Million Dollar Content Creator – Katrina Ruth


I’ve had a new download.It came to me yesterday, right after (of course!) my team and I finished putting together a new sales page for an offer I THOUGHT I’d let you at today! My brother, Katrina Ruth Show COO Ash, just needed me to get back to him on one or two things and then we were ready!Well –I journaled a couple interesting little points in the afternoon yesterday … kept trying to pull away from it, for some reason! Prob ’cause I knew we HAD a damn offer! But, it just kept coming out –“Affirmation: I create to create. I create what I must, and what is coming out of meooohhhh … a course on this … people need a course on this!Million Dollar CreatorMillion Dollar Content MachineThe Multi 7-Figure Content Machine FormulaThe Multi 7-Figure Content CreatorMillion Dollar Content MachineMillion Dollar Content Creatorhmmm…”I let it go.Responsibly ignored my brother’s messages all night.Watched LaLaLand with our sis Jessa (The Katrina Ruth Show Growth Ninja!).Ate many peanut M&Ms. (poor life choice, intolerant to peanuts!)It did not go away.Don’t you love when an idea just DEMANDS it be brought to life?!I guess what I’m trying to say is –MILLION DOLLAR CONTENT CREATOR is officially open for registration!This is the first time I have ever gone deep into the inner game as well as the day to day process around being a CONTENT MACHINE WHO SHOWS UP FROM PURPOSE AND MAKES MILLIONS, DOING WHAT THE LOVE AND ON THEIR TERMS!Tagline? Could be that –WORK WITH ME FOR XXX AND I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO BECOME A PURPOSE-LED CONTENT MACHINE WHO MAKES MILLIONS, DOING WHAT YOU LOVE, ON YOUR TERMS … WITHOUT COMPROMISING A SINGLE.FUCKING.THING.YOU VALUE!Bit long  we’ll let that one simmer for a bit!I’ll write up more about this later today or tomorrow, but you know … it’s not as though you’ll likely read it all anyway!What I DO know already is this –This course is demanding to come out. It’s TIME. It’s also quite bizarre I’ve never ever thought to do this before, considering it’s literally how I’ve built this whole damn empire!I will teach you how to create, launch and sell (ONLY from flow) low-ticket right through to high-ticket, all simply based on your message, soul truth, crazy being unleashedI’ll also teach time manifestation / expansion, exactly what you need to DO each day as far as both the content but also how best to leverage that shit … and exactly how to DO it (aka access the true soul message which people RESPOND to)I’ll show you how I ‘do it all’ and still have so much free time and space. What to ignore / pay no mind to. What to delegate, also how to find soulmate peeps to support you and delegate TO. I will save you SO much time by showing you all the shit (and there’s a lot!) which you REALLY don’t need to do to make it in this industry.I’ll teach you my BEST mindset tricks on staying laser focused to YOUR truth, having your blinders on, accessing higher self, spirit, source, the BLUEPRINT, and then rolling that shit out like a proBranding, the Kat way. Meaning – lighting a fire in the asses of your soul peeps where they then can’t say no to you and wouldn’t WANNA, all the while conveniently pissing everyone else off … okay, nicely moving them along How to automate the shiz-niz out of all of this AS YOU GO – reverse engineering of funnels, automated income streams, marketing that works FOR you … while you sleeping  … I’ve always done all this stuff backwards to everyone, and that’s why it is so quick and easy for me, and it’s also why I built the biz to millions FIRST. Cause I did what really moved the needle first.Calling in your soulmate peeps – from followers to low-ticket spenders to your inner circle badasses!Creating ‘hell yes no brainer offers which make them scream yes!’My launch ‘formula’, exactly how I roll shit out, including my sales page formula, sales email and social media process, etc‘Swipes’ of some of my highest converting from flow sales emails, pages, launches, so you can literally absorb that shit and spit it out from YOUR soul!I’m putting this out there straight away so that we can already get the energy, the momentum and the ball rolling!When something is coming through me, and I’m feeling really lit UP that it’s aligned and meant to be … then that’s what I follow! I ride with that energy. I always tune in for when the right start date is, and for this offer that was New Years Eve BUT we don’t have to wait that long to begin –I’M FEELING IT! Are you?! Haha, I love when I say I have no details yet then it all just pops out!SAY HELL YES to the home study program here and save over 30%(payment plan is also available!) So.There you go.Sleep as much as you want, do what you want, honour your fucking soul, and be a content creator who makes millions on your terms CAUSE THAT’S WHAT YOU WERE BORN FOR BABY.And that’s all there is to say about that!Here is What You Need in PlaceHere is what you need in place for this to work (in no special order):Know your message, as best as you canExpress it daily in some way / shape / formMonetize it daily in some way / shape / formConsistency + disciplineEmbodiment of the leader within, also the storyteller, performer, healerCommitment and follow through around letting the message be the message, the art be the art, and you simply letting said OUT, no editing / critiquing / filteringIntention and alignment to same around income, soulmate peeps finding you, any other ‘markers of success’ which you wish to see take placeAbility and choice to put first things first on a daily basisBlinders onCommitment to the RESPONSIBILITY of doing your soul workAbility to GTF out of your own way when your fear mind tries to tell you you’re not good enough, you can’t, there are things you have to know first in order to be able to message / create / sell, you don’t feel like it, etc … i.e. discipline and consistency NO MATTER WHATContinual connection to the big picture, when in the now it feels like it’s not working, or not working fast enoughSurrenderCommitment to bring YOUR energy, passion, belief to your sales process, as people don’t buy your products, they buy you and your ENERGYCommitment to seeing your bullshit for what it is, and brushing it aside as you continue with all of the aboveWhat you DO NOT NEED BUT YOU MIGHT CHOOSE TO HAVE OR USE:Sales pagesVideo launch-y thingiesProfessional photoshoots, any photoshootsPro website, any websiteA funnelFacebook advertisingA marketing plan (I WOULD DEFINITELY NOT EVEN CHOOSE THIS > IT TAKES YOU OUT OF THE NOW)To pre-plan your launchesTo pre-create content for your programs rather than as you go (would not choose this either, results mostly in pressing PAUSE not play)An existing audience!!Sales calls, sales scripts (I DO NOT USE OR RECOMMEND) – I will teach you what I do for high ticket, it’s not thisTo use all social media platformsAn email listClickfunnels or anything like that (we don’t use it anymore at all)Fancy email autoresponders like InfusionsoftProfessional lighting, any lightingProfessional audio equipmentMembership sites for deliveryA logo or custom graphicsA teamPretty much ANYTHING ELSE WHICH ‘THEY’ SAY YOU HAVE TO HAVE AND DOES NOT INCLUDE WHAT I WROTE ABOVE RE WHAT YOU DO NEEDNow don’t get me wrong –I DO use quite a bit of this stuff now.I have a (very simple pretty messy and never perfect / done / polished) funnel.I use sales pages for most (not all) offers.I use Facebook Ads, but only about 0.5% of revenue goes into this!! Most online content marketers spend up to 60%, even more, of total revenue on Facebook Ads! Because they don’t know how to monetize their message properly and call in soul peeps who will just buy without all the hoops, in my opinion. I did NOT grow my biz with FB ads. And I continue to use them more ‘off and on’ than always on.I do now have professional photos, website, lighting. I only started that after I was making multi-7-figs a year.I do now have an awesome team. Which I adore having! I built the biz myself. No assistants at all for the first few years. Then only a VA till after the 1MM / mark.I started selling to a teeny tiny audience of basically just my real life friends and peeps.I do NOT and NEVER WILL pre-plan any content, launches, marketing, sales process.I built my business literally by speaking my truth on the internet. Without sales pages, without membership sites, without fancy delivery, it was all JUST THE CONTENT.I also built my business to nearly a million a year BEFORE I did ANY high-ticket.Anything extra (as far as all the fancy stuff) came wayyyyyyy later.I do not think I somehow ‘got away with’ not using all these things, I think BECAUSE I ignored them and instead spent all my available time just on content and selling that that is HOW I built this business.And also why I still bother myself only SO minimally with all these extras, and often still forego them.In this course I WILL teach you –The way I do sales pages and let it be SO easy, fast, flowSame for launchingAnd for every element of day to day monetization and messagingI will teach you everything I do!!But most of all I will teach you to PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST, and be in the INNER GAME of being the people who the people pay.And of showing up every day, and getting out of your own way, no matter whatBecause that is how it works.And that’s your FOUNDATION, without it all the rest won’t matter.And it won’t do jack shit.See you IN –MILLION DOLLAR CONTENT CREATOR!You know it’s who you are. Get Million Dollar Content Creator –  Katrina Ruth, Only Price $107Tag: Million Dollar Content Creator –  Katrina Ruth Review. 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