Michael Hall – Meta Nlp Master Practitioner Video


This is the complete Master Practitioner Set from M. Hall, which includes 2 parts. The Master Practitioner Training 1- 13 and The Meta Programs Master Training 1-5.

Michael Hall – Meta Nlp Master Practitioner Video

This is the complete Master Practitioner Set from M. Hall, which includes 2 parts. The Master Practitioner Training 1- 13 and The Meta Programs Master Training 1-5.
The Main Topics include:
I. The Vision Of Mastery

– Introduction To NLP Mastery

– Mastering NLP

– Your Top Ten Mastery States

– Well-Formed Outcomes For Mastery

– Circles Of Excellence
II. Mastery Through Mind-Lines

– The Mind-Lines Model

Conversational Reframing Patterns For Transforming Meaning

7 Directions To Send A Brain

26 Reframing Patterns
III. Mastery Though Trance

– Trance As A Meta-State Phenomena

The Meta-Levels As Trance

Inductions Of Hypnotic Trances

Building Hypnotic Inductions Training
Get immediately download Michael Hall – Meta Nlp Master Practitioner Video

– Trance Via Time-Lines

Fast And Slow Time

Spiraling Resources

Creating A New Life Narrative
IV. Modeling

– “Sub-Modalities”


Unmasking Submodalities Meta-Levels

Using Sub-Modality For Mastering NLP
– Exploring The Structure Of Experience

Modeling: The Heart Of NLP

Kinds Of Modeling

Best States For Modeling

Tools For Modeling
– Strategies For Modeling

The NLP-Enriched TOTE Model

Identifying, Unpacking, & Replication

Strategies Of Excellence

Neuro-Semantics Modeling
– Cultural Modeling

Structure Of “Cultural” Phenomena
V. Meta Programs Mastery Set

Meta Programs as Coalesced meta-states

Meta Programs for “Figuring Out People”

Changing Meta Programs

Using Meta Programs
 Here’s What You’ll Get in Michael Hall – Meta Nlp Master Practitioner Video