Mike Cooch – Sales Automation Bootcamp


Hear What Other Customers Just Like You Are Saying About Our Training Programs

What I have learned from Mike & Josh is very simple; how to plan for growth, how to execute for growth, and how to manage that growth in my business.

Mike Cooch – Sales Automation Bootcamp

Automate your sales process so you can finally work ON your business instead of IN your business!

Introducing the ‘sales automation Bootcamp’

Why is having an automated sales process so critical?

work on your business instead of in your business

Selling is hard work, and a manual sales process will eat up all of your time and resources, making it nearly impossible to escape the day-to-day grind of your business. Automation gives you the ability to step back and work ON improving your business, instead of just ‘doing’.

what gets measured gets managed…and improved

An automated sales process can be measured, step-by-step. This is very hard to do with a manual sales process. Measurement and the data that comes from it gives you the ability to see opportunities for improvement and see the results of your hard work.

time and cost savings

Stop repeating the same manual tasks and conversations when it’s not necessary or adding value! Automate what can and should be automated and free you and your team up to work on things that will have the greatest impact for your customers and your business.

REGISTER FOR BOOTCAMP! Reserve Your Seat Today

What You’ll accomplish at the sales automation bootcamp

“Yes, we said ACCOMPLISH, not learn!”

Yes, you are going to learn a ton, but this Bootcamp is hands-on! We want you to leave with an automated sales process in place. Come ready to work!

design the right automated sales process for your business

Your sales process needs to be designed based on what you are selling, the price points, and who you are selling to. We’ll help you design the best model for your business.

Construct a complete sales process from start to finish so you can put it to work

The goal of this bootcamp is COMPLETION of your automated sales process so we can get an initial working version into the market and start getting feedback from prospects and customers. It WILL NOT be perfect, but it will be DONE. Some of you are going to have to come to grips with that!

Get your new sales process launched into the market so you can start getting results!

Let’s get an initial ad campaign running or email sent to prospects to we can get your new sales process out into the wild! Nothing is more important than getting momentum – massive imperfect action is what it takes!

Hear What Other Customers Just Like You Are Saying About Our Training Programs

What I have learned from Mike & Josh is very simple; how to plan for growth, how to execute for growth, and how to manage that growth in my business. I have been very fortunate to meet these guys and learn from them online and in person.

Nehal Kazim

Founder – Amplify Facebook Ads Agency

your host: Mike Cooch

i won’t leave you hanging!
Get immediately download Mike Cooch – Sales Automation Bootcamp
    I’ll walk through everything live to make sure everything is covered completely and you are taking action

I’m going to do FOUR live training sessions so I can work with you very hands-on and answer all of your questions

My goal for you in this program is that you leave with a working sales process launched! I’m going to hold you accountable to taking action so that happens!
ENROLL NOW FOR ONLY $97 Reserve Your Seat Today

You Have Questions, We Have Answers

What will I get with my investment?

You’ll get access to four live training calls with Mike Cooch where he’ll walk you through designing and constructing your sales process, step by step. Recordings of these trainings will then be added to a membership site where you’ll have permanent access. That membership will also be populated with templates and other resources for easy reference. You’ll also have access to a members-only Facebook group for interaction with Mike and your peers.

What if I’m not even sure exactly what my sales process is yet?

That’s ok! At this point there are proven sales process structures for every type of business, and we’ll help you get yours set up. It’s critical that you establish a sales process right away – even if it’s not perfect – so you have something you can measure and improve.

Why is it only $97?

A couple of reasons: First, this is our initial release of this training, so we want the opportunity to get feedback from you to refine it. Second, it’s an important enough topic that we think everyone should have access, so we want to make it affordable to everyone.

Will this strategy work to sell ‘X’?

Yes! That’s the short answer. The longer answer is that whether you are selling a product to a consumer or service B2B (business to business) or something in between, the fundamentals of sales process design apply. We’ll be able to help you design and build your sales process no matter what you are selling.

Is this for beginners?

This is for anyone that needs to get off their butt and get their automated sales process launched and into the market! I bet many of you KNOW plenty about funnels and sales processes but still aren’t DOING ANYTHING with that knowledge. We need to change that!

How long does the bootcamp last?

This program is about massive action, so we are going to knock this out in four live training and implementation sessions over the course of one week.

What if I can’t attend all of the live sessions?

The recordings will be made available immediately, and you will have access to the Facebook group for questions. No problem if you can’t make all of the live sessions!

What if I have questions?

I’ll hold four live training sessions that will give you the opportunity to ask anything you’d like. You can also ask questions in our Facebook group, or send emails to [email protected]. You will also have access to the live session recordings plus individual training videos in the course membership area when completed to give you the ability to go back and revisit anything you need.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, your money is safe around here. You have a 30 day, no questions asked money back guarantee.

More questions?

Use the little chat icon you see floating to the side (desktop) or below (mobile) and let me know – I’m glad to do my best to answer them (that part isn’t automated!).
Readmore: http://archive.li/E3kZL