Meredith Cancilla – Dream Big Designer


Meredith Cancilla – Dream Big DesignerThe freedom to choose:When to leave your 9-5 for clients who value your creativity, expertise—and your timeHow much you earn each month—today and twenty years from nowWhen to hire teammates, when to go on that tropical vacation, and when to buy the damn bag.Establish the design business you’re made for, with a streamlined process that gets you that next-level income and the balanced lifestyle you’re dreaming of.Your design studio is running on lowball leads, meager hourly rates, and inconsistent marketing.WHICH MEANS…The clients who want 10 revisions and “just a logo” won’t get you the financial freedom you (and your summer trips) are looking forYou know working on your business is on the back burner because you have to focus on client work (and paying the bills)The one-off brochures and key fob projects that land in your inbox from that one corporate client put a cap on where your design skills can take youTrying out TikTok to “get more clients” without a plan only feeds the comparison beast…leaving you with more mindset issues—and louder crickets.Build systems you can rely on, processes that work for you, a marketing plan that allows you to focus on the projects (and clients) that bring you life—and a profitable business that builds security and sustainability.Introducing the Dream Big Designer pathway to profitability:Our unique process for moving from overwhelmed freelancer to CEO designer.STEP 1Set the foundationUsing our designer-specific brand checklist, develop your brand positioning so that every piece of content (from contracts to captions) attracts and keeps the right people.STEP 2Land soul-filling ideal clientsSay no to clients who don’t value you and YES  to clients who respect you as an expert—and don’t think twice about paying your invoice.STEP 3Craft stand-out-from-the-crowd servicesOffers so clear that clients are primed and ready to say yes before hopping on a sales call with you.STEP 4Develop a success-orientedsales strategyDitch the fear of selling (and the #1 hangup for growing your business) so you can sell without feeling salesy—and book client after client. Yeah, that’s a thing.STEP 5Build boss-level systems and workflowsIs your creative spirit overwhelmed by to-do lists and sticky notes reminding you to email that lead who never responded? Not anymore.STEP 6Establish swoon-worthy servicesA client experience so smooth they’ll ask YOU how they can give a testimonial.STEP 7Serve and market with consistencyMarket from a place of abundance, not scarcity, with our signature framework (and scripts!) for boosting leads, nurturing the relationship, and landing testimonial-worthy clients.STEP 8Design a sustainable, profitable growth planCreate a pathway for success today, in three months from now, and when you want to take that week-long vacation, or a (paid) maternity leave.Go from the idea of building a business to actually doing it.All right, let’s talk about the mindset stuff we’d really rather avoid.OVERWHELMING REALITIES LIKE…Wondering how to start your businessSaying yes to freelance design jobs just to pay the bills, andLetting perfectionism get in the way of making real business decisions…can be the exact things that keep you from starting or growing your business.I want you to have MORE.More brand and web design projects that get you excited to sit down at your laptop every (business) dayMore income to hire out for the work that doesn’t bring you joy (Shout out to social media managers!)More creative direction over projects you’re proud (and excited!) to put in your portfolio—so you can lock more fun and creative projects in your Asana timelineMore T I M E to dream and plan not just for your business, but for the life you want to live—the one that looks like mid-day hot girl walks, 10-day getaways in the Bahamas, and being the one to pick up your kid from school.I want you to have all of that—and more.JOINDream Big DesignerAn online course for designers who want to create an agency-style design business that attracts dream clients—and finally feel like they’re in control of their future with a profitable system for growth.Ditch the freelance lifestyle for a thriving business where you are in control.Want this?The exact templates I use in my multi-six-figure design agencyA proven method to consistently attract high-budget clients on repeatAll the tools to build a massive following that chooses you over the competitionThe freedom and flexibility to set your own hours, travel when you want, and still make great $$Without this?Spending hours designing your process and templates from scratchWorrying about where your next client is coming from (or if they can afford you!)Charging less than you know your offers are worthFeeling like you need to work more hours to make more moneyJoin Dream Big DesignerThe tools to put that shiny new Mac and Adobe Creative Suite to werk.8 self-paced modules (stocked with training videos you can replay forever!)30+ templates, checklists, and copy-able spreadsheets to guide you (hello, Content Planning Calendar, Offer suite workbook, and Profit and Loss spreadsheet!)Training on agency-style software like Dubsado and Asana—and the EXACT steps I take so you can duplicate them (and cut out the guesswork!)Sales call, DM, and email scripts that you can plug and play (and land projects like a boss)1:1 Portfolio review + feedback via SlackPrivate Slack community of motivated and encouraging designers from around the worldThis course is designed for:In-house designers who want to create a design business side-hustle so they can leave their 9-5 jobFreelancers who are jumping from Slack channel to Slack channel working on feast or famine contract work for various corporate clientsArt Directors, Creative Directors, and Designers who have enough projects under their belt but need someone to guide them with the process and systems that complement their creative brainDesigners who are ready to have processes in place so they can plan for their future and not just next month’s rentDesigners who want freedom in their business so they can take that tropical getaway with their husband—without worrying about checking their emailARE YOU READY TO:*Finally* grasp the business side of thingsFind (and keep!) the clients that are right for youGet the scripts (and self-esteem!) to own your sales calls with confidenceBuild out the foundation for the $5k, $10k, and (yes!) $30k months?In Dream Big Designer, you become the business owner you want to be.Leave the overwhelmed and defeated mindset for an empowered, dialed-in, big-picture energy.MODULE 01Build a powerful brand foundationLearn how to actually build a business plan that positions you as an expert in the field of design, including how to optimize your website to attract higher paying clients, how to have your own (legal) back with my favorite resources for contracts, and my go-to profit and loss statement that makes financial planning (and tax season!) easy.MODULE 02Understand and attract ideal clientsDitch the feast or famine freelance life by clearly identifying your ideal client and how to strategically market to them so they say yes before they even get on a sales call. (DM and phone call scripts included!)MODULE 03Create scalable, high-end offersTransform your services to the agency level with training on pricing psychology, revenue planning, and creating an I-know-what-I’m-doing offer suite that speaks to your ideal audience so clearly they never question your process or designs.MODULE 04Develop a consistent, high-converting sales call strategyGain confidence in your sales calls with our high-converting roadmap, sales call scripts (that have an over 50% booking rate!), and how to create a funnel that reduces barriers and does the selling for you.MODULE 05Optimize your systems for scalabilityLearn the exact tools we use to host the client booking process (steal our exact templates!) that saves time and creative energy, plus the project management process we use to make automation your new best friend.MODULE 06Design obsession-worthy client experiencesSet yourself apart from other designers by providing a personalized, professional, and clear design process that reduces the number of emails and DMs you’re managing so that clients are so thrilled with their experience they tell everyone (and their aunt) about you. (Hello, referral network!)MODULE 07Master your marketingLearn how to sell your services (without feeling salesy) with our proprietary system for tracking and warming up leads (converting social media followers into paying clients), and quick-win resources for slow seasons.MODULE 08Generate intentional growth tacticsCreate a plan to expanding your company with products that bring in passive income, and hiring teammates (yep, job posting templates included!), so you have support and systems to take time off and manage flu season without stress.Enroll today and get immediate access to all 8 modules!Imagine a life where your late-night dreaming becomes your *actual* story:MAKE REAL MONEY DOING WHAT YOU LOVEYou’re meant for more than an unfulfilling 9-5. You’re ready to ditch the freelance life and create a profitable, sustainable design business that supports your dream life.ATTRACT CONSISTENT, RECURRING CLIENTSYou’ve got a waitlist full of dream clients that can’t wait to work with you…plus you’re getting more lifetime value out of each client with a strategic offer suite, bringing in $5k, $10k, and even $30k months.BUILD A BUSINESS AROUND YOUR LIFESTYLEYou’ve created systems for recurring revenue, so you can take the afternoon off, take your dog on a walk, and pamper yourself without worrying about your income suffering.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.