Messaging – ConversionXL, Maya Shah – Ceccotti


Salepage link: At HERE. Archive: now $142 $1499, Messaging – ConversionXL, Maya Shah – Ceccotti Course.We’re in a golden era of B2B product positioning with so much expertise widely available and increased awareness of the importance of positioning.But how do you translate those strategic positioning decisions into messaging that resonates with other humans, specifically the ones you want in your pipeline? Look up “how to develop product messaging” today and you’ll find thousands of frameworks but little in-depth guidance. Yet messaging in context of your customer’s human experience is how they will come to trust and buy from you. I hope this course will give you the in-depth knowledge and step-by-step guidance to confidently develop relevant, credible and engaging messaging that gets better-fit customers through your pipeline, faster.After taking this course you’ll…“Positioning & messaging” are often lumped together as an amorphous product marketing capability, but true capability lies in the differences: Understand positioning v. messaging v. copy, cadences of development, and the inputs and outputs of each. Walk away knowing specifically what info you will need, and what info you will produce, in your messaging journey.There are various types of messaging layers that are each more or less effective given certain circumstances. And everyone has an opinion! Learn about product, solution, and vertical messaging. Learn how to decide what type to apply based on what variables.See firsthand the anatomy of a messaging sprint. Understand how to architect messaging by what influences a human in your target market. Understand how to leverage tools like value propositions, benefit/value pairings and customer journeys. Walk away with the confidence to plan and run your own sprint!Now you’ve got the strategy. But what is messaging, really? A document? A deck? A one-sheet? Learn how to create and validate a messaging canvas, adapt messaging by segmentation lenses, and when and how to update it. Walk away knowing what messaging deliverables you’ll produce and why.Now learn how to apply and measure. Understand how and why to enable your sales and success teams… because your messaging is only as good as the stakeholder who knows the least about it. Learn how to measure messaging impact against revenue.This course is essential for you if…You want to confidently and intentionally architect your B2B product messaging.You want to create relevant and trustworthy messaging that matters to your human customers.You feel like you are blindly putting pen to paper. There are better ways to develop messaging! You want a holistic and methodical approach.This course is NOT for you if…You don’t yet have a solid understanding of your customers and your product value. Get this first!You want to work in isolation. Messaging development requires inputs from executives, product, marketing, sales, success and more. Messaging impact requires evangelizing and enabling the entire organization. This isn’t a job for someone who doesn’t want a high-visibility challenge.You have no desire to lead and improve. Messaging is the ultimate representation of what your company stands for, what you promise and how you deliver. Talk about high value, high visibility. It requires resilient and open-minded leadership.Your course curriculumMESSAGING1. Product messaging, human attention and human needsWhat product messaging really is, when it occurs, and how it can break through the noise and appeal to your customer’s human needs.Topics covered:Avoid mistaking positioning for messaging, and messaging for copy. Learn the differences, cadences of development, and inputs & outputs of each.Understand the hierarchy of human B2B buyer needs and what kinds of messaging lenses resonate with which needs.Learn how to overlay human needs against the customer journey for maximum messaging impact.2. How to approach messaging in layers and lensesAssess the layers of business needs, human needs, your company story, your promise to customers and you how deliver. Make your messaging relevant through lenses like vertical, persona, solution and product messaging.Topics covered:Why no one needs to hear that your product is easy to use, or that it saves them time and money.Vertical v. persona v. solution v. product messaging. Who will win? Hint: There’s a time and place for everything.How the messaging lenses show up in messaging deliverables.3. How to confidently architect your messagingUsing your positioning outputs, learn how to run a message relevancy mapping sprint to theme and prioritize your product value.Topics covered:Start putting “pen to paper” with your positioning outputsMap capabilities to opportunities to audiences to value.Create outcome pillars supported by benefit > value > delivery sets.4. How to create your messaging canvas.How the key elements of a product messaging canvas lay the foundation for holistic, meaningful and adaptable messaging.Topics covered:Understand and create the key canvas elements: What, Why, Who, How, Combined Power, Outcome Pillars, Pain Points and Proof.Avoid unsubstantiated Outcome Pillars. Understand and leverage the differences between a benefit, value, capability (“delivery”) and pain point (“opportunity”).Test, validate, iterate and repeat5. Enable, empower and evangelizeYour messaging reverberates far beyond internal teams, and beyond your customers as well. Enable and empower others to champion your messaging, creating evangelists for maximum impact. Finally, measure success.Topics covered:How your internal messaging relationships create shared goals.How to programmatically enable internal teams to empower customers through messaging, creating internal and external evangelists that propel growth and improvement.Measure enablement impact and broader messaging impact.