Michael Beckwith – Life Visioning Mastery


Or is it just that it needs to be placed in a fertile environment so its intrinsic beauty can flourish, bloom, and grow?

Michael Beckwith – Life Visioning Mastery

Are you living a small life?
This Quest is for people who’re dissatisfied with modern goal-Many of us wake up in our 40s wondering what happened to our lives. This happens because we often set goals that are not in line with our soul but rather what society wants.
Forget society.
Listen to your soul.

What if the Path to Your Most Fulfilling Life Was The One You Choose? Life Has The Universe Already Written It?
And all you had to do was to accept it? As per Dr. Michael BeckwithThere are no extra people on the planet. Each one of us was created for a specific purpose, a unique purpose that only you can fulfill.
The best part is — The Universe is always on your side and is constantly working for you to realize your unique purpose.
Many people are still dissatisfied with their lives. If it’s heading anywhere at all.

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Why is it that the more you gain, the more you lose.

How do you feel when you are less fulfilled?
Like most people in the world today, you work, struggle and strive for everything you’ve been told would make for “a happy life.”
You might have even been involved in personal growth and learned to use tools such as traditional. ‘visualization’ And ‘manifesting’.
All with one goal: to realize your dream.
You might have achieved your goals.
And by all accounts, you should be… fulfilled.
However, you still feel a void.
You were made for more than you can imagine.
If only there was a way to hear your soul with clarity.
If you could get rid of all the social pressures, expectations from your parents, and cultural norms that cloud you judgement, you would be able to finally discover your true purpose in this life.

Image of a girl thinking while sitting by a lakeside.

The ‘Secret Ingredient’ To Live a Deeply Fulfilled Life, Find Your Purposeful Life
Imagine if you didn’t have to struggle to achieve your goals in life.

Instead, visualize the right goals that truly appeal to your soul being found by you. All you had to do was accept it.

Image of a rose garden
This is how you should think about it:

Is it necessary for a rose seed to be able to grow into a rose?
Is it possible to give it the environment it needs to flourish and blossom?
You are in fact, no different.
You are the individual manifestation of that which is eternal, everywhere. This allows the Universe to know itself through your actions.
You will blossom into the divine expression you truly are when you are provided with the right environment.
The Life Visioning Mastery Quest by Dr. Michael Beckwith This guide is designed to help you ascend through all four levels of spiritual awareness. Each stage will spark profound awakenings and help you align with your true essence.
Your life purpose will become crystal clear by the end of the Quest-Clear focus is key to allowing you to manifest from your soul.
How Dr. Michael Beckwith Inspired Vishen Lakhani

Image by Dr. Michael Beckwith Vishen Lakhiani
Dr. Michael Beckwith He is one of the most influential spiritual educators in my life, as well as in the lives and work of the Mindvalley Team.
His ideas have helped me personally, and our company, understand that true goals don’t come from listening to the status quo.
They are born from listening deeply to our souls.
You can also see other ideas here Michael The Four Stages of Consciousness and the Law of Resonance have played a significant role in my understanding of reality’s nature. Concepts such as the Law of Resonance and personal growth have fundamentally changed my view of manifesting.
These are the main reasons. Michael This has been one of my greatest personal mentors and is heavily featured on my New York Times bestseller The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.
And I’m so honored to bring him to Mindvalley so I can better help spread this man’s brilliant wisdom to the world.

About Michael Bernard Beckwith
Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith Is the founder of Agape International Spiritual Center.-The congregation is a denominational spiritual group with over 9,000 members. He has been featured on Dr. Oz, Larry King Live, Larry King Live, and his own PBS Special, The Answer Is You. His message has reached millions of people through his appearances. He also participated in The Synthesis Dialogues alongside the Dalai Lama, and other New Thought Ministers.
Dr. Beckwith Is the creator of the Visioning He teaches process all over the world through his books and seminars. The process is at its core a way to fully accept your connection with the divine and allow the Universe to serve the world through it. Visioning is a wonderful Quest, and we’re delighted to bring you the teachings from this amazing man.

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
As Seen on:


Oprah Winfrey Network


Dr. Oz

Larry King


The Oprah Winfrey Program
Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
At A-Fest: Live Your Quest Michael The speech was a powerful and memorable one that was delivered to more than 400 Mindvalley members.-Fest history.
Michael She has appeared on Dr. Oz, Larry King Live, The Oprah Winfrey and many other primetime TV shows.
Michael has been one of Vishen’s greatest personal teachers and is heavily featured in his New York Times bestselling book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.

What You’ll Learn

How To Life Visioning Mastery This will help you discover your potential Life Purpose
Download immediately Michael Beckwith – Life Visioning Mastery
In the Life Visioning Mastery, you’re going to discover a spiritual framework that transcends any traditional goal-Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your life, you can instead focus on the positive. With that, comes complete clarity of what success truly means to you, so you’re no longer influenced by societal expectations and you’re free to craft a life that sings to your soul.
1. Get “Pulled” By A Vision For You Life

Do not feel overwhelmed “motivate yourself” to achieve anything because you will be pulled by a powerful desire to create a reality that’s aligned with your soul’s calling.
2. Make Your Luck

Once you accept the model of a “friendly Universe” where the world conspires for your success, you’ll instantly experience a deep sense of calm and certainty that you will always be living your highest purpose.
3. Be Free from External Expectations

Become so in tune with your soul’s calling that nothing—whether it’s the media, society, parents, culture, religion, and more—can sway you from living life on your terms.
4. Discover the Best Version of You

Enjoy the profound understanding that comes with the Visioning Process, and create the conditions for the emergence and expression of your unique talents, gifts, and skills.
5. Embrace Your Divine Consciousness

Your true, eternal nature and spirituality will help you to understand your life and bring out more beauty, love, and joy.
6. Tap into the Messages From The Universe

You can learn advanced spiritual practices that allow you to accept ‘downloads’ All knowledge originates from the Universe and collective consciousness. This will allow you to transcend your limited perspective and experience creative epiphanies as well as certainty.
7. Experience “Oneness” All types of Life

Transcend the destructive ego and you will see no separation between you, the world, or yourself. You will realize that you are an unique expression of the Universe.
8. Go beyond the goal-Setting

Learn how to manifest beyond your imagination and open up new possibilities for more success and love.

How Life Visioning Helped Transform Lives…

“My life is unfolding in ways I never believed possible”
I love you Michael’s approach and energy. The free intro was the first thing I saw and I knew it was the right program for me. Michael’s program has been transformative in my personal and professional life.

Karen Banks,
Professional Career Coach, President & CEO AKA Associates, Inc. Florida, USA

“I have cleared some of my old behaviors and assumptions about life and me”
I am just starting out with this. Life Visioning. I am slowly working through the course. I am sharing the course with my Fiancée. We are supporting each other along our spiritual and individual growth paths. […] I am learning just to be aware of the infinite possibilities the universe has for my life, and that abundance comes easily to me.

Doug McBrierty,
Florida, USA

“Michael Beckwith helped me to deal with the events that affected me”
This material is insightful, helpful, and easy to use. No matter who you may be, it doesn’t matter what past events have shaped you thoughts and visions about yourself and what you can achieve. Michael Beckwith It helped me understand the events that have still affected me and gave me a process for dealing them.

Dr. Debora Trimpe,
PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Dallas, Texas, USA

“[He] inspired me to look inside and realize my own uniqueness and owning it with pride”
I was inspired by the truths and information in the course to see my own uniqueness and be proud of it. Thank you. Michael BeckwithThank you for making it so simple and easy. We are free to be truthful.

Anita Smit
Cape Town, South Africa

The Life Visioning Mastery Quest 2020 Schedule
The Life Visioning Mastery Quest is a 35-Day spiritual journey to uncover your purpose. Starting 24 February 2020, you’ll join Dr. Michael Beckwith You will be surrounded by thousands of students around the world as he activates your unique talents.
Dr. Beckwith This Quest is a tribute to one of the most revered spiritual teachers of all time.-On-1 consultation with the man.
In just 15-20 minutes a day, you’ll go beyond traditional intention-You can use visualization and manifesting practices to help you reach a higher stage of your spiritual awareness. Your life vision will become crystallized with each passing day.-Clear focus
The Quest ends, and the need to work hard and achieve goals is gone. Instead, you will live a life full of synchronicities, as you align with your authentic purpose.
Register now to lock in your 40% Masterclass coupon and get this 35-day free trial-Day Quest with our global community Your experience is entirely at your own risk-Our 10 free gifts-day money back guarantee.

Program Curriculum
Click on each item for more information
Your journey begins with creating the ideal conditions to allow your soul’s vision for your life to emerge. Dr. Beckwith This guide will help you navigate a beautiful spiritual framework which will serve as your guide to your higher self throughout your Quest and throughout your entire life.
Highlights include:
The 4 Stages of Spiritual Growth & Unfoldment: this profound framework will help identify your current level of awareness and the next step of your spiritual growth.

How to see your life as it is: The 8 concept Life Structures, you’ll discover which areas of your life you are excelling in, and which areas need your most immediate attention.

Step into your authenticity and learn how to free yourself from society’s expectations using the 4 Pillars of Freedom. Give your soul the space it needs to express your true self with the help of these four principles.

The Universe Is Progressive: Learn a profound model for reality that will quickly change your worldview, and open you up towards new possibilities for your spiritual growth.
A preview of The Life Visioning Mastery Quest with Michael Bernard Beckwith

The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform will elevate your learning experience

Mindvalley Quests’ learning platform combines community power with daily micro-learning.-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.

Mindvalley Learning Platform

The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform
From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.

Deep Transformation in Just 15 – 20 minutes per Day
Now used by the leading-Edge schools and companies, micro-Learning is the ultimate solution to personal growth for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.

Mindvalley Learning Platform

Mindvalley community

We’re All In This Together
Mindvalley Quests offers multiple ways to interact and collaborate with others.-You can create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded students.-You will find like-minded people from over 100 countries supporting you, inspiring and holding you responsible for your highest success.

How the Quest App Works

1. You can start the Life Visioning Mastery You can either join the community for a quest on 24 February 2020 or go at your own pace.
Download immediately Michael Beckwith – Life Visioning Mastery
One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.

2. Daily guidance for 35 days
From a supportive online community to a regular check-ins with your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page – you’re never alone.

3. In 20 minutes per day, your body can grow dramatically
Watch your video lessons for 20 minutes each day and then apply the practices.
How Dr. Beckwith Inspired World-Renowned Actors

Hilary Swank

“Reverend Michael is a beacon of inspiration”
Reverend Michael All who have the privilege of being blessed by his insightfully profound services are inspired. He fills the soul and reminds us all why we’re here…to shine our light and live our best life.

Hilary Swank
Actress, producer

Sterling K. Brown

“Michael’s words and teachings were always there to guide me”
Rev. Michael It was like meeting a spiritual mentor in my new field of question and discovery. Rev. Michael’s words and teachings were always there to guide me and show me that God wasn’t out to smite me or anyone else!

Sterling K. Brown

Oprah Winfrey

“Michael Bernard Beckwith teaches that the vision we set for our lives…”
Michael Bernard Beckwith It teaches us that our vision for our lives is a sacred process that unlocks all that is unique, powerful, and magnificent within each of us.

Oprah Winfrey
Media owner, actress, producer, and host of talk shows

Hill Harper

“Finding Rev. Michael was like finding a spiritual mentor”
Finding Rev. Michael It was like meeting a spiritual mentor. I am grateful for the deeper and more authentic experience I have of God.

Hill Harper

Scott Bakula

“What Michael says and how he says it is so unique and yet so accessible”
It doesn’t have anything to do with your background, where you were raised, your religion, or any biases. Michael’s is purely interested in the highest potential that’s within all of us and in helping everyone to let it shine.

Scott Bakula
Actor, singer, director.

Van Morrison

“The teachings of Michael Bernard Beckwith are very inspiring”
The teachings of Michael Bernard Beckwith They are very inspiring. I livestream on a daily basis and find it healing and comforting. He’s the real deal, and has uplifted my life.”

Van Morrison
Actor and singer-Songwriter

Our Commitment to Affordableness
Mindvalley’s mission is to develop the global education system. To provide lifelong transformational education to all people on the planet.
As Dr. Beckwith It is said that there are “no extra people” We believe everyone has a role to play in elevating humanity on this planet. This is why we’ve designed the Life Visioning Mastery Quest to assist you in uncovering your life purpose at a more affordable price than you’ll find anywhere else.
Since this Quest happens online in a group setting (without sacrificing the personal touch, thanks to our immersive Quests platform) – we’ve been able to drive that cost way down for you.
And so this transformational experience won’t cost you $3,000, or $2,000 or even $1,000; but just a one-Time investment of $649 to start living the life you are meant to live. You won’t find this complete life shift for this price anywhere else.
You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-Day Guarantee
When you’re buying a car, you can test drive it. When you’re buying a house, you can take a tour of it. We believe you should have the same peace of mind with your education too – so we’re giving you up to 10 risk-Try it for free for 30 days Life Visioning Mastery Explore Quest to see how it works for your situation.
And if you’re not over the moon with your results, simply visit our Refund Page to request an instant refund. It’s that easy.
Kristi Anier

Customer Happiness Manager

Masterclass Special Discount

Register by February 24, 2020 to Get 40% Discount
This discount is our way expressing gratitude for your participation in the Masterclass. And, it’s an incentive for you to take the next step towards mastering the art of conscious parenting.
Dr. Beckwith He is and has been one of the most influential spiritual educators over the past 4 decades. This Quest is a lifetime.-It is a new opportunity for the Mindvalley community, to incorporate his teachings into our spiritual practice.
That’s why we’re thrilled to begin the Quest with thousands of people on 24 February 2020. We hope you’ll join us.

Secure Your Place In The Life Visioning Mastery

Life Visioning Mastery Quest on devices

Here’s What You Get When You Enroll Today:
Access to Dr. Michael Beckwith’s 35-Day Quest Life Visioning Mastery Take 40% off your purchase

Begin your journey on 24 February 2020 with thousands of other people, and support each other as you work towards the finish line.

Access to a Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator who will guide you and optimize your experience during, during, and following the Quest.

Instant access to your private information Life Visioning Mastery Facebook group.

Award-We offer outstanding customer service, available to answer any questions throughout your experience.

You can purchase a digital Mindvalley Certificate to Completion for $50 more. This will recognize your Quest graduation.
Here’s What You Will Get in Michael Beckwith – Life Visioning Mastery