Michael Port – Get Booked Solid


Download available within 1-2 hours. Using my proprietary marketing model you’ll generate a full pipeline of clients and referrals and master hundreds of creative, profit-producing, smarter small business marketing tactics that work.

Michael Port – Get Booked Solid

Discover How You Too Can Get Booked Solid in Just 2 Days with Michael Port for a Price So Low You’ll Thonk Yourself On The Head in Disbelief!Hiya! Michael Port here…I’ve got something brand spanking new for you! It’s fast and cheap (as little as $99) but the return on investment for you is huge.
In just 2 days, from anywhere in the world, via your computer or phone, I’ll show you the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to market your professional services and get as many clients as your heart desires.
Based entirely on the Book Yourself Solid system from my bestselling book, this 2-day video webinar will be held on Sunday, Sept. 12 and Sunday Sept. 19, 2010 (11am-7pm ET both days).

You can get all the recordings if you can’t make the entire event.
You’ll build a solid marketing foundation based on trust and credibility so you can get more clients, faster.
Finally, something affordable! You don’t even have to leave your house. And, it’s fast. Learn everything you need to know about getting clients in just two days.
Using my proprietary marketing model you’ll generate a full pipeline of clients and referrals and master hundreds of creative, profit-producing, smarter small business marketing tactics that work.
Plus, it’s going to be a rockin’ good time. I’ll lift you up. I’ll make you laugh. And, I’ll make you feel like a marketing rockstar. The entire event is a video webinar so you’ll see my smiling face for real, honest-to-goodness human connection!
This Book Yourself Solid 2-day video webinar training is an absolute must if you want to:

Learn how to market professional services.
Establish a solid marketing foundation so you get more clients.
Build trust with your target audience and earn credibility within your marketplace.
Learn hundreds of small business marketing tips, tactics, strategies and techniques that work.
Feel confident using smarter marketing methods in alignment with your core values.
Notice a shift in your thinking and feel at ease marketing your products or service.

Get immediately download Michael Port – Get Booked Solid
Completely eliminate feelings of frustration and continually be inspired.
Take the right actions to reach your lead generation and small business marketing goals and set new ones beyond what you previously thought possible.
With the easy-to-follow Book Yourself Solid roadmap you’ll know how to get clients for your small business while making the most of your time, money and energy.
Simplify and conquer your lead generation efforts and start driving in new clients, today.
You’ll fall in love with marketing and selling your services. When you do… you’ll have as many clients as your heart desires.
Book Yourself Solid 2 Day Video Webinar Training Outline
Day 1: Sunday, September 12, 2010

11:00am – 2:00pm Eastern Time
(15-minute breaks will be held every hour.)
Your Foundation
Lesson 1: The red velvet rope policy of working only with ideal clients

Identifying Ideal Clients, the Duds and Everyone Else
Discovering What Turns You Off Or Shuts You Down
Defining Your Ideal Client So You Can Get More Of Them
Uncovering the Qualities Of Your Ideal Client
Creating Your Red Velvet Rope Policy
Learning Which Clients Fit the Profile and Which Don’t
Turning Mid-Range Clients Into Ideal Clients
Pruning Your Client List – a Perpetual Process
Working Only With Clients That Energize and Inspire You

Lesson 2: How to know why people buy what you’re selling

Learning the 3 Reasons You Must Have a Target Market
Discovering What a Target Market Really Is
Choosing a Target Market
Identifying the Urgent Needs and Compelling Desires of Your Target Market
Making Your Offers Investable Opportunities
Choosing the #1 Result You Create For Clients
Demonstrating the Benefits of Your Investable Opportunities

Financial, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual

Lesson 3: How to develop your personal brand so you’re meaningful and memorable

Finding What Makes You Uniquely You
Exploiting Your Quirks and Natural Talents
Crafting the 3 Components of Your Personal Brand

Your Who and Do What Statement
Your Why You Do It Statement
Your Tag Line

Thinking Bigger About Who You Are and What You Offer
Deciding How You’re Known in the World

Lesson 4: How to talk about what you do so you’re not confusing and bland

Why an Elevator Speech Could Be Killing Your Business.
Looking Like a Star With The 5-Part Book Yourself Solid Dialogue

The Long Version
The Medium Version
The Short Version

Getting Into a Book Yourself Solid Dialogue with Ease
Never Again Worrying When Asked, “What Do You Do?”

Day 1 Continued: Sunday, September 12, 2010

3:30pm – 7:00pm Eastern Time
(15-minute breaks will be held every hour.)
Building Trust & Credibility
Lesson 5: Who Knows What You Know and Do They Like You?

Becoming a Category Authority
Deciding What You’d Like to Be Known For
Finding What You Need to Learn and How to Learn It
Making the Mental Shift Into Expert Status
Harnessing the Power of Likeability
Leveraging the 4 Keys to Increasing Likeability
Establishing the Standard Credibility Builders
Discovering the Real Meaning of Marketing

Lesson 6: How to build trust with potential clients using the Book Yourself Solid sales cycle

Mastering the 6 Keys to Creating Connection
Profiting From the Always-Have-Something-to-Invite-People-to-Offer
Designing a Book Yourself Solid Sales Cycle Process
Using the BYS Sales Cycle to Unconditionally Serve Your Clients
Building Trust Over Time for More Sales
Choosing the Right Number of Stages for Your Sales Cycle
Getting People into Your Sales Cycle Faster
Making the Right Sales Offers at the Right Time
Automating Your Sales Cycle

Lesson 7: How to create brand-building products and programs to build your list, create passive revenue, and build your credibility.

Harnessing the Power of Information Products
Finishing Big by Starting With the End In Mind
Defining Your Product for Faster Production
Assessing the Need in Your Marketplace for More Sales
Choosing the Types of Titles that Sell
Following the 5 Steps to Creating Your Content
Pricing Your Products to Hit the Sweet Spot of Sales
Determining Which Should Be Free and Which Should Be Fee
Increasing the Speed of Your Sales Cycle
Discovering What Products to Create First and Why

Day 2: Sunday, September 19, 2010 

11:00am – 12:30pm Eastern Time 
Perfect Pricing and Simple Sales 
Lesson 8: How to decide on the perfect pricing models and when and how to offer discounts and incentives.

Profiting from the 8 Professional Services Perfect Pricing Models
Exploiting the 5 Essential Pricing Objectives
Knowing When to Raise Prices
Knowing When to Lower Prices and Offer Discounts and Specials
Understanding that Pricing is What You Pay, Value is What You Get
Adhering to Pricing Regulations
Identifying the Value of a Service

Lesson 9: How to use the super simple selling conversation so selling is as easy and comfortable as a day at the beach.

Using and Loving the 4-Part Super Simple Sales System
Practicing Selling Without Pressure
Selling Without Sliming
Putting an End to One Step Selling
Selling with Integrity
Knowing for Certain When to Make Sales Offers
Reveling in Never Being Nervous to Sell Again

Day 2 Continued: Sunday, September 19, 2010 

12:45am – 2pm Eastern Time
The Book Yourself Solid 7 Core Self-Promotion Strategies
Get immediately download Michael Port – Get Booked Solid
Lesson 9: The Book Yourself Solid Networking Strategy

Profiting From the #1 Activity for Expanding Your Network
Finding Informal Networking Opportunities
Finding Formal Networking Opportunities
Nailing Networking Events – What to Do
Nailing Networking Events – What Not to Do
Increasing Your Network by Sharing Your Knowledge
Building Your Influence by Sharing Your Compassion
Enhancing Your Status by Sharing Your Network

Lesson 10: The Book Yourself Solid Direct Outreach Strategy

Creating Your Direct Outreach BYS List of 20
Sending Letters
Making Calls
Sending E-mails
Sending Postcards
Doing Whatever-it-Takes Direct Outreach
Making Personal Connections with Famous People
Promoting Through the Press
Creating Your Direct Outreach Plan

Lesson 11: The Book Yourself Solid Referral Strategy

Understanding What Really Makes a Quality Referral
Finding Referral Opportunities
Beginning the Referral Process
Understanding Why Clients Would Refer to You
Finding Where Your Referrers Make a Referral
Communicating How Your Referrers Should Make a Referral
Starting the Referral Connection
Following Up with Referrals and Referrers
Creating Your BYS Gang of 5 for Neverending Referals

Day 2 Continued: Sunday, September 19, 2010

3:30pm – 7:00pm Eastern Time
(15-minute breaks will be held every hour.)
Lesson 12: The Book Yourself Solid Keep-In-Touch Strategy

Developing Content for Your Keep-in-Touch Strategy
Choosing Your Keep-in-Touch Tools
Choosing Ezine Format and Layout
Deciding On Your Ezine Publishing Schedule
Avoiding the Biggest Mistakes People Make Sending Newsletters
Avoiding the Biggest Mistake People Make Using Facebook E-mail
Getting Attention from Cards, Calls, and Can-Do Keep-in-Touch
Becoming Known as a Connector in Your Field
Automating Your Keep-in-Touch Strategy

Lesson 13: The Book Yourself Solid Speaking Strategy

Learning Self-Promotion Speaking Strategies
Getting Promoted by Others Speaking Strategies
Booking Your Way Up the Association Ladder
Getting Booked to Speak and What You Need to Do It
Putting Your Presentation Together
Organizing Your Information
Knowing When Not to Use PowerPoint
Selling From the Stage; When It’s Cool and What It’s Not
Answering The Question: to Speak Or Not to Speak?

Lesson 14: The Book Yourself Solid Writing Strategy

Mastering the 5-Part Book Yourself Solid Writing Strategy
Deciding On the Subject
Choosing an Ideal Topic
Getting Your Articles Published Online
Getting Your Articles Published Offline
Submitting Your Articles to Directories
Writing the Query Letter
Helping Editors Help You

Lesson 15: The Book Yourself Solid Web Strategy

Mastering Website Basics
Answering the 3 Questions That Make a Website Work
Choosing from the 10 Most Effective Web Site Home page Formats
Implementing the 9 Book Yourself Solid Web Traffic Strategies
Promoting Through Marketing Partners
Leveraging the 2 Essential Principles of Visitor Conversion
Owning the Big Three: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
Learning from Case Studies: Social Media Marketing Strategies in Action

Wait… There’s More! 
Get 4 additional, bonus IMPLEMENTATION video webinar sessions with my Chief Operating Officer and Certified Book Yourself Solid Coach, Megan McKenzie.

During the 2 full days of video webinar training with me, I will make sure that you’re making the right choices and that you know exactly what you need to do to get booked solid.
Then, immediately following the webinar workshop, you’ll begin a 4-week implementation program to ensure that you follow through on the action plan we create.

Megan’s the one I use to implement my big ideas, so that should tell you something. Plus, she’s an organizational behavior and leadership development expert with 30 years of experience in process improvement, personal productivity and organizational behavior solutions.
Implementation video webinars with Megan will be held Thursdays, September, 23 and 30 and October 7 and 14. All from 3-4pm ET.
Wait… There’s Even More!
Get 2 additional, 90-minute bonus Q&A video webinar sessions with Michael Port following the 2 days of webinar training. Of course, you’re going to have more questions as you begin to immediately implement the strategies, tactics and tips that I share with you.
That’s why we’ll also meet two additional times, September 29 and October 13, both from 3-4:30pm ET, so you can ask me any and all questions that come up after the 2 full days of training.
Quick Glance Schedule

Two full days of video webinar training with Michael: Sunday, Sept. 12 and 19 from 11am-7pm ET.
Two 90-minute follow up Q&A group coaching video webinars with Michael: Wednesday, Sept. 29 and Oct. 13, both from 3-4:30pm ET.
Four 60-minute implementation group coaching video webinars with Megan: Thursday, Sept 23 and 30 and Oct. 7 and 14. All four from 3-4pm ET.

* All video webinars are recorded with audio and video of Michael Port along with PowerPoint presentation.