Mike Cooch – Vertical Domination


Mike Has a Texas-sized passion for sales & marketing, business development, technology, and entrepreneurship. He is the founder of seven successful companies.-Figure businesses in technology services, agency, publishing, and eCommerce

Mike Cooch – Vertical Domination

Dominating a Vertical Any B2B business should have a goal to market, or a niche.
Being #1 in a vertical allows you to build brand awareness and position, charge more for your services, and capture more growth than the competition.
To dominate a vertical, the fastest and most cost-effective way is to use existing distribution channels to sell more quickly.
It is essential that you leverage channels if you sell to small businesses. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep up with smarter competitors.
Vertical Domination It’s all about the key strategies that we have used to leverage channels across multiple markets.
Your instructor
Mike Cooch

Mike Cooch
The Lab’s CEO Mike CoochIs a “serial entrepreneur” Who generates 6?-7 big ideas before breakfast (conservative estimation) for each day.
Mike Has a Texas-sized passion for sales & marketing, business development, technology, and entrepreneurship. He is the founder of seven successful companies.-Figure businesses in technology services, publishing, agency services, and ecommerce were all tried but failed. Keep it real!).
His businesses have been named to INC Magazine’s Fastest Growing Companies List three years running, and were also nominated in their respective cities as Best Places To Work.
He holds an MBA from Babson College, the #1 ranked entrepreneurship school in all of America for 24 years. Go Beavers!He has been a frequent guest lecturer on the topic of Managing a Rapidly Growing Business. He also has a BSc in Finance from Colorado State University.
He is married to his wife and has three children. He is an avid skier and hiker, and he is learning how to surf in San Diego, his new home.
Course Curriculum

Download immediately Mike Cooch – Vertical Domination
Welcome to Vertical Domination! (4:04)
Opportunities and challenges in the SMB Market
The SMB market (4:29): Opportunities and Challenges
Introduction to Channels & Aggregators
Introduction to Channels, Aggregators (5.47)
These relationships are examples of what works
Examples of These Relationships That Work (7:47).
6 Steps to Getting ed with Channels and Aggregators
6 Steps to Get ed with Channels & Aggregators (10.51)
What to Look For When Selecting Channels or Aggregators
What to look for when selecting channels and aggregaters (6:51).
How to Lay the Foundation for a Relationship
How to Lay the Foundations for a Relationship (7:20).
Strategy 1 : Education
Strategy 1 : Education (3:41)
Strategy 2 – The Customization Principle
Strategy 2: The Customization Principle (8.48)
Parting Tips
Parting Tips Video (4.34)
Wrapping up
Wrap Up Video (1.28)
Readmore: http://archive.li/KlAUF