Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now


No matter who you are or what your job is, whether you are a student, a white or blue-collar worker, a millionaire or getting government assistance… even if you are getting retirement checks, you have probably thought and gotten frustrated that…Purchase Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now courses at here with PRICE $59 $19Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management NowNo matter who you are or what your job is, whether you are a student, a white or blue-collar worker, a millionaire or getting government assistance… even if you are getting retirement checks, you have probably thought and gotten frustrated that……”I don’t have enough time to do what I want to do.”Get Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now downloadAnd what only a very few exceptionally gifted “time managers” realize is that life is not a race.Being “busy” does not mean that you get a lot done.Having a lot of free time does not make you ineffective.Having a big “to do” list does not make you happy, wealthy or wise.Yet most of us run around like chickens with no heads, drive like we’re in the Indy 500, get irritated at every delay, forget everything but our name and fail to enjoy most of the short time we have on this earth.This is a major dilemma for 98 out of every 100 people…Primarily because they have no idea why their life doesn’t work (most think it’s someone else’s fault) and why they’re so anxious and stressed.Sure, getting tasks done quickly is an important component of life, but it is not the most important one. A life spent trying to fill every moment with fun, excitement and even productivity is an award-winning recipe for a nervous breakdown and for losing everything in your life that truly matters.You ARE what you DO with your timeIf you’ve ever had the thought that your life stinks or ever wished that you were more like someone you know or know of, what you were really saying is that you would like to make better choices and spend your time like that other person. You were saying that you want to do the things that other person does. Because to “be” like someone else is simply to spend your time doing the same things they do. In our research, we uncovered over 1,100 unsupportive beliefs and attitudes that the “average” person has about time and the amount of it they have, and how they choose to use their daily allotment.Here is the briefest list of just some of the problems and implications that occur when you routinely waste time, don’t plan ahead and don’t give appropriate attention to all your life roles (lack of balance):Missing family eventsLate for meetings/appointments – lost business/opportunityRushing at the last minute – quality/grades sufferGetting fired from jobsFights at home/breakups because of lack of time spent togetherUnwanted overtimePiles everywhere (papers, boxes, tools, dishes, food, etc.)No joy in your achievements (seem small compared to problems)Working only on “fun” tasks first instead of important onesDrug and alcohol abuseLow/unhealthy self-esteemStress, anxiety/panic, worry, depressionForgetfulness/poor memoryUnable to take time off/enjoy a vacation/holidayAccepting a job primarily for money – hating your workA reputation as someone who can’t be counted onThere are hundreds more ways to waste time and living apurpose-less life.And they all have enormous consequences.A little means a lotImagine for a moment that your are on a plane flying from the capital of California, Sacramento, directly to the capital of North Carolina, Raleigh. If the flight plan got messed up and the route the plane took was only 5 degrees off target to the north, you would not end up in Raleigh.Instead of Raleigh, NC, you would pass over Cape May, New Jersey, about 300 MILES to the north.When you live like a leaf in the wind, getting up each day doing the same thing you did yesterday, with no guiding set of principles, with no mission, with no purpose in mind, with little awareness/concern of how your actions (or lack of action) affects you and others, there is no way of knowing where you will end up or who you will even be in 1 or 2 short years. Multiply that aimless existence by 10 or 20 years and the damage could be incalculable.Because as you can see, only 5 degrees off target is 5 degrees too much.To understand how it is that we humans get caught up in the current of life and forget all about who we dreamt of being “when we grow up” check out the 11 core mental patterns of failure discussed on our home page.Over 500 research hours invested…It took our research staff months to compile, study, decipher, debate about and then categorize all the published literature related to designing and living a purpose-driven life where a person would be effective in every area of their life.Then, before investing dozens more hours writing the program for emotional impact, we distilled the research into more than 1,100 problem beliefs, attitudes and action habits and an equal number of suggestions that could be followed by anyone who wanted to be effective in every area of their life.Below is a condensed list of what being effective means…Effective time and life management is:Keeping your professional and personal schedules manageable/doableSetting purpose-oriented life goals and staying connected to the purposeA passion for action toward achieving meaningful, worthwhile goalsMaking time for daily and weekly playTeaching/training others to make you/your team/organization more effectiveThe ability to delegate tasks you shouldn’t or can’t doStarting important projects promptly and finishing them on scheduleGiving appropriate attention to all your roles in lifeUsing the appropriate scheduling/organizing tools to keep you on trackPlanning and preparing in order to avoid mistakes and delaysUsing waiting and travel time productivelyListening to understand instead of just talkingCreating win/win relationships for the betterment of everyone involvedFulfilling your roles the best you can, no matter what they areRenewing your body, mind and spirit with both rest and recreationBlocking out distractions and focusing your attention on the task at handStaying motivated to reach your long-term objectives without quittingThe deep desire to do well at everything you doLearning lessons from all failures & successes (both big and small)Quickly and creatively solving all problems/challenges that ariseAs you can see, what make people effective time and life managers is their mindset……it’s a total philosophy of living that tends to put you in the right place at the right time and wipes out about 95% of the “stress” that plagues even those who appear to “have it all” but really don’t.In order to be most effective and enjoy your life to the maximum, doing more faster is not the solution.To be a happy and content person, “pursuing” happiness is not the way. In order to be a fulfilled person, you must think about and use your most precious asset – your time – in a whole new way……the way that the effective, successful, happy people do.And fortunately, because the current research on time and effective use of it is so voluminous (huge!) and because the Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning technology is so effective, Effective Time Management Now! is one helluva program.Introducing EffectiveTime Management Now!Effective Time Management Now! was designed to get you in gear and keep you in motion, working on your highest priorities in life and living with passionate pursuit of your highest ideals.The purpose of this Accelerated Success Conditioning program is to turn you into a person who is clear on your priorities, loves working on them and who fearlessly lives every day with passion for life.It is about creating the 24/7 awareness of your incredible value to the world, which you will then continue to multiply.A simple, proven effective approachJust like all of our Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs, Effective Time Management Now! uses the Suggestopedic Accelerated Learning format, bombarding you with audible (you can hear them) mental re-patterning statements designed to help you literally let go of the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions that contribute towasting your precious time on low value, unimportant things.Over a background of specially composed 60 beat/minute music, each re-patterning statement is in triple repetition to take advantage of how the brain learns best… by hearing information over and over.[To learn about this accelerated learning format in detail, go to our home page. Then to return back to this page, just hit your “Back” button.]Using two very different types of statements, Releasing and Installing, your mind will be conditioned to literally re-groove your beliefs, attitudes, emotions and actions.With first-person present-tense self instructions cluster-bombing your old mind-set, you will be forced to believe and truly embrace a new set of extraordinarily positive realities, ones that now may be impossible to even imagine… because they are found only in the most effective, purpose-oriented people alive.The Mental Patterns You’ll ReleaseAbout 30% of the statements you will hear in Effective Time Management Now! are “Releasing” statements, phrases that teach your mind to trust, believe and truly know at the level of your soul that you have let go of, transcended, are bigger than, have risen above and are free of any lack of discipline and resistance to doing what you should be doing at any given moment.As you become more infused with and act on these principles of time and life management, the value of your time and your enjoyment of life will multiply 100 fold.In Effective Time Management Now!, you will hear that you have replaced the thoughts, beliefs and lack of discipline that causes you to waste time with ones that help you use your time effectively, profitably and enjoyably.With one statement after another, in triplicate, you will be conditioned to deeply believe that:After interruptions your mind quickly goes back to what you were doingAll fear of making mistakes has dissolved in total peaceYou are a creative problem solverAny old habit of putting off important projects is only in the pastYour success is rooted in team building and trustYou can perform at your best even under intense pressureNo matter how pressured you are, you stay calm & composedYou are able to see beyond difficulties to their potential solutionsYou avoid overwhelm by keeping everything in proper perspectiveYou are free of any resistance to delegating tasksYou get the most difficult tasks out of the way early in the dayThe past is gone forever – you live in the presentYou see big jobs as just many small, easy to accomplish tasksYou have released all time wasting habitsWhen you have a deadline, you do everything you can to meet itYou are forgiven for ever having wasted time in the pastYou reject all excuses for missing deadlinesWhen you are focused on a task, you can block out all distractionsWherever people are complaining, you walk the other wayYou are free from any addiction to watching televisionYou believe in tending to situations before they become problemsYou are productive no matter where you are or who you work withAny old tendency to overload your schedule is long goneYou are free of any habit of leaving tasks unfinishedYou say no to instant gratification in order to earn the big prizes in lifeYou conquer your fears by doing what you fear mostYou have released any habit of putting things off till the last minuteYou have the power to say “no” in order to keep your life manageableYou can sacrifice perfection when good is good enoughYou are great at reducing complicated jobs down to simple, easy tasksYou see big challenges as simply part of life, so you’re ready for themYou learn important lessons from every mistakeYou minimize the effect of interruptions by keeping them briefYou see your responsibilities as blessings that give your life meaningAnd a lot more…Has trying to do more faster made you more effective or less? More happy or less?Part of being effective is being able to get off your butt and do what you are supposed to do without delay.But adding more and more onto your To-Do list, “burning the candle at both ends,” will ultimately burn you out.Sure, you need to know what you should and shouldn’t do. But more importantly, you must have the strength of mind to do what you know is right and avoid what is wrong.Because it doesn’t matter how fast you are running if you are running in the wrong direction.Are you climbing as fast as you can, but getting nowhere?Are you getting pulled in 8 different directions, stretched too thin?Are the fires getting too numerous to put out?Stressed out? Medicated? In pain?When you finally become focused on what is important instead of only what is urgent, you will, ironically, find that you seem to get far more done with less effort and less stress.You will find that there is nothing so effective as the repetition of the organized thoughts and beliefs of the most effective people to clear out decades of “do more faster” thinking.And Effective Time Management Now! gives you that repetition in the way your mind needs it.Order Effective Time Management Now!borderMike Brescia’s FREE health, business, success &financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing elseName:Email:Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.spacerborderYour new beliefs will give you the awareness and the eagerness to do the most productive thing possible at every given momentIn addition to releasing your old thoughts and beliefs that cause you to waste large portions of your life on unimportant and even harmful activities, to become truly effective and successful in every part of your life, you must also embrace the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that make choosing how you invest your time effortless.That is why in Effective Time Management Now!, one right after another each statement aims right at the bulls-eye. Each one targets one of the 22 core mental patterns that controls everything about you and one of the 1,100 problem beliefs, attitudes and actions that prevents you on any level from living a purpose-driven life. (To learn more about these 22 mental patterns, read our home page.)The Installing statements you will hear on Effective Time Management Now! are as specific and as energizing as you could ever imagine. They are the beliefs, attitudes and actions of the people who do the most productive thing at every given moment.So unlike mere information that you can ignore, forget or reject, not only will you get a private glimpse inside the minds of the most effective and happy people alive, but with every minute you play this program, you will be getting programmed with it.As you listen to Effective Time Management Now!, just like sands though an hour glass, these positive re-patterning statements will be saturating your mind with the most laser-focused attitudes on living an effective, purpose-oriented life you have ever imagined.As the Releasing statements toward the beginning of the program intersperse with and are then overtaken by the Installing statements, you will be infused with these new, positive, compelling thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions:You love getting important things accomplishedYou are wise about how you invest your timeYou embrace change and growth in every area of your lifeYou make sure that you always have enough personal time for yourselfYou enjoy creating systems that run smoothly even in your absenceAll your goals now have target dates for completionYou increase your effectiveness by taking time off and resting as neededWhether at work or at play, you thoroughly enjoy yourselfYou have all the time you need to take care of your responsibilitiesYou are an excellent teacher, manager and coach to other peopleYou now finish every project you start, and you start a lot of themYou know the value of giving attention to all parts of your lifeYou appreciate the importance of taking care of your healthYour planner is an important tool that keeps you organized & productiveYou like to know the details before estimating how long a task will takeYou like to arrive at your destinations with plenty of time to spareYou ask other people to do tasks that you can’t or shouldn’t doYou can focus on a single task for long periods of timeYou make fast, accurate decisions because you always think way aheadYou enjoy working with other people to accomplish worthwhile goalsYou are good at managing multiple projects and getting them done on timeYour meetings always have a well-defined purposeYou know how important it is to spend quality time with those close to youYou always recognize and call attention to the contributions of othersIf something has to be done at a specific time, that is when you do itYou believe in planning weeks, months, years & even decades in advanceYou visualize successful outcomes before they actually occurYou are making today the best day of your lifeDoing the most unpleasant tasks first makes the rest of your day easierYou may not be the fastest, but you are moving in all the right directionsYou are more concerned with doing what is right than in being rightYou like working on important tasks before they become urgentYou take excellent care of your health – without it, nothing else mattersYou make time for the most important people in your lifeYou are reaching all your goals one step and one day at a timeYou finish everything you start nowIf there is a faster, better, easier way to do something, you will find itYou are grateful for each day you are aliveYou are willing to work for and earn all your rewards in lifeEvery day is another opportunity for you to fulfill your purpose in lifeYou have many hobbies and interests outside of workYou are more concerned with achieving important goals than in being busyYour dreams and goals guide your daily decisions and actionsYou can do everything that life asks of youYou use the scheduling and organizing tools that work best for youYou focus the bulk of your time working on important high priority itemsYou confirm all your appointments ahead of timeYou see training other people as an investment in your own successYou communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly and persuasivelyYou embrace accomplishment and all the rewards that go with itToday is your day to excel at everything you doYou learn fast, because you pay close attention & ask terrific questionsYou quickly and easily move from one task to the next without delayYou are physically and mentally ready to begin each and every dayYou use your waiting and travel time to work on high priority itemsYou schedule fun and play into every weekYour big goals & dreams are in harmony with every other part of your lifeYou always work on your highest priority tasks firstYou are always prepared for meetings whether in person or on the phoneStructure and planning help release your creativityYou get the amount of sleep that your body requiresYou are always looking for better, faster and easier ways to do thingsYou choose to spend your time on tasks that fulfill the purpose of your lifeYou give careful consideration before committing to new responsibilitiesYou have many interests that you are passionate aboutYou’d rather ask for help and succeed than try to do it all yourself & failNo matter what you’re doing, you always do the best you are capable ofAt the end of each day, you are proud to have done your very best And many, many more…Each one installing the core beliefs and attitudes of the most extraordinarily effective, successful, balanced people – past and present.All in first-person, present-tense format. All powerfully phrased. All exhaustively researched to address and reverse every possible cause and effect of spending your time on low priority, low value activities.Can you now even conceive of the possibility that you would come to own these kinds of beliefs, own these attitudes and act on them every day of your life?When you own and use this program as directed, that is exactly what will happen. Remember, it’s not lecture-based information. It is a behavior modification program designed to change your core mental patterns related to how you choose to invest every hour of your life based on what is truly important to you.Note: As you can see, this is not some ridiculous subliminal audio program quickly assembled with secret words “hidden” beneath music or ocean waves, making it impossible to determine whether there are any words at all under the music/waves. Every statement is audible (you can hear it). So you know exactly what is going into your mind.The new purpose-driven, effective youWith the repetition of the statements hammering away at your mind, more and more this will become the way you see yourself…Effective.Valuable.And with these new self-beliefs and attitudes continuing to get more and more firmly impressed into your brain’s permanent memory, you will be seeing some remarkable changes in the way you feel and act.This is how our brains work. Repetition of thought creates memory and mastery.When studying how the most effective people in every discipline of life choose to invest their time and energy, it was invigorating. Not only do they get more done than anyone else, but they have more free time and enjoy their days and life more than anyone else, too.This seeming paradox, gives them an energy and enthusiasm for living that can only be described as passionate.Infuse yourself with the same core mental patterns and you, too, will enjoy these same characteristics.As the mental conditioning takes root and as the new, more effective you emerges:More and better opportunities will be presented to you from all directionsYour play time will be guilt-freeYou will have a whole lot less to worry aboutIn addition to yourself, you will be creating other winners, tooYou will do more things right the first time – far fewer mistakesAppreciating what balance gives you, your life will be richer and more rewarding in every area of your lifeYou will be seen as a winner, respected by other winners, tooYour relationships with those you live and work with will improve tremendouslyFear of failure will drop – you will be excited to wake up each dayYour negative stress will plummetYou will be able to climb as high as you want to in your chosen fieldYour overall health will improve dramaticallyYour meetings will be far more productive for everyone involvedYour relationships will be closer and more lovingYou will have much more leisure timeYou will be a more interesting person to wider range of peopleLess forgetfulness – more and more, you are preparedYou will be able to fulfill the highest purpose of your lifeYour legacy will be one of a great, great personWhy will all this happen?Because you will literally be conditioned to think more like the most effective, purpose-oriented people in the world every minute of the day.When new brain connections become formed that command you to be more effective in every area of your life, you will… like a computer program that performs the same actions and computations the same way every time, day in and day out.Get immediately download Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management NowSo instead of goofing off, wasting your time and your life on purely pleasure pursuits, you will do what has to be done when it has to be done in the way it should be done.All with a smile.And as a result, you will be creating a life of distinction and true success.When you come to deeply know what Effective Time Management Now! can teach you, any skill you wish to attain, you can attain.Any great achievement you wish for you can achieve.Peace of mind will be yours to hold… and share.Order Effective Time Management Now!Bonus #1THE ENTIRE SCRIPTSo that you can get the maximum benefit from Effective Time Management Now! you’ll get the entire script of the program sent to you via email a couple days after your order has been approved. so not only will you hear the words, but you can read them, too.Plus, if you own Think Right Now! for Windows, you will then be able to simply cut and paste the statements right into your software in less than 60 seconds. You’ll even get click by click instructions on how to do that. Is that great or what?Bonus #2“41 Secrets for Squeezing More Productivity and Joy From Each And Every Day” by Mike BresciaHere are 41 critical time management secrets that will perform miracles in your life. Simple, yet powerful in their ability to keep you in control of your days. (Instant delivery)Bonus #3“BEYOND TIME MANAGEMENT – Business With Purpose”by Robert WrightThis 217 page ebook will help you discover the added joy and power of a life of clear, conscious purpose, and if you are already operating with a clear sense of purpose, it will make your journey richer, lighter and more energized. (Instant delivery)And best of all…You Can Try It Risk-Free For 6 Months!Yes, Effective Time Management Now! is backed by a 100% Ironclad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee.That means, you have 6 months to listen to the program as much as you like… or as much as you need. And if you are not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, simply return the program within 6 months and you will receive a full refund of the purchase price. There will be no questions asked and no hassles. Your decision to try this program is 100% risk free.Listen: If you order now, today, I’m confident in just a few days you’ll be on your way to getting more done faster, easier and reduce stress… automatically and without effort. All you have to do is click on the link below that indicates the format you want, and I’ll rush Effective Time Management Now! to you immediately!Sincerely,Mike BresciaMike BresciaChief of ResearchThink Right Now InternationalP.S. By the way, in the opening of the letter I mentioned that you can get yourself in gear and stay in motion, working on your highest priorities in life. And that’s absolutely true. Even as few as five or ten minutes a day will make an impact. However, like anything, the more you do it (listen) the faster you will improve. And with Effective Time Management Now! (like all our programs), it’s quite easy to listen for hours a day, if you want. The reason being: You don’t have to pay attention to what’s being said for it to work. You can listen in the car, while exercising, or while doing just about any other activity… you can even listen while you sleep! So there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t find the time to improve. And remember, it’s effortless. Just pop a CD in, relax, and let it do all the work!P.P.S. We are committed to serving our customers as quickly as possible. So, if you place your order before 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very same day! If you place your order after 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very next business day. Hi Mike,My positive changes have occurred over a time frame of bout 4 weeks, since I first implemented my ThinkRightNow! Windows software – and started listening to Supreme Confidence Now! – and Effective Time Management Now!After a year of big transition – I moved to Portland, Oregon from Burlington, Vermont; ending a stagnant 11-year relationship. I was supporting myself financially for the first time in 12 years. Then, I found out my dad had Lymphoma. I had also been dealing with long-term depression and frequent “immobility” and resistance to finishing practically anything I started. Recently, I’ve been waking up each day with a refreshing and new sense of “I can do this” and “Ok, what to accomplish now?” energy!The heaviest parts of the depression have lifted and I’m doing more positive things for myself than I have in the past few years. I’m feeling a greater sense of capability to start – and finish – projects that once overwhelmed me enough to the point of not being able to even get started (like organizing my closet, dresser drawers and filing cabinet).I’m also taking small, daily steps towards the things that I know will improve the quality of my life, like exercising, which has taken a big back seat in my life over the years.Most importantly, I’m feeling a renewed, tangible sense of hope and enthusiasm for the future and for my ability to create a fruitful life for myself, on my own.Thanks for all you’ve done and continue to do, to support so many of us in transforming out of the darkness into the light!Cheers to all of us!Kathryn TenHoopen, ORGet Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now downloadPurchase Mike Brescia – Effective Time-Management Now courses at here with PRICE $59 $19