
Michael Baker – The Anatomy of Awakening Training

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Michael Baker – The Anatomy of Awakening Training
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Take the Modules at Your Pace!

ONLINE – All Modules are available online and pre-recorded or live streamed (once per year) for viewing at your convenience.

No Previous Experience Required

Product Description
INTRODUCING: Pranayama Training For The Advancement Of Human Sciences

Attendees have 12 months to complete online or livestream courses.

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A Simple, Straight Forward Program rooted in Yogic Vedanta. Including extensive practicum for personal growth and the foremost powerful, yet gentle modalities to empower internal healing, self realization and awakening.
The training where East meets West, Science meets Mysticism & Earth Practices meet the Cosmos…
Over the past decade, the Breath Center has been widely acknowledged for seamlessly merging the original traditions of Eastern Yogic Pranayama and Western Physiology with South American Entheogenics, Harmonic Frequency and Cosmic, Spiritual Sciences.
The core of this program is the preservation of ancient lineage teachings, first hand exploration and practicum, current scientific research that supports mystical experiences, safety guidelines for sharing any transformational work with honor and integrity, and personal healing to make a better world for future generations to inherit.
The Breath Centers’ extensive curriculum combines simplified and easy to comprehend Physiology, Yogic Theory, Peruvian, Brazilian, Siberian and Columbian Shamanism, Dharma, Native American Practices and diverse perspectives on esoteric human sciences which guide applicants towards personal resolve concluding with the exploration of humanities true history and the origins of energetic arts.
Module I: Yogic Pranayama and Therapeutic Breathing Techniques
The Anatomy of Awakening Module I, taught by Michael Brian Baker, is open to those interested and passionate about personal growth such as life coaches, yoga teachers, massage/physical therapists, counselors, entrepreneurs, athletes, medical doctors, alternative health practitioners, artists, business leaders, everyday people who seek to improve their physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual health, those who wish to begin to immerse themselves in the art of pranayama facilitation, and successful “Arts Practitioners” who wish to add this modality to their repertoire. Note: Module I is part of the comprehensive training program known as The Anatomy of Awakening. Modules are no longer offered on an individual training schedule.
This is an introduction to the history and highest and best practices of the origin and facilitation of “breathwork”.
Topics Include:
Physiology of the Breath, Lungs, & Pulmonary Function

Yoga’s Mystical and Transformational Beginnings

Western “Breathwork” Practices

Vedic History of Pranayama Practices

Guided Practice of 9+ Breathing Techniques

Therapeutic Mental & Physical Health Benefits of Pranayama

A Multicultural Introduction to Prana, Qi, or “life force” and its function

Education of Kumbhaka (Retention), Intermittent Hypoxia, and Hyperventilation

How to Best Assist Different Body Types from a Medical & Ayurvedic Perspective

Feelings & Sensations that you or your clients may experience

Learning about Tetany: What, Why, & How

“Nadi’s” (Energy Channels) and How they are Effected by Breath

Socratic Communication to Improve Deeper Inquiry & Prepare Client for their Practice

Samadhi – Highest States of Union that can be Achieved through this practice

Formula for Aiding Yourself & Others to Reap Mental, Emotional, & Physical Benefits

Highest Standards, Safety, Morals, & Ethics of “Breathwork”/Pranayama

Tools to Understand and Breakthrough Creative Blockages

Developing a Personal Home Practice

Hands on Introduction to Working with Others 1 on 1

Personal Transformation

Anatomy of Awakening Training is for beginners and experienced participants, who know we are always beginners. Attendees will leave with a solid foundation for creating a professional practice based on service, humility and responsible daily activity. Graduates will have the hands on experience, knowledge of highest & best practices, and tools to begin sharing breathwork in one on one settings.
Module II: The Science of Seeing Beyond the Physical
Module II focuses on the individual’s journey, working with others, and implementation of intuition & awareness, and serves to further unwind the layers of consciousness for personal liberation and the medicine for facilitating clarity in working with others. Note: Module II is part of the comprehensive training program known as The Anatomy of Awakening. Modules are no longer offered on an individual training schedule.
Module II Topics Include:
Beginning to Advanced Intuitive Practices

Tracking Disease Through Lineage

Communication through Body Languaging

Root Causes of Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, & Physical Disease

10 Methods of Awakening as Taught by Swami Satyananda

Proper Space Holding for Healing in the Pranic State

Somatic Awareness

Jyotish Transits

Planetary Influence

Introduction to Human Design

Advanced 1 on 1 work

Mysticism, Science & Yogic Theory

Exploration of the Healthy Embodiment of Personal Power

The Path of the Healer

Development of Personal Offering

Self Exploration for Sharing Heart Based Services Sustainably

Becoming Coaches of Consciousness

Introduction into South American Teachings, the Medicine Wheel, & Shamanism

Module III: Ancient Origins of Humanity and Utilizing the Breath as the Key
The Anatomy of Awakening Module III Training is an advanced training for those practitioners who have been prepared and are equipped to receive the sometimes difficult to assimilate information on the origins of humanity and the contrasting energetics at the root of disease. Active “one on one” work will play a part in this training. Note: Module III is part of the comprehensive training program known as The Anatomy of Awakening. Modules are no longer offered on an individual training schedule.
The Topic of all Topics

Origins of Humanity & Religions

Implementation of the Earth Practices

Balinese Space Clearing

Introductory and Intermediate Shamanic Practices

Life After the “Red Pill”

The military industrial complex

Origins of Humanity

A right way to live

Alkalinity Vs Acidity

Cause & Effect: Sense Influencers

Depression and Distraction

Parasitic entities and the Inter-Dimensional Matrices

Spiritual bypassing

The Time of Great Transformation

Introduction to Working with Groups

Module IV: Advanced Healing Practices for Modern Times
After the shift of acceptance revolving around humanities origins has begun to integrate, the individuation can then begin to with some skill traverse the complex layers of extraordinary perception and within inter dimensional matrices. Skilled and well groomed practitioners begin in the realm of deep gravity before beginning to function on the etheric.
Just as within the practicum designed to inform on the micro level of facilitation, an organic process must be adhered to in order to become truly proficient in the macro or group. Module IV is comprised of complex oral traditions which include group dynamics and how to co-create profound intimacy in well attended settings. Note: Module IV is part of the comprehensive training program known as The Anatomy of Awakening. Modules are no longer offered on an individual training schedule.
Advanced Pranic Clearing & Working with Energy Centers

Attachments, Their Origins and Removal

Utilizing the Web of Consciousness

Advanced Release Techniques

The Medicine Way

Earth Ritual

Protective Boundary Initiation

A Tale of Tapasya: Proper Preparation for Awakening

The Art of Space Holding

Facilitators Guide to Dissolve Expectation

How to Stay on Track in the Work

Reverse Engineering

Song Circles

Music & Frequency Orchestration for Breath Sessions

Working with Plant Medicines

Languaging, Diagnostics, Phrasing, Slingshot of Silence, Supporting the Process of Realization

Interpreting Intuitive Messaging

Affirming Co-Created Goals

Convenience and It’s Consequences

Advanced Group Dynamics & Management

Defining Guardianship

Navigating the Pranic Field & Energetic Vacuums

Module V: The Path to Create a Suistainable Offering
Learning a craft takes time, patience and perseverance. Building a business takes careful planning, action, review and willingness to adjust and fine-tune to ensure growth and tenure. Now that the advanced level healing curriculum has been shared, you are well equipped to begin your journey serving others and groups. You have learned the skill of guardianship and can create all of the social contacts you require to build sustainable revenue and rest assured an educated decision has been made to offer and continue to refine your craft.
The next steps to sustainability require courage, determination and a ceaseless focus on realistic, reachable goals. Most “successful” business people seek coaching or mentorship to define and realize gains in their field. The Breath Center has endured over 10 years of market growth, avoided many pitfalls and utilized a plethora of ever changing platforms to ensure growth and address challenges with solution based action. Everyone requires support. It does not need to be hard when we decide to include others to motivate and help keep us on track. Note: Module V is part of the comprehensive training program known as The Anatomy of Awakening. Modules are no longer offered on an individual training schedule.
Topics covered:
Business Formation


Changing employers

Resuming the Resume


Income Vs. Revenue potential

Building a “timeless” business brand

Data Mining

Grouping of offerings






Video Blogs

Social Media

Non-Profit Donations

Transits Maha Dashas and Nakshatra Influencers

Financial Organization



Leveraging Credit – The Fiat of FICO

Those who wish to use The Breath Center as a professional affiliate or attending for certification must have Modules I-V, completed & paid for in full, exam & approved review completed, and 20 facilitated sessions logged and reviewed. Those wishing to explore training for self reflection and discovery, may join training without need for certification.
What People have to say about Training:
“…Ground breaking! effortlessly takes us into the very ground of our own being. Hands down, the finest Pranayama Arts Educational System that I know of.”
“I have studied and been initiated into many spiritual practices and have never had such a complete soul awakening.”
“I feel as though I’ve been cleaned from the inside out, and most importantly, deeply thankful and excited for life.”
The Anatomy of Awakening Training By Michael Baker, What Is It Included (Content Proof: Watch Here!)