Microtraumas and the African American Client – Candice Richardson Dickens


African Americans regularly receive societal messages about their lack of value, powerlessness, and inability to ensure their personal safety. Perpetuated through media stories as well as common, everyday interactions, these microtraumas cause African Americans to experience a heightened sense of cortisol arousal, a pervasive feeling of doom, and a lack of trust in relation to their environment. The result is hypervigilance and intrusive exaggerated flight, fight, and freeze responses.Identify triggers and symptoms of microtrauma, as well as how it’s processed in the brain.Use mindfulness, faith-based rituals, deep breathing exercises, grounding techniques, and memory-processing activities to decrease frequency of reactivity.Apply mood-regulation skills, self-talk safety scripts, and sensory techniques to enhance clients’ feelings of being in control and empowered in the presence of real or perceived danger.Develop behavioral choices in dealing with anxiety over past microtraumas and current situations.Understanding Cultural TraumaFight or Flight ResponsesLearned HelplessnessMicro- vs. Macro-traumasDSM-5 Trauma and PTSDDefining and Assessing TraumaWitnessed or Experienced TraumaTalking about RaceTalking to Children about RaceAddressing Ethnic Differences Between Therapist & ClientEmpowering through Experience ValidationTechniques for Treating Physiological Responses to TraumaMindfulnessGrounding & TappingDeep Breathing TechniquesVisualizations & HypnosisReducing Shame & Increasing Self-AffirmationsUnderstanding Long-Term MemoryImplicit MemoryExplicit MemoryEpisodicSemanticTrauma & NeurosciencePolyvagal TheorySympathetic and Parasympathetic responsesPhysiological Impact of Trauma on African AmericansGet Microtraumas and the African American Client – Candice Richardson Dickens, Only Price $47Tag: Microtraumas and the African American Client – Candice Richardson Dickens Review. Microtraumas and the African American Client – Candice Richardson Dickens download. Microtraumas and the African American Client – Candice Richardson Dickens discount.