Metapersuasion Manual


What we have developed is the first applicable method to understand and control what is inside the female mind. It is the result of hundreds of hours of research, both scientific research and real-life experiments, and hundreds of interviews with women. By the end of the program, you will have a game plan for every different type of woman on the planet, from identifying your type, to how to get her completely devoted to you.
You will know exactly what to do to get the women you’ve always wanted.
Here’s What You Will Get Done:

You will be able to see INSIDE THE MIND OF ANY woman you choose.

You will be able to influence their behavior on a supernatural level

You will enter an elite secret society

You will be able to decipher its secret language.

You will be able to release your inner nymphomaniac

You can quickly identify which of the 8 types of women she is

You will be able to adapt your strategy to focus your efforts on the specific type

Module 1. Introduction

Module 2: How the female mind works

The Difference Between Men and Women

The Primitive Brain

Conflicts of the Feminine Mind

Types of Women

Module 3 . The Formula of Attraction

The Laws of Attraction

Step 1 – Recognition

Step 2 – Curiosity

Step 3 – Connection

The Golden Rule

Module 4 . Non verbal techniques

Being noticed before you say a word

The special eagle observation technique

The secret approach formula used by the FBI to gain the trust of enemy spies without saying a single word

The eight foolproof ways to approach a woman that are impossible to ignore

Module 5. Verbal Techniques

Secret 5-step formula that induces anyone to approach you without you saying a single word

What to say, when to say it, and what signals to send to reprogram the limbic system

15 innocent questions that generate instant curiosity and attraction in the female mind.

3 weird affirmations that can be used both in person and in Whats…

The 21 questions that will NEVER let the conversation die down or the mood cool down.

A simple technique of 3 innocent questions that will make her think of you every night before bed and comment about you to absolutely all her friends

The 12 types of tested and validated messages that you can simply copy and paste

The 3 magic words that automatically get attention when a woman is really hot and totally ignoring you

Module 6 . Advanced Techniques

The Limbic Hypnosis Technique

The 5 triggers of metapersuasion that make a woman literally obsessed

The only way to get that hot girl you’ve always wanted to be your girlfriend without seeming anxious

Module 7 . Concluding remarks

Nurturing and Sustaining Long-term Relationships

The perils and advantages of digital relationships

Important Information
