Melanie Lea – Powerhouse Web Designer


Melanie Lea – Powerhouse Web DesignerPowerhouse Web Designer— A business course for web designers —Learn how to use Dubsado and my client-tested template library to automate your client systems, save 10+ hours per project and deliver a $5k+ web design experience.There are 5 major client processes every web designer should “set and forget” so they can focus their time on marketing and taking care of clients.— PROCESS #01Lead generationYou need a simple way to start generating leads ASAP that doesn’t require you to spend weeks planning and building out an email marketing freebie.— PROCESS #02Your booking processYou need a repeatable workflow for your proposal, contract and invoicing that gets clients to book FAST and doesn’t take hours to set up each time.— PROCESS #03Content collectionCollecting website content is the MOST UNIVERSAL PROBLEM that web designers face. You need to offer more support and guidance for your clients.— PROCESS #04Presentation & feedbackPresent your website designs in a way so clients KNOW you’re the website expert! Help them give you feedback in a thoughtful, organized way.— PROCESS #05OffboardingOnce a client goes through your design process, this is your chance to grab a testimonial, get a referral or book repeat work (without having to get super visible or consistent with your content).Inside Powerhouse Web Designer you’ll get Dubsado tech guidance and access to 50+ templates to streamline all 5 of these client processes quickly!Are ya ready to step into the CEO role of your business?CEOS ARE VISIONARIES…Let me help you set your vision and get into the right mindset.WHO TAKE CHARGE OF THEIR TIME…I’ll show you how to organize your calendar and start to book out.AND DELIVER A GREAT PRODUCT.You need a streamlined client experience to back up your $5k+ prices. THE POWERHOUSE FRAMEWORKPowerhouse Web Designer gives you quick results because of the 4-step framework.The Powerhouse Framework helps you focus your effort, energy and time by building out your processes like a pyramid.✸STEP 1 is at the bottom to lay your business system foundations✸STEP 2 builds on the work from step 1 (and prepares you for step 3)✸STEP 3 is where a LOT of the magic happens✸And STEP 4 aallll the way at the top doesn’t become a priority until everything else is in place— THE FRAMEWORK STEPS —Clarify your foundationsBefore you can build out systems, you have to have a solid foundation to build from.Equip with the right toolsBecause smart tools and templates give you your time and energy back.Build your essential systemsBecause you need a client-forward process rooted in clear communication and VIP service.Optimize for growthWith the essentials in place you can focus on projects that increase your value + bottom line. A mega-course of simple strategies for your web design business!What You’ll Find InsideAvoid overwhelm, save time and get your web design business streamlined quickly by following the 4-step Powerhouse framework. Here’s a peek at the modules, lessons and templates inside Powerhouse Web Designer.Step 01: ClarifyWe start with clarifying your vision because this is where the real magic happens! You’ll spend HALF your time inside PWD covering this step because this is how you build a business that works for you (step 1 is reflective, steps 2-4 are more plug-and-play).MODULE 01 —Get organizedCreative entrepreneur mindsetMap your vision and incomeOrganize your business tasks and scheduleMODULE 02 —Set your foundationCreate packages + add-onsOutline your process + timelineDetermine your ratesMODULE 03 —Market yourselfMap your ideal client and learn about the buyer journeyDevelop your “it factor”Create your marketing + sales plan Step 02: EquipOne of the most overwhelming things about running a design business is figuring out your tools and tech. THERE ARE SO MANY OPTIONS! We’ll set up the tech basics in this module and get all your workflows set up for success.MODULE 01 —Tools + techDubsado basicsDubsado canned emailsDubsado packagesSetting up your online scheduler in DubsadoSetting up a project template in Asana Step 03: BuildThis step is where you build out the major systems of your business. Once you have the following systems streamlined, you’re gonna be left with SO MUCH time and energy to be creative, focus on your clients and market your business.MODULE 01 —Getting clientsHow to set up your “new lead intake questionnaire”How to set up your lead capture formHow to nail your discovery callsMODULE 02 —Your booking processHow to set up your proposal + contract templates in DubsadoHow to prep your project systemsHow to set up a client onboarding workflow in DubsadoMODULE 03 —Collecting contentLaying the groundwork for a streamlined content collection processHow to set up your client homeworkHow to tweak your process to develop a voice + tone for your clientForm the final copy for your clientsMODULE 04 —Presenting work & gathering feedbackHow to present your website projectsHow to guide the feedback processMODULE 05 —Offboarding clientsHow to wrap up your projects like a champ Step 04: OptimizeOnce you work through the first 3 steps it’s time to OPTIMIZE your business. This step is where you pick ONE “level up” project to focus on at a time until your business is completely optimized.MODULE 01 —Optimize your website & portfolioI want the whole internet to clearly know what “your thing” is and how to book with you! We’ll cover messaging on your website, creating a portfolio that sells and increasing traffic to your website.MODULE 02 —Optimize your sales funnelThis is where we take the simple sales funnel you created during step 3 and upgrade the crap out of it so that it’s extra magical and attractive to your ideal client 🙂 10+ pages of step-by-step instructions and examples!MODULE 03 —Add website strategy to your processAdd MAJOR VALUE to your services and increase your prices with confidence! You’ll get a strategy call script and lessons on mapping out your client’s website strategy so you can deliver better results.MODULE 04 —Client leveragingYou work REALLY hard to get clients, so why not leverage those relationships to get new ones? I’ll show you how to set up a SIMPLE low-tech referral system that allows you to use the network you already have, using nothing more than a simple spreadsheet and a canned email.MODULE 05 —Diversify your incomeIt can be good to develop ongoing services and supplementary services (or even digital products) to create recurring revenue and stabilize your business. I’ll show you how to present your ongoing services or develop + sell a simple evergreen product to diversify your income!MODULE 06 —Advanced Dubsado set upDubsado is a SUPER robust tool but we only cover need-to-know information in the first 3 steps (to save your sanity). You can use this module in step 4 to dive deeper into the tool and learn extra ways you can use Dubsado to streamline your processes and workflows.MODULE 07 —Hiring supportIn this module you’ll think about what support would be most helpful as you build out your team. We’ll go over where to find these people, how to create a job posting, what to ask during interviews and other things to think about as you hire support for your business!MODULE 08 —Metrics & dataCollecting data helps you understand your growth and empowers you to make better decisions for your business! I’ll break all of that down for you and give you simple spreadsheets you can use to track your progress and keep an accurate pulse on the health of your business. Guest expert trainings to supercharge your design businessIncrease the value of your design work✸5 design secrets to help you charge $5,000+ for your websites with Cami Farey✸How to work less and make more money by adding sales funnel design to your services with Christen Turner✸Creating responsive Squarespace websites: tips, tricks + tutorials from 4 Squarespace expertsMarket your design business✸Create your $5k+ offer with me and Kelsey from Pinegate Road✸5 guaranteed ways to increase traffic to your website (without ads) with Charlotte O’Hara✸How to write profitable web copy for your clients with Hunter Niland Welling✸Using Pinterest to build traffic and generate leads with Kayla Watkins✸Packaging your WordPress offers with Andy CabassoSet up your other business systems✸Contract basics: what freelancers should know with Liz Stapleton✸Profitable Money System: a 3-part framework to master your bookkeeping in under 30 minutes a month with Meredith Rines, CFP✸3 easy ways to increase productivity by adjusting your workspace with Jessica Hardin✸Creating a seamless flow between Dubsado + other business tools with Rae Targos Here’s how to know if PWD is for you…✸You want aaaalllllll the business templates and workflows from a seasoned freelance web designer✸You want to learn how to incorporate strategy into your design process✸You’re confused or overwhelmed by the BUSINESS side of being a freelance web designer✸You’re tired of experimenting and just want a simple, efficient way to do things✸You wanna learn how to streamline your projects and client experience so you spend more time focusing on design and less time on soul-zapping admin tasks✸You’re tired of chasing down website content✸You want more of your time back✸You want a shortcut to running a thriving web design business. Avoid the mistakes I made and go straight to good vibes only!Powerhouse is not the best fit if:✸You need a course that teaches you how to design a website. This isn’t a course about design, but rather a course about business, mindset and strategy for web designers!✸You’re not ready to put in the work. I’m peeling back the layers of my business and giving all the tools you need to create your own successful web design biz, but you’ll only get what you put in!5 ways Powerhouse Web Designer multiplies your moneyA handy list I’ve compiled so you feel as confident as possible making this investment in yourself ♥︎1. THE COURSE HELPS YOU CREATE A HIGH-END, DONE-FOR-YOU SERVICE THAT COMMANDS PREMIUM PRICES.As past student Jodi will tell you, “I was able to raise my rates after I developed a refined, streamlined process that creates a wonderful client experience. Knowing I can provide this level of service gives me the ability to CHARGE MORE and create a very white glove service. I made back the cost of the course in 1-2 website bookings!”2. YOU’LL UNCOVER THE TRUE VALUE OF YOUR SERVICES.One of the first things we do in PWD is uncover the value of your services in your eyes so you can see how much you pour into your clients! If you don’t fully believe your services are worth much, your services will be harder to sell. Once you see the real value you provide, you simply can’t let yourself charge so little and you’ll be able to confidently position and sell your services.3. YOU’LL LEARN HOW TO POSITION YOURSELF IN REAL, CLIENT-ATTRACTING WAYS.After creating a streamlined service AND uncovering your value, you’re able to position and sell your offers in real, IMPACTFUL ways.4. YOU’LL SET UP A PAYMENT REMINDER SYSTEM THAT GETS YOU PAID ON TIME.We always think getting clients is the hardest part of running a business…but if you’re like most designers I talk to, getting clients to pay ON TIME is an even bigger pain in the ass. Past PWD alumni Shawn said she especially loved the payment reminders from the course because she had $8k in payments due and EVERYONE was actually paying on time!5. YOU’LL FREE UP YOUR TIME SO YOU CAN CREATE MORE ROOM TO RECEIVE ✨This is huge. You want more income and abundance in your life, but do you have any room to RECEIVE it? I spent yeeeears piecing things together, making SO many mistakes. This course was designed to help you get all the energy drains off your plate so you can EXPAND and THRIVE.There are no reviews yet.Add a Review Cancel replyYou must be logged in to post a review.