
Mike Thiga – The Muscle Experiment

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(This course is available for immediate delivery!)This Muscle Building System Has Been Proven Time and Time Again To Put On Pounds Of Solid Muscle On Even The Skinniest and Most “Physically Disadvantaged” of People… File Size:17 MB Format File: [14 Ebooks – PDF, 1 Calculator – HTM, 2 JPG]

Mike Thiga – The Muscle Experiment

“How a 148-lb Weakling with a Withered Right Arm Packed on 39 lbs of Muscle in Less than 6 Months… Without Ever Lifting a Single Weight!”
I started off as a skinny 148 pounder. I honestly felt helpless. As you can tell, I didn’t really have much to smile about 🙂
6 weeks after I started training, I was able to pack on 15 lbs of muscle (check out my right arm…it’s getting bigger as well as stronger!)
And finally after 5 months and 3 weeks, I gained a total of 39 lbs of muscle, with my end weight at a whooping 187 lbs! And now I’m going to show YOU how to do the same..
This Muscle Building System Has Been Proven Time and Time Again To Put On Pounds Of Solid Muscle On Even The Skinniest and Most “Physically Disadvantaged” of People…
…Without EVER Having To Lift Weights.
“Some Amazing Facts About Bodyweight Training and Why You Shouldn’t  Even Think About Starting A Muscle Building Program Until You’ve Read Every Word Of This Letter!”
1. Bodyweight Training has been PROVEN to have greater muscle building capabilities than weightlifting (and they’ve been hiding this from you for a long, long time).
2. You do NOT need to perform hundreds or reps in order to make gains using bodyweight training.
3. You CAN become as big, if not bigger than those meatheads you see in the gym by applying the correct bodyweight training protocols.
4. Stop wasting your time with burpees, planks, prisoner squats, dive-bomber pushups…those kinds of exercise will never build you any muscle
“They Call It the SuperFreak System”
Here’s The REAL TRUTH About How This Proven System Works, And How You Can Put It To Work For YOU.
From Mike Thiga,

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Dear Friend,
You’re about to find out how YOU can pack on as much muscle as you want without lifting weights, without expensive gym memberships and without fancy miracle supplements or any of that “acai berry” crap.
You’re about to go deep into thee somewhat twisted world of bodybuilding and fitness. You are about to find out what happens when things go exactly opposite of what the whole world is expecting to happen.
For The First Time Ever After Much Reluctance,
Here’s The “Back Story” Behind One Of The Most Controversial Experiments In The History Of Muscle Building
Before we go further let me make it clear that I have a withered right arm with only one finger on it. You could probably see this from the above photos…and you’re probably wondering what’s the relevance of me telling this to you. But as you carefully read this story you’ll see how everything comes together.
Let’s begin.
I was born with the genetics of a typical skinny guy. My highest weight ever was about 148 lbs at a height of about 6ft. All I ever wanted was to be a “big guy”. In June 2008 I got tired of being skinny and decided to pack on some muscle. So I tried to take up weightlifting.
Unfortunately, Things Didn’t Go Too Well.
Every single gym I went to, people kept treating me like some kind of “cripple”. None of the instructors would let me train with proper weights. My right arm was kind of fragile and I guess they didn’t want to be held liable in case I got injured while training or something.
That sucked because I knew I could handle it, but these bozos wouldn’t give me a chance. So after spending countless hours doing nothing in the gym, I got pissed off. It got me thinking:
There HAS To Be A Better, Faster Way To Train For Muscle Gain
I mean, the ancient warriors and gladiators had built some amazing physiques long before weights were invented, right? So I took up bodyweight training.
Unfortunately majority (if not all) of the bodyweight training programs around don’t teach about muscle building. They talk about fat loss, conditioning, getting “lean”. So I was like, “Forget this crap. I need to build some real muscle.”
I started to do some hefty research on how the old time strongmen used to train before weightlifting came into play. I also got in touch with a relative of mine who was in the military. I squeezed every single detail from him as to the way they trained, what they did any why…the works.
Soon enough I began to apply the techniques I had learned from both the strongman era and the military. I began to see how they worked in real life, on my own body. I quickly began to filter out the facts and all the good stuff from the useless info.
People thought I was an idiot for trying to build muscle using bodyweight training. After all, everyone says you can’t build muscle without weights, right?
But I Had Nothing To Lose
I was already scrawny to start with so it’s not like anything was at risk here. Plus, those bozos at the gym never wanted to train a skinny little “weirdo” with a bad arm. I really didn’t have many other choices.
To tell you the truth, I was kind of nervous and unsure about the whole thing. Was it just a waste of time? What if it didn’t work? But I got to it and trained like an animal. I tested and tweaked techniques and protocols.
The first several weeks was hell, and I even thought of quitting. But I kept strong and went on and as the months flew by my anxiety quickly turned into shock and excitement because
I Gained a Solid 39lbs of Muscle Just Under The 6 Month Mark!
It was actually 5 months and 3 weeks to be exact. This was crazy. I definitely wasn’t expecting this kind of thing.
When I stepped on the scale and saw how much I weighed I was speechless..the size was amazing. I felt great. For the first time I could walk around in a short sleeved t-shirt and not feel embarrassed. Women began to pay more attention to me. Even guys who worked out at gyms started asking me about my training. Whoa..
It Worked WAY Better Than I Expected!
A lot of people started talking. Some even blatantly accused me of taking steroids. The thing that really shocked people was the fact that I packed on those 39lbs of muscle without ever having to lift a single weight. And at the time of this writing, I’m currently on target to hit the 215 lb mark…of solid muscle…using bodyweight training protocols ALONE. Anyway, this was huge.
I figured I Was Onto Something Big Here
This wasn’t luck. Because every single time I applied the techniques I had learned, I consistently made new gains month after month, in spite of the fact that my right arm was sort of a “weak link” during my workouts.
So after months of training and testing and tracking and tweaking, I finally compiled a full proof training program for people who really wanted to pack on some massive muscle mass using bodyweight training techniques.
This program is for people who want to finally build that amazing body they’ve always dreamed of having. For those who want to take the fullest advantage of the incredible muscle building capabilities that lie within themselves.
Your reasons for using bodyweight training are probably different from mine, but that doesn’t matter. You now have the chance to build that legendary physique you truly desire and deserve.
Now I know you’ve heard all sorts of outrageous claims before, and if I were you, I’d be wondering…
Is This A Bunch Of Hype?
And you’re absolutely right to ask that question.
Look, if I wasn’t the guy who sacrificed half a year risking looking like a complete “moron” with my little “Experiment”, there’s no way I’d believe it was true. In other words, I know how you feel.
So let me put your mind at ease by pulling back the curtain right now and telling you the clear cut facts about this transformation, and how it will change YOUR life. But first,
Let’s Cut The Crap And Keep This Grounded In Reality.
You’re not DUMB, and I’m not either.
We’ve both heard people come up with all sorts of muscle building “claims” and breakthrough “systems”.
And we both know that a good number of them are just a bunch of empty hype.
But as you read this letter today I tell you in all honesty that what I learned about bodyweight training is going to change your life FOREVER.
What I’m about to say is definitely going to make me a whole lot of enemies…but the truth MUST be told. Because you see,
99% of What You’ve Ever Read About Bodyweight Training is Plain WRONG!
Have you ever noticed how most bodyweight training courses cleverly avoid the topic of muscle building? Here’s the thing:

Most bodyweight training programs have no practical approach to muscle gain.

Most bodyweight training programs don’t give the correct protocols and techniques required to pack on the mass.

Most bodyweight training programs don’t deal with your biggest desire, which is to

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Here’s What You’ll Get in Mike Thiga – The Muscle Experiment