Michael Tsai – UCAT Pro Extended CourseCourse CurriculumUCAT Pro Extended Course (2021 Candidates)News & Personal DetailsNews: Course Release UpdatesMust Complete #1: Join iCanMed’s Student-Only Private Facebook GroupMust Complete #2: Personal Account InformationStage 1: Learn basics to gain accuracy – Without accuracy, you can’t increase speed.1.1 What is UCAT – Learning something different takes time to understand in the beginning (2:28)1.2 Prep Fails! – Time and focusing too much on speed! (4:35)1.3 The 5-Step Process to answer ALL UCAT questions (2:30)1.4 Download the note-taking worksheet – Using the video solutions (10:54)Section 1 – Learning Verbal Reasoning2.1 Features of the Verbal Reasoning Section (2:31)2.2 Step 1: Reading & Step 2: Linking – Critical reading in Verbal Reasoning (13:02)2.3 Step 3 Question – Specific and General Question Types (4:38)2.4 Step 4 Formulate and Step 5 Conclude – Answering Verbal Reasoning questions. (6:43)2.5 Example with Video Solutions (23:48)2.5.2 Using the Note-taking worksheet for Section 1 (13:42)2.6.1 Quiz 1 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.6.2 Quiz 1 Video Solutions (47:35)2.7.1 Quiz 2 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.7.2 Quiz 2 Video Solutions (41:08)2.8.1 Quiz 3 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.8.2 Quiz 3 Video Solutions (37:43)Section 2 up in the next few weeks – use the notetaking worksheet on ALL section 1 questions3.0 Features of the Decision Making Section (3:48)3.1 Venn Diagram with Words Question Type (25:26)NEW!!!!!! 3.1.0 Using the Note-taking worksheet for Venn Diagram with Words Question Type (7:46)3.1.1 Venn Diagram with Words – Quiz3.1.2 Venn Diagram with Words – Quiz Video Solutions (56:46)3.2 Order Question Type (23:20)3.2.1 Order – Quiz3.2.2 Order – Quiz Video Solutions (43:52)3.3 Argument Question Type (14:24)3.3.1 Argument – Quiz3.3.2 Argument – Quiz Video Solutions (42:01)3.4 Passage Question Type (15:09)3.4.1 Passage – Quiz3.4.2 Passage – Quiz Video Solutions (54:58)3.4.3 Passage (With Diagrams) – Quiz3.4.4 Passage (With Diagrams) – Quiz Video Solutions (45:04)3.5 Venn Diagram Question Type (13:37)3.5.1 Venn Diagram – Quiz3.5.2 Venn Diagram – Quiz Video Solutions (41:59)3.6 Probability Question Type (14:27)3.6.1 Probability – Quiz3.6.2 Probability – Quiz Video Solutions (39:51)Section 3 coming up in the next few days – Please use the notetaking worksheet on ALL questions4.1 Features of the Quantitative Reasoning Section (7:55)4.2 Step 1: Reading – identifying the mathematical operation. (4:08)4.3 Five steps for Quantitative Reasoning with Example (11:37)4.4.1 Quatitative Reasoning Quiz 14.4.1 Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (35:32)4.4.2 Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 24.4.2 Quiz 2 – Video Solutions. (21:21)4.4.3 Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 34.4.3 Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (14:07)Section 4 – Abstract Reasoning5.0 Abstract Reasoning (7:22)5.1 Patterns in Section 4 UCAT (16:45)5.2 Sets Question Type (9:23)5.2.1 Sets – Quiz 15.2.2 Sets Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (21:48)5.3 Find the Next Question Type (5:59)5.3.1 Find the Next Quiz 15.3.2 Find the Next Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (5:10)5.4 Comparison Question Type (3:30)5.4.1 Comparison – Quiz 15.4.2 Comparison Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (8:23)Section 5 – Situational Judgement6.0 Situational Judgement (2:10)6.1 List of Guidelines6.2 Appropriate Question Type (7:47)6.2.1 Appropriate Quiz 16.2.2 Quiz 1 Solutions (18:46)6.3 Importance Question Type (9:01)6.3.1 Importance Quiz 16.3.2 Quiz 1 Solutions (14:25)January 2019January 2019 (6:23)Stage 2 – Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions: refining your accuracy to naturally increase speed.Increasing Speed in Section 1.Verbal Reasoning Quiz 1Verbal Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (29:04)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 2Verbal Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (32:05)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 3Verbal Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (40:36)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (39:25)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (39:25)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (24:39)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (24:39)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (31:29)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (31:29)NEW!!!! Module 2 – Decision Making Practice Questions.Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (37:00)NEW!!!! Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (37:00)Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2NEW!!!! Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (33:27)Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (33:27)Order Quiz 1NEW!!!! Order Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (27:26)Order Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (27:26)Order Quiz 2NEW!!!! Order Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (28:15)Order Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (28:15)Argument Quiz 1NEW!!!! Argument Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:25)Argument Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:25)Argument Quiz 2NEW!!!! Argument Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:46)Argument Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:46)Passage Quiz 1NEW!!!! Passage Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (30:42)Passage Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (30:42)Passage Quiz 2NEW!!!! Passage Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (41:15)Passage Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (41:15)Venn Diagram Quiz 1NEW!!!! Venn Diagram Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:06)Venn Diagram Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:06)Venn Diagram Quiz 2NEW!!!! Venn Diagram Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:36)Venn Diagram Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:36)Probability Quiz 1NEW!!!! Probability Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (22:11)Probability Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (22:11)Probability Quiz 2NEW!!!! Probability Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (23:50)Probability Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (23:50)Module 2 – Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions.Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:23)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:23)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (21:42)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (21:36)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (19:15)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (18:50)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (22:43)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (22:43)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (20:40)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (20:40)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (24:55)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (24:55)Stage 2 Further Practice – Abstract Reasoning Practice Questions.Sets Quiz 1Sets Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:16)Sets Quiz 2Sets Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (13:47)Sets Quiz 3Sets Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (13:07)Sets Quiz 4Sets Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (13:18)Sets Quiz 5Sets 5 Quiz – Video Solutions (11:57)NEW!!! Sets Quiz 6NEW!!! Sets Quiz 6 Video Solutions (13:40)NEW!!! Sets Quiz 7NEW!!! Sets Quiz 7 Video Solutions (16:53)Find the Next Quiz 1Find the Next Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (7:06)NEW!!! Find the Next Quiz 2NEW!!! Find the Next Quiz 2 Video Solutions (14:26)Comparison Quiz 1Comparison Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (12:26)NEW!!! Comparison Quiz 2NEW!!! Comparison Quiz 2 Video Solutions (22:21)Stage 2 Further Practice – Situational Judgement Practice Questions.Appropriate Quiz 1Appropriate Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (14:48)Appropriate Quiz 2Appropriate Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (19:16)Appropriate Quiz 3Appropriate Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (14:07)Appropriate Quiz 4Appropriate Quiz 4 Video Solutions (14:51)Appropriate Quiz 5Appropriate Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (11:17)NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 6NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 6 Video Solutions (14:27)NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 7NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 7 Video Solutions (11:11)Importance Quiz 1Importance Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (13:56)Importance Quiz 2Importance Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (13:45)Importance Quiz 3Importance Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (12:45)Importance Quiz 4Importance Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (11:04)Importance Quiz 5Importance Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (8:10)NEW!!! Importance Quiz 6NEW!!! Importance Quiz 6 Video Solutions (12:32)NEW!!! Importance Quiz 7NEW!!! Importance Quiz 7 Video Solutions (12:29)Transition to the New Learning Management System Michael Tsai – UCAT Pro Extended CourseCourse CurriculumUCAT Pro Extended Course (2021 Candidates)News & Personal DetailsNews: Course Release UpdatesMust Complete #1: Join iCanMed’s Student-Only Private Facebook GroupMust Complete #2: Personal Account InformationStage 1: Learn basics to gain accuracy – Without accuracy, you can’t increase speed.1.1 What is UCAT – Learning something different takes time to understand in the beginning (2:28)1.2 Prep Fails! – Time and focusing too much on speed! (4:35)1.3 The 5-Step Process to answer ALL UCAT questions (2:30)1.4 Download the note-taking worksheet – Using the video solutions (10:54)Section 1 – Learning Verbal Reasoning2.1 Features of the Verbal Reasoning Section (2:31)2.2 Step 1: Reading & Step 2: Linking – Critical reading in Verbal Reasoning (13:02)2.3 Step 3 Question – Specific and General Question Types (4:38)2.4 Step 4 Formulate and Step 5 Conclude – Answering Verbal Reasoning questions. (6:43)2.5 Example with Video Solutions (23:48)2.5.2 Using the Note-taking worksheet for Section 1 (13:42)2.6.1 Quiz 1 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.6.2 Quiz 1 Video Solutions (47:35)2.7.1 Quiz 2 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.7.2 Quiz 2 Video Solutions (41:08)2.8.1 Quiz 3 – Focus on Accuracy first and not speed.2.8.2 Quiz 3 Video Solutions (37:43)Section 2 up in the next few weeks – use the notetaking worksheet on ALL section 1 questions3.0 Features of the Decision Making Section (3:48)3.1 Venn Diagram with Words Question Type (25:26)NEW!!!!!! 3.1.0 Using the Note-taking worksheet for Venn Diagram with Words Question Type (7:46)3.1.1 Venn Diagram with Words – Quiz3.1.2 Venn Diagram with Words – Quiz Video Solutions (56:46)3.2 Order Question Type (23:20)3.2.1 Order – Quiz3.2.2 Order – Quiz Video Solutions (43:52)3.3 Argument Question Type (14:24)3.3.1 Argument – Quiz3.3.2 Argument – Quiz Video Solutions (42:01)3.4 Passage Question Type (15:09)3.4.1 Passage – Quiz3.4.2 Passage – Quiz Video Solutions (54:58)3.4.3 Passage (With Diagrams) – Quiz3.4.4 Passage (With Diagrams) – Quiz Video Solutions (45:04)3.5 Venn Diagram Question Type (13:37)3.5.1 Venn Diagram – Quiz3.5.2 Venn Diagram – Quiz Video Solutions (41:59)3.6 Probability Question Type (14:27)3.6.1 Probability – Quiz3.6.2 Probability – Quiz Video Solutions (39:51)Section 3 coming up in the next few days – Please use the notetaking worksheet on ALL questions4.1 Features of the Quantitative Reasoning Section (7:55)4.2 Step 1: Reading – identifying the mathematical operation. (4:08)4.3 Five steps for Quantitative Reasoning with Example (11:37)4.4.1 Quatitative Reasoning Quiz 14.4.1 Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (35:32)4.4.2 Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 24.4.2 Quiz 2 – Video Solutions. (21:21)4.4.3 Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 34.4.3 Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (14:07)Section 4 – Abstract Reasoning5.0 Abstract Reasoning (7:22)5.1 Patterns in Section 4 UCAT (16:45)5.2 Sets Question Type (9:23)5.2.1 Sets – Quiz 15.2.2 Sets Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (21:48)5.3 Find the Next Question Type (5:59)5.3.1 Find the Next Quiz 15.3.2 Find the Next Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (5:10)5.4 Comparison Question Type (3:30)5.4.1 Comparison – Quiz 15.4.2 Comparison Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (8:23)Section 5 – Situational Judgement6.0 Situational Judgement (2:10)6.1 List of Guidelines6.2 Appropriate Question Type (7:47)6.2.1 Appropriate Quiz 16.2.2 Quiz 1 Solutions (18:46)6.3 Importance Question Type (9:01)6.3.1 Importance Quiz 16.3.2 Quiz 1 Solutions (14:25)January 2019January 2019 (6:23)Stage 2 – Verbal Reasoning Practice Questions: refining your accuracy to naturally increase speed.Increasing Speed in Section 1.Verbal Reasoning Quiz 1Verbal Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (29:04)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 2Verbal Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (32:05)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 3Verbal Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (40:36)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (39:25)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (39:25)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (24:39)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (24:39)Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (31:29)NEW!!!! Verbal Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (31:29)NEW!!!! Module 2 – Decision Making Practice Questions.Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (37:00)NEW!!!! Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (37:00)Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2NEW!!!! Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (33:27)Venn Diagram with Words Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (33:27)Order Quiz 1NEW!!!! Order Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (27:26)Order Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (27:26)Order Quiz 2NEW!!!! Order Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (28:15)Order Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (28:15)Argument Quiz 1NEW!!!! Argument Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:25)Argument Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:25)Argument Quiz 2NEW!!!! Argument Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:46)Argument Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:46)Passage Quiz 1NEW!!!! Passage Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (30:42)Passage Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (30:42)Passage Quiz 2NEW!!!! Passage Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (41:15)Passage Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (41:15)Venn Diagram Quiz 1NEW!!!! Venn Diagram Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:06)Venn Diagram Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (33:06)Venn Diagram Quiz 2NEW!!!! Venn Diagram Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:36)Venn Diagram Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (35:36)Probability Quiz 1NEW!!!! Probability Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (22:11)Probability Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (22:11)Probability Quiz 2NEW!!!! Probability Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (23:50)Probability Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (23:50)Module 2 – Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions.Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:23)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:23)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (21:42)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (21:36)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (19:15)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (18:50)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (22:43)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (22:43)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (20:40)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (20:40)Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (24:55)NEW!!!! Quantitative Reasoning Quiz 6 – Video Solutions (24:55)Stage 2 Further Practice – Abstract Reasoning Practice Questions.Sets Quiz 1Sets Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (19:16)Sets Quiz 2Sets Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (13:47)Sets Quiz 3Sets Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (13:07)Sets Quiz 4Sets Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (13:18)Sets Quiz 5Sets 5 Quiz – Video Solutions (11:57)NEW!!! Sets Quiz 6NEW!!! Sets Quiz 6 Video Solutions (13:40)NEW!!! Sets Quiz 7NEW!!! Sets Quiz 7 Video Solutions (16:53)Find the Next Quiz 1Find the Next Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (7:06)NEW!!! Find the Next Quiz 2NEW!!! Find the Next Quiz 2 Video Solutions (14:26)Comparison Quiz 1Comparison Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (12:26)NEW!!! Comparison Quiz 2NEW!!! Comparison Quiz 2 Video Solutions (22:21)Stage 2 Further Practice – Situational Judgement Practice Questions.Appropriate Quiz 1Appropriate Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (14:48)Appropriate Quiz 2Appropriate Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (19:16)Appropriate Quiz 3Appropriate Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (14:07)Appropriate Quiz 4Appropriate Quiz 4 Video Solutions (14:51)Appropriate Quiz 5Appropriate Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (11:17)NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 6NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 6 Video Solutions (14:27)NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 7NEW!!! Appropriate Quiz 7 Video Solutions (11:11)Importance Quiz 1Importance Quiz 1 – Video Solutions (13:56)Importance Quiz 2Importance Quiz 2 – Video Solutions (13:45)Importance Quiz 3Importance Quiz 3 – Video Solutions (12:45)Importance Quiz 4Importance Quiz 4 – Video Solutions (11:04)Importance Quiz 5Importance Quiz 5 – Video Solutions (8:10)NEW!!! Importance Quiz 6NEW!!! Importance Quiz 6 Video Solutions (12:32)NEW!!! Importance Quiz 7NEW!!! Importance Quiz 7 Video Solutions (12:29)Transition to the New Learning Management System