Melissa Ingold – Project Kit: Money Calendar!


Do You Want to Learn How to Create a Promotional Calendar for Your Business that Produces Revenue Year Round?

Grab the “Money Calendar” Plan & Templates to Get Started Now!

Hey there gorgeous! Do any of these sound like you?

“I know I’m supposed to have a content strategy, but I don’t even know where to start!”

“I’m too busy to schedule out my promotions in advance. I just write content when I can, add a call to action at the end and hope for the best!”

“I really wish I could do more and make more with the content I create. I just don’t know how to leverage it, so I don’t do anything at all.”

“I honestly don’t know what I’m going to offer month to month, so how can I create content in advance–let alone hire anyone to help me create it?”

“Honestly, creating content is super overwhelming. How do people do all this alone?”

If so, I see you. I get you. And I’ve got a truthbomb:

Creating Quality Promotional Content that Actually Brings in the Ca-Ching IS Possible!

You know the saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”? It couldn’t be more true–especially when it comes to pumping out income-generating content online.

Let’s get real: Did you know millions of pieces of content go up every second? You read that right. MILLIONS. Every. Single. Second. But here’s the deal…

While creating and posting content is half the battle, putting out content that also puts money in the pockets of your paperbag waist pants–in a sustainable way–takes intention.

But let’s back up. The majority of entrepreneurs approach content marketing all wrong. They have drool-worthy offers, but to be honest, they don’t actually know what they’re promoting, when they’re promoting it or how to write tantalizing content to promote it properly (read: in a way that equals sales). Instead, their “content strategy” looks like this:

They wake up on Monday morning, slap together some “good enough” content, put a random call to action at the bottom (because that’s what you do, right?) then immediately (and haphazardly) post it on a few platforms–with nothing more than a wish & a prayer to back up this “strategy.”

Eek. Sound familiar?

Unfortunately, this “non-plan” keeps you stuck in a sucky cycle where you can never truly get a handle on your content marketing–or even accurately predict your income each month. (Because how can you know how much cash might come in, when you don’t even know what you’re promoting and when?)

The truth is, when you don’t have a clear content and promotions calendar, it means:

Debating over and over in your head where to post (Instagram? Facebook? Facebook and Instagram? What about Twitter?)

Struggling to find “the right words” that you know will speak to your ideal clients and sell them

Going back & forth about what to actually offer and when (“I’m going to sell my mini-course this month! Or maybe it’d be better to promote my one-on-one services…”)

Wasting loads of time every month manually scheduling content (and not actually know when and where it ‘should’ go out)

Leaving major money on the table because your content isn’t reaching enough people or being repurposed to flood your Stripe account with cash (as it should!)

And not to add salt to an already-salty situation, but all of the time you spend doing #allthethings above is time you could’ve spent watching your daughter’s ballet recital, cooking that new gluten-free dessert with your partner or indulging in an extra long epsom salt bath (complete with rose petals, essential oil and crystals, of course). Ahhh.

Bottom line? When you don’t have a strategy for content and promotion creation, you’re wasting time and losing money.

Not to mention, missing out on your one precious life.

And we can’t have that around here, now can we?

But listen. Hope is not lost, friend.

If you’ve ever wondered how that one (seemingly) “less qualified” coach churns out content so fast and always has something to say and something (appropriate) to sell, good news: that coach can be YOU. (Minus the less qualified part, of course.)

Yep, with just a little upfront planning and investment, you can generate loads of income from your promotional content, too.

You just need a plan!

Just imagine if YOU had all your “content ducks” in a row…

You’d have a clear content and promotions strategy and always know exactly what offers you’re selling every single month–and when (hello, accurate income forecasting!)

You’d know exactly what corresponding content you or your team needed to create to accompany each promotion to make maximum cash (plus you’d have the have the perfect tools, tech and team in place to make it all happen for you, ideally on autopilot)

You’d know without-a-doubt your content was juicy and attractive (and you’d know the specific words & phrases to use to attract the right people & repel the wrong ones with ease)

You’d know how to squeeze more juice out of your content & have funnels packed with money-making opportunities at every click

You’d even know how to evaluate each promotion so you can take what works and leave the rest (and make each promotion more lucrative than the last!)

Plus, you’d stop hearing crickets after you post–and finally start soaking in the sweet ping of sales notifications!

(Oh, and you’d probably have the rest of the Internet thinking you’re a supernatural productivity powerhouse, too.)

Yep. Instead of worrying about “what to post” today or tomorrow or next month…you’d have it all figured out in advance, set up and automated (or semi-automated) so you could focus on the good stuff in life.

…Good stuff like helping your adoring customers and clients by doing the work you were born to do, while also lavishing yourself with ample time away from your screen to be with the humans, animals & activities you love most.

Wow, right?

A Little Planning = A Lot More Money in Your Pocket (and Blank Space On Your Calendar!)

So, if you know you’re “supposed to” be writing content and promoting your offers, but the whole process feels tedious and tiresome and a bit like pulling teeth…

Maybe because you don’t know what to post to connect with your audience…

…Or which platforms to post on so they “get seen” by the right people…

…Or simply don’t know how to set up & organize a content strategy and calendar so it actually gets done and gets out there…

…it’s time to stop winging it and winding up unhappy…

….and start using a proven, repeatable, fail-proof system for consistently putting quality money-making promotional content out into the universe.

Start Using My “Money Calendar: How to Plan, Map Out, and Schedule Your Income Generating Content & Promotions” Plan & Templates You’ll Have a System for Consistently Putting Out Quality Money-Making Content!

This Step-by-Step Plan Covers: (.doc format)

Getting Started

Marketing Strategy Overview

Timeline & Budget

Section 1: Planning Is Paramount! Create an Aligned Plan to Boost Your Income

Step 1: Want Massive Revenue? This Step Is Often Overlooked

Step 2: Generate $$$ Easily with Your Product Suite

Step 3: Show Up Soulfully and Build Authentic Relationships

**Section 2: Map Out Your Cash Calendar to


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