Michael Breen – Conversational Trance



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Michael Breen – Conversational Trance
Learn the skills to master conversational trance today. When you master what is taught in this intensive

training program you will be able to hook and hold people’s attention, use trance as an everyday tool you use

intentionally to create powerful results – from creating conversational change, being more persuasive or have a

friend, family member or client act on the suggestions you put forward.


Almost two hours of rich audio training in MP3, for listening on your IPod, Smart phone or computer

Edited into ve tracks so you’ve got quick access to the information that is of most interest to you anytime you


A 44 page word-for-word PDF transcript, so you can examine how Michael uses language, evokes trance and

places suggestions inside his stories

A 14 page post training assignment PDF, with 4 detailed assignments to help you wire up how to create trance
