Mimic Method – English Master Class


The Fastest Way to Fix Your Hearing & Pronunciation. Many people are intimidated by the idea of speaking a foreign language… and maybe you feel the same way. Isn’t it too complicated and time consuming? Or even embarrassing? It’s time to realize that unblocking your hearing and pronunciation in a foreign language is It is a huge benefit for you…

Mimic Method – English Master Class

The Fastest Way to Fix Your Hearing & Pronunciation
Many people are intimidated by the idea of speaking a foreign language… and maybe you feel the same way. Isn’t it too complicated and time consuming? Or even embarrassing? It’s time to realize that unblocking your hearing and pronunciation in a foreign language is a massive advantage for you.
By learning the simple techniques for developing awareness and control of your mouth, you are removing the biggest obstacle to your ability to speak more like a native and understand the language in conversation. It will be easier to learn how your mouth works and how it sounds. English.
What You’ll Get in this 3-Part Course

Video Tools

Access to over 6 hours video lectures with polyglot Idahosa Nesse for life
IPA Mastery

Custom-Flash Card Deck made so that you can learn the International Phonetic Alphabet of English
Training Exercises

Multimedia hearing & pronunciation training exercises so you can practice each sound daily

The 42 Elemental Sounds English Master Class
Master All the Elemental Sounds of American can be heard and pronounced. English In a series of lectures with Idahosa Ness.
Archive: http://archive.is/e0eyS