation.Acquire elite-level mastery over your FOCUS – giving you the near-amazing ability to achieve your biggest goals for the day… almost effortlessly… so you can feel successful and satisfied when your head hits your pillow at night.​Unlock your unlimited source of ENERGY – allowing you to glide through your toughest weekdays and tackle your biggest challenges… so you still have enough juice left for socializing, hitting the gym, or taking on new hobbies.​Tap into your hidden reservoir of MOTIVATION – so you’re filled to the brim with joy, excitement, and an overwhelming urge to be your best self… all without feeling anxious about what people think of you.​Discover your indestructible sense of DISCIPLINE – so every day, you’re finally creating the amazing life you’ve always desired (and realizing it’s a lot easier and energizing than you imagined) without constantly feeling insecure.​And so much more…Just imagine…In a few short minutes from now, you’ll kick back, relax, and try ONE of these simple mindset techniques…And in less than 7 minutes, you’ll feel a wave of relief gently flow over your body… you’ll experience a satisfying “glimpse” of the potential inside you this very moment… and you’ll fall into a deep sleep knowing that tomorrow is going to feel much better than today…Because you’ll finally discover that yes, it’s very possible for you to radically alter your life and your confidence… just like it has for 10,000+ everyday people like yourself.Get MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette, Only Price $25Tag: MindBoss Academy – Mike Gillette  Review. 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