Melissa Ingold – How To Market Your Book for Authors


Discover How To Market Your Book using Book Marketing Campaign for Authors

Is the High Cost of Hiring a Book Marketing Expert Preventing You from Reaching Your Audience?

Has Your Book Writing Progress Stalled Because You’re Uncertain About Your Readers?

Whether Your Book is Completed or Still in Progress, You (and Your Virtual Assistant) Can Initiate Your Own Book Marketing Campaign!

Let’s face it…

Learning how to market your book can be overwhelming and complex, but you don’t want your hard work to go unnoticed.
Marketing involves numerous steps and navigating it alone can be daunting, especially with so much information available online.

But here’s the key…

While many resources offer advice,
a clear, step-by-step guide on how to market your book is rare
. Experts may share some tips, but they don’t give away their complete strategies for free.

This is why you’ll appreciate my Book Marketing Campaign for Authors kit
– complete with a plan, templates, emails, checklists, and more to guide you through the process!

You DON’T Need to Hire a Book Marketing Expert (at least, not right now) to Get Started

Using the Templates in My Kit, You and Your Assistant Can Team Up and Be Your Own Book Marketing Rock Stars!

Give this project kit to your virtual assistant and other team members to help you market your book.

Use this project kit yourself to plan out your awesome book marketing campaign.

Use this project kit to help your own paying clients with their book marketing needs.

This Project Kit Includes a Step-by-Step Book Marketing Plan + Templates + Checklists + More!

Now you AND your assistant can easily tackle your marketing to-do list using my done-for-you marketing plan + templates!

Many of the documents in this project kit come in .docx format so that you can customize them to your business needs and add in any additional information you’d like to include.

But here’s the sweet part: All you have to do is customize the plan to your specific business goals and needs and hand it off to your assistant, confident she’ll know EXACTLY what to do the ENTIRE MONTH.

And then, you can let out a sweet sigh of relief, confident that stuff’s actually gonna get done…and finally book that much-needed mani/pedi (without guilt).

How to Market Your Book: Step-by-Step Plan Covers:

Getting Started

Marketing Strategy Overview

Timeline & Budget

Business & Lifestyle Goals

Section One: Building the Foundation

Step 1: Email Marketing

Step 2: Chapter Giveaways

Step 3: Book Launch Bonuses

Step 4: Social Media Graphics

Step 5: Creating a Book Trailer

Section Two: Preparing My Social Media Accounts

Step 6: My Amazon Author Page

Step 7: My Blog

Step 8: Facebook

Step 9: LinkedIn

Step 10: Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube

Section Three: Media Outreach

Step 11: Book Bloggers/Reviewers

Step 12: Podcast Hosts

Step 13: Local, Live Events

Step 14: Press Releases & General Announcements

Section Four: The Next Book

Step 15: Ideas and Research

Step 16: Content & Planning

PLUS, You’ll Also Get All These Materials Included Inside this Kit Too!

Templates + Worksheets + Swipe Files + And More!

Book Launch Funnel Map (.pdf)

Amazon Author Page Template (.pdf)

30 Book Marketing Ideas List (.pdf)

Book Launch Party Plan Template (.docx)

Bookstores Signing Event Plan (.docx)

Book Trailer Creation Worksheet (.pdf)

2 Blogger Outreach Email Templates (.docx)

Worksheet to Help You Plan Out Content Videos to Promote Your Book (.docx)

Media Kit Creation Instructions (.pdf)

Media Kit Creation Template (.docx)

Press Release Brainstorming Worksheet (.pdf)

Press Release Creation Instructions (.pdf)

New Book Press Release Template (.docx)

Interview Thank You Letter Email Template (.docx)

Get a Jump Start on Your Next Book with the “No-Content Book” Worksheet (.pdf)

Task Tracking Calendar (.doc format)

This calendar is a simple but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk or add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or any project management system you use.

10 Checklists to Help You & Your Virtual Assistant Stay on Track (.doc format)

Chapter Giveaway Checklist

Bonus Offer Checklist

Social Media Graphics Checklist

Additional Social Media Graphics Checklist

Social Media Optimization

Book Blogger Outreach

Podcaster Outreach

Book Launch Party and Book Signings

Interview Prep Checklist

After the Interview Checklist

Monthly Results Report (.pdf format)

This is a fill-in-the-blank report that your assistant can fill in at the end of every month. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up, how she handled them, and any feedback she has.

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:

Step-by-Step Book Marketing Campaign Plan

Task Tracking Calendar

Monthly Results Report

Book Launch Funnel Map

Amazon Author Page Creation Template

30 Book Marketing Ideas List

8 Book Marketing Checklists

Book Launch Party Plan Template

Bookstore Signing Event Plan

Book Trailer Creation Worksheet

2 Email Templates: Blogger Outreach

Worksheet to Help You Plan Out Content Videos to Promote Your Book

Media Kit Creation Template

Press Release Brainstorming Worksheet


Delivery Method

Upon completing your purchase, we will send you
download link, through or Telegram.

Given that this is a digital copy, we recommend downloading and saving it to your hard drive. Should the link become broken for any reason, please reach out to us, and we will promptly resend a new download link.

If you are unable to locate the download link, there’s no need to worry. We will update and notify you as soon as possible, typically within 24-72 hours.

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