Michele Mere – Product Success Secrets


Finally! How to Create a Digital Product in Less Than 30 Days and Get Paid To Do It! And You DON’T Have To Be Digitally Savvy! Finally, stop trading time for money, create a passive income, and be seen as an expert in your industry! Dear Trail Blazer, If you want get that product idea out of your head, create a product people really want to buy, or even if you just want keep your confidence and sanity throughout the entire process, then this is the most important letter you’ll read all year! Here’s why… Because in the entrepreneurial world today, creating a digital product is super easy but knowing how to create a product your ideal client wants and how to market that product will mean the difference between financial security and financial ruin! My product was done & out the door in 30 days! “Michele is magical in the teaching of the “30 day product” class. My product was done and out the door in 30 days and the response has been fabulous! Thanks Michele for the clear, concise and money making step by step instructions to get this done.” -Nisha Jackson, Financially Brilliant Women I know where you are….. ​I don’t have a clue how to get started! I haven’t created a product because I can’t decide what I want to do! ​What would I call it? ​I’ve done it before and it didn’t work. I wasted a lot of time and money creating something that no one bought. ​It seems overwhelming! ​I can’t figure out how to get the idea out of my head. I get it! It took 6 months for me to get the courage to create my first product. I was doubting my ability to do it. I couldn’t decide on the “perfect” topic, the “perfect” title, the perfect “format” – sound familiar? Then one day my coach said “Michele, get it done!” (Sometimes we need a little push even if it has a scary voice – LOL) Guess what? I did it – I recorded a teleseminar. It came out so great that I had it transcribed, set up a sales page and an email sequence to deliver the product and over the last 2 years I have now sold over 150 copies of that product. “After that, I took what I learned and went on to create information products that have brought in more than $100,000 in revenues!” Here’s what I know….. You are a passionate entrepreneur who wants to make a change in this world. You understand that to do that, you have to take a stand and put yourself and your business out there in a big way. You also have to create cash flow! Without cash flow you are out of business! How do you create quick cash flow for your business? You create products and programs that your ideal clients are already wanting to purchase. These are programs that an immediate need in the market. They also fill a specific need in your client funnel. Usually in an entry level or low end product position. The great news is that making money from programs is simply a skill set to be learned and Once you master this skill set, it can be easily repeated to consistently make money in your business The secret lies in understanding how to use collaboration, relationships (affiliates) and teleseminars to help you spread the word further and help more people. The big question though is… Do you have the courage to follow and implement a simple system that will show you exactly what to do to finally get this product out of your head? My name is Michele (Scism) Mere and I am a business growth strategist specializing in creating digital products that sell. Since I started my coaching business, I have launched 3 very successful digital products which have made me more than $100,000! Products were the key in being able to bring my own business to over half a million dollars annually in less than 4 years. Think about this, when I started Decisive Minds in January of 2010, I was a complete unknown in the Business Coaching industry – I had owned a trucking company for 25 years. I had never read an e-book or even listened to a teleseminar. I use a simple rinse and repeat product creation strategy to create product launches that consistently bring in $25,000 to $30,000 in one launch… … and the exciting part is that my clients have been able to use the same strategies to start making money in their businesses as well so I know it wasn’t just a fluke! I have a secret weapon The mark of a great entrepreneur is to partner with the smartest people you know who have amazing skills. That is exactly what I did. I want to introduce you to Meredith Eisenberg. Meredith is not only a brilliant marketer, she is also one of the most tech savvy people I know. She knows how to hook all the online moving pieces together to make the whole process run smoothly. And… since many of you are letting “fear of technology” stop you from creating your product – I brought her on board to vanquish your tech fears and show you (or your VA) step by step the easiest way to get your product up and running. Meredith is also very good at explaining technical things in a way that makes sense to non-technical people (like me!) We will show you exactly what we do to create products that people are waiting to buy. As a business strategist I hear entrepreneurs saying…. ​I don’t know where to get started. Isn’t creating a product going to be complicated? ​I wouldn’t know what to create! ​I created an audio and e-book and put them up on my site. Why isn’t anyone buying them? Any of this sound familiar? They are frustrated and you might be feeling that same pain. But don’t worry! We have created a course to help you get paid to create your first product and promote it via collaboration, relationships and teleseminars. Although I have taught this program before with amazing success (be sure to check out all the success stories on this page) I decided it was time to upgrade the program and I am so excited to have Meredith along this time to show you all the technical aspects that were missing from the product last time. The Digital Product Market is a $174 Billion Industry! According to Report Linker, in 2015 the digital product market was a $174 billion industry. Why? Because people crave knowledge and information and they are willing to pay for it! Every minute you wait is another minute that you are loosing money not having your digital product available for sale! Introducing….. Product Success Secrets is a step-by-step system that shows you how to develop a product that your audience is already looking for, price it and sell it before you create it so that you have consistent cash flow in your business. Imagine this new product driving eager paying clients right into your business. Now that you have their attention (and you have proof they spend money) then you simply start to move them into bigger programs and services that you deliver. When Michele told me I could sell a product in 30 days and get paid to do it, I thought she was crazy! “When Michele told me I could sell a product in 30 days AND get paid to create it, I thought she was crazy! But with her guidance and step by step plan, I did it! I now have a profitable product and I know exactly what to do to sell that product for years to come without having to do any additional work. Talk about leverage and profitability. This course has paid for itself 1000%! You’d be crazy not to invest in Michele’s program.” -Lynn Ruby, Ruby Marketing Systems Here is Just a Tip of the Iceberg of What You Get… Small business planning You’ll discover the step-by-step process to get paid to create your new product. Small Business Marketing You’ll understand exactly how to stop wasting time and money creating digital products. Small Business Marketing You’ll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST entrepreneurs and go right to the making money part! Small Business Marketing You’ll know exactly how to create irresistible sales pages (and I’ll give you proven examples to follow and duplicate)! Small Business Marketing You’ll have lots more time and money when you stop creating digital products that never sell or worse than that, never creating one at all! YOU GET….. product success secrets 4 Powerful Product Development & Marketing Video Training Modules ($497 Value) With all the information you need to decide what product you are creating, how to price it and how to sell it before you start creating it. digital product Tons of Technology Video Training Modules ($497 Value) With all the information you need to actually create your product, get it online for marketing and delivery and automate the entire process. product success secrets Insiders-Only Instruction (Priceless) You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed and get your digital product out for sale in LESS THAN 30 DAYS! Small business planning Recordings of 4 Q&A Coaching Calls with Michele and Meredith($397 Value) This is a level of access usually reserved for our private clients. You get to listen in to the spot on training and you will see how to apply it in your business. But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now… Bonus #1: Templates, Checklists & Instructional Videos When you purchase the Product Success Secrets you also get instant access to our product creating bonuses. You get…. Instagram Planner How to Use Amazon & YouTube to Create Powerful Product Titles Have you been struggling to figure out how to name your new product? In this video training we will show you exactly how to use Amazon and YouTube to name your digital product. (Value $197) Simple Social Media Scheduler Sales Page Template Did you know that your ideal clients are already telling you exactly what your marketing message is? This template will help you take their words and create your marketing message. (Value $197) Social Media Training Videos You will learn about Facebook ads, pixels, custom audiences and budgets. You will get access to about 10 different training videos to show you how to use social media to market your digital product. (Value $597) Bonus #2: Decisive Minds Marketing Plan LinkedIn Planner The Actual 21 Page Marketing Plan We Use At Decisive Minds we use several different marketing strategies. To make it easier to keep track of what is going on I paid $2,000 to have a very in depth marketing document created. We use this document for every promotion that we do. You are going to get the actual marketing plan used for the original Business Building Bootcamp. It includes all blog posts, emails and social media campaigns. (Value $2,000) Bonus #3: Let Me Promote Your Product To My Community Decisive Minds Community I will promote your product to my community which includes social media and my list. Are you creating a product that is suitable for entrepreneurs? All you have to do is complete this program within 30 days and have your product ready to sell. I will then promote your product to my audience. (Value Priceless)