Max from Real Social Dynamics – Premium – Fearless


Was geht ab! This is Max from Real Social Dynamics, and I have a question for you:Are you someone who suffers from Fear or Approach Anxiety?When you go out, do you experience feelings of self-doubt, maybe even self-hatred, shyness…What about other negative thoughts, such as nervousness?It’s easy because the Fears of your past have a profound effect on your NOW.They have a profound effect on your self-expression.They have a profound effect on your ability to let go and have fun.They have a profound effect on the very girl you’re talking to.But most importantly… they have an effect on your ability to put into ACTION what you’re learning in our RSD videos.But the question is:To what extent?To what extent is your fear actually keeping you from getting BETTER RESULTS?THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF FEARLESS, THE APPROACH ANXIETY BUSTER“I’m afraid of getting rejected…”“I’m afraid of approaching that attractive girl…”“I’m afraid of running out of things to say…”“I’m afraid of that other guy she’s here with…”“I’m afraid I’m not good enough…”“I’m afraid of the other people that are going to judge me…”“I’m afraid I’m a loser, I’m inexperienced…”Whatever it is…Fearless is going to help you CONQUER THAT FEARYou know,This last year has been a really really crazy experience for me.I had just released The Natural, I had just wrapped up three years of crazy touring and traveling…And, it was extremely satisfying and humbling, but also extremely draining for me.I was happy to see all my students, all of the guys watching my videos getting AMAZING RESULTS.Amping it up, becoming a better version of themselves – I was very proud and very humbled by that.But at the same time, I knew it’s not time to go “all-out”, and really go pedal to the metal – I had been doing that for years already.For me – this was not really a time to celebrate, this was not a time push hard or to go all-out.This was a time to relax… a time to let go, to breathe, to take a little rest.To nurture the side of me that I haven’t nurtured in a long while.It was time to just be Max.The guy that loves to play Playstation, the guy who’s chilling, reading books…Not expanding… but actually contracting.I settled down in one place, and for the first time in years – I took my time to process this crazy roller-coaster whirlwind experience of the last couple years.I had traveled around the world 3 times…I had been with all these girls… always chasing the next 10, the next 10…I had taught hundreds of seminars…And while I was extremely proud of all that success…Something came back… something that I thought I had already conquered.I realized…IT WAS FEARFear came back… Shyness came back…Thought I conquered it, but in reality – I was just covering it up.With all the traveling, with all the girls, with all the success…But I realized something… this wasn’t just my fear.We are ALL sharing this fear.The guys out there in the clubs doing approaches, the guys at my seminars, even the students at my bootcamps.We are all carrying around this fear…This fear of past traumatic experiences, past downfalls, past rejections.It’s that we don’t know “what to do” when it comes to attracting girls…It’s that WE ARE AFRAIDWe are afraid to put ourselves out there, afraid of sticking out, of being judged, of being rejected…We are afraid… and that fear HURTS US DEEPLYSo, I made conquering this fear my new mission.I made alleviating you from approach anxiety my new goal.I became OBSESSEDI asked myself, “How can I be the catalyst to help you finally BREAK THROUGH…”So I dove in, head first and started to lay out the program to end Approach Anxiety ONCE AND FOR ALLHonestly,IT CRUSHED ME to watch guys just like you struggle time and time again with fear, self-expression, and approach anxiety.IT PISSED ME OFF that great guys with great potential, smart guys who have the knowledge – still coming home frustrated, angry, and confused.And honestly…IT ANGERED ME that there was no other resource out there, no one seemed to care. Guys were suffering, and IT KILLED ME that no one was willing to step up and help.I wanted to tackle this one important sticking point, which is FEAR & APPROACH ANXIETY.I wanted to see my students ENJOY GAME AGAINI wanted to RE-IGNITE THAT PASSION in them that I used to have…And, in a way… I wanted to reignite that passion in MYSELF.I wanted to see my seminar attendees GET EXCITED about approaching, growing improving…I wanted to see guys on the street and in the club LIGHT UP when they realize that:“YES, THIS IS POSSIBLE!”We’ve all been there…You’re walking down the street, minding your own business, and then it happens…You See HERThat perfect girl, she stands out of the crowd…She’s pretty, she’s beautiful, she’s amazing…And for just a tiny little second – your eyes meet.And you get stuck, you get paralyzed.There’s this one moment where you think:“Am I gonna talk to her”Or…“Am I gonna keep going?”You can never really grasp the possibilities of that one thought.What’s gonna happen if you DO talk to her?You stumble, you stutter… BUT YOU DO IT.Just imagine that for a moment…You exchange numbers, you meet her for a second date, and you realize that she’s not just a pretty, beautiful girl, but she’s AWESOME, she’s FUN, she’s AMAZING TO HANG OUT WITH.You want more of this… you want more of HER…You crave her, and little do you know… she craves you too…There’s passion, there’s affection, there’s connection… when you’re with her – time ceases to exist.There is no fear, there is no job, there is no stress, no worry, no thoughts running through your head…There is just her, and you… together in that single moment when your lips touch for the first time.You pull her closer, you rip each other’s clothes off, and you have the most amazing and passionate sex of your life…Maybe it doesn’t stop there.Maybe you decide to go deeper… be closer…Maybe she turns out to be the girl of your dreams.Maybe you end up in a beautiful, happy, caring relationship.Maybe you get to live… and die… with her by your side…But HEY… WAKE UPYou’re still standing there… and you’re still wondering…“Am I Going to Talk to Her?”Why haven’t you already?Why don’t you already have…The girl you wantThe body you wantThe job you wantThe happiness you wantThe life you wantWhy?It all has to do with 1 simple thing: FEARAs you are here, right now reading this, you are probably thinking:“YES, YES I WILL!”It doesn’t matter where you are right now, your results (or your lack of results), it is directly linked to your ability to deal with fear.Every set, every approach, every experience that you’ve had has always been affected by fear.Those fears, the fears we all share – those are called BASE FEARSThe purpose of Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster is to CONQUER those base fears.Some of these fears include:Fear of rejection (fear of failure)Fear of running out of things to say (perfectionism)Fear of what other people think of me (fear of judgement)Fear of other guysFear of escalation, being polarizing, or being sexualFear of not being good enoughFear of loud environments / dance floorThese fears are pre-programmed into our mind.Sure, you can stay in your comfort zone, settle for average women, and drone away at the job you hate for 40 years until you retire.Or…You can DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.Now, before we dig further into Fearless and how it’s going to help you (and why it’s 100% CRITICAL for you to get it RIGHT NOW), let’s look at fear, and UNDERSTAND IT.First off…WHAT IS FEAR?Fear as the root for negative emotional states…Jealousy “I am afraid I’m not good enough…”Envy “I am afraid of my own inability to take action..”Hatred “I am not able to live with my fear, and am mis-directing that fear at someone / something else…”Self-Attack “I am experiencing self-attack because I am not strong enough to deal with my fear.”Pain ”I am in pain because I am too scared to go through the process of facing my fear.”Fear is a survival mechanism…FEAR ONLY EXISTS IN SITUATIONS THAT COUNTThe primary purpose of fear is to recognize danger. This is why when you see a hot girl, the first thing you want to do is ESCAPE! Your brain recognizes that something important is happening… it’s now or never… it’s DO OR DIE!Fear is inevitable…YOU CANNOT AVOID FEARFear is everywhere – even if you lock yourself in a box – there is no way to escape the fear. We can’t completely remove fear, but what we can do is use it to SERVE US.Fear is an emotional ISOLATOR…FEAR ISOLATES YOUFear makes you ALONE in the world, it puts you in a little black box and it buries you with it… fear makes you feel lost… standing there wondering why you are the only one experiencing it. (Hint: YOU’RE NOT THE ONLY ONE!)Fear is important…FEAR IS NECESSARYFear keeps you safe, but not only that, it does something else that is even more important – it wakes us up, it drives us, it motivates us – If it wasn’t for fear, we would accomplish NOTHING!What do most people do with fear?They RUN AWAYSome people see fear as a reason NOT to do something…They see an attractive girl, and the first thing they want to do is remove themselves from the situation. They drown their fear in escapism and short-term gratification.They OVER-FUNCTIONOthers try to control fear, they try to hold on to their fear, they try to put their fear in a box and lock it up instead of simply LETTING GO. They UNDER-FUNCTIONOthers become so paralyzed by fear that they are unable to take action, unable to move, unable to talk, unable to DO ANYTHING about it.Now the question is:What do YOU do with fear?Are you going to run away?Fear will come back.You can try to ignore it… suppress it… drown it…But it will always be there…“Fear is the refrigerator hum of life.”You can try to overcompensate and out-hustle the fear, but it will always come back…You can try to hide from the fear, you can tuck yourself away in the safety of your comfort zone…But then, one day, you will look up and you will ask yourself:“What if…?”“What if I had overcome that fear?”“What if I had talked to that girl?”“What would I have? …Who would I know? …Where would I be?”“What have I missed out on?”“What are the experiences of a life FULL OF ADVENTURE that I’m not getting to see?”But most importantly…“WHO WOULD I BE?”The scariest thing is that…You will NEVER know the answer.You won’t even know what you’ve missed.Is that really the life that you want?You can keep going down that path that you’ve been on for years already…That path of waiting… hoping… guessing…You can keep tapping in the dark, blindly stumbling trying to find a solution on your own…Or,You can build on top of the YEARS of research, field-testing, and trial-and-error that I have put into this program…You can trust in the expertise and experience that my top students expect from my training…You can join the other guys JUST LIKE YOU who are already taking action…And you can, in fact…BECOME FEARLESSIntroducing:THE #1 PROGRAM to Get Rid  of Your Approach Anxiety ONCE AND FOR ALLTHIS IS FOR YOURegardless of your level of experience.You might know what to do, you might have watched all the videos, but yet when you come home at night you’re still looking around and you’re wondering where are the results…Fearless is for YOU if…You “think” or “feel” that you don’t have fear – but in reality it’s just the refrigerator hum in the back of your mind that you are not fully aware of.You are sick and tired of hooking up girls that are below-average, because the 9s and 10s are intimidating you.You aren’t sparking attraction quickly enough, and you aren’t making the girls you meet laugh their asses off.You feel that you have HUGE potential (you know game concepts and theory cold) but you aren’t getting enough reference experiences to truly SHINE.You are an introvert (like me) – we’re gonna nurture your extrovert side! (…both can be both)You feel you are a shy person who simply “can’t figure it out”, no matter how hard you try.When you see a hot girl you freeze, when you are in a new social group you don’t know what to do – You know you need help but you don’t know where to look.You easily get stuck in your head, you think that you are too logical, and get easily overwhelmed with all of the different concepts in game.You KNOW the material, you’ve watched all the videos, you know all the theory – but you still can’t put it into action.If you’re a Beginner, FEARLESS will…Flat-out Annihilate your approach anxiety.Set you up to get those reference experiences, and push you to get the results that were the reason you got into game in the first place.Make it so that you do not have to rely on willpower to “grind your way through” learning game, it will remove the feeling of crippling anxiety and eliminate all negative thoughts from your head.If you’re Intermediate FEARLESS will…Reel in those CONSISTENT results. Take you by the hand, slap you in the face, and lead you step-by-step out of the fires of intermediate purgatory, and into the pickup promised land.De-toxify you from all of the bullshit beliefs, thought loops, and dumpster trash mindsets that you adopted early in your pickup career and are currently chaining you down to mediocre results.Eliminate and prevent those “derp-state” nights out, always HIT STATE, and set you up on a path to get compounding results and make the leap to ADVANCED.If you’re Advanced FEARLESS will…Show you WHAT IS POSSIBLE. This will open up brand-new opportunities for you, and re-cement a new reality for you – The infield challenges in this program are on another level.Reignite your passion for game, open your eyes to new possibilities with some INSANE strategies you have never tried, and re-cement the strategies and techniques that you already know on a new level – giving you an entirely new playing field for game.Develop your self-awareness to a point where you can basically become your own instructor, assess your own sticking points, tweak your game as you go, and get you those turbo hotties EVERY TIME.Before I show you EXACTLY what is inside Fearless, let’s takea moment and look at YOUR LIFE…YOUR LIFE WITHOUT FEARLESSYOUR LIFE WITH FEARLESSApproach AnxietyNO Approach AnxietyTaking Action is DIFFICULTTaking Action is EFFORTLESSApproaching Women is SCARYApproaching Women is EXCITINGRunning Away From FearTackling Fear HEAD-ON!You Are In REACTION To Your EnvironmentYou Are at The CAUSE of Your EnvironmentYou Experience Self-Hate, Self-Attack, and Self-ShamingYou Experience Peace, Presence, Power, and PurposeThe Girls in Your Life are Not Good Enough, and it FRUSTRATES YouThe Girls in Your Life are of the HIGHEST QUALITYYou are Frustrated, Confused, and UnmotivatedYou Are Empowered, Inspired, MotivatedYour Life is a Downward SpiralYour Life in an Upward SpiralConfused and Overwhelmed with All of the Content Out ThereEasily Connect The Dots Between Strategy, Theory, and ExecutionYou Are Trying, But NOT GETTING RESULTS.Getting Results will Become AUTOMATICLearning Game is a “Grind”Learning Game is EffortlessYou Beat Yourself Up Over and Over AgainYou Find Yourself Celebrating Your WinsYou Take – Value, Energy, Time, LoveYou Give – Value, Energy, Time, LoveWHAT YOU WILL FIND INSIDEHere is EXACTLY what you will find inside FEARLESS, The Approach Anxiety Buster:FEARLESS IS COMPOSED OF TWO MAIN SECTIONS:Section #1 = Inner GameThe first section is focused on INNER GAMEIntroductionStructure that you can customize to every-day life.Even if you’re busy and want to do it on the weekends – this will help you out.Or, if you want to go all-out, this will show you the best path forward.What Fear Does to YouHere we will re-define fear, and get to know it in the deepest possible way.We will also get to know how Fear operates, and discover The 3 Levels of Fear:– Psychological– Emotional– PhysicalFear is in Your BodyHow you can use your body language to overcome fear.How you can adjust your physiology to minimize the symptoms of fear.Breathing techniques and bio-energetics work to cleanse you from past fears.Is Fear Good or Bad?Learn to distinguish between the positive fear that is beneficial for our game, and the negative fear that is not based on reality and will cleanse you from that fear.We will deepen our relationship with fear and start to use fear to fuel our motivation and thus, our game.Initiate and Re-ProgramSharing my personal frames that I’ve adhered to for years to overcome my fears in the moment of opening, and also in social situations.We are creating an entirely new reality for you from which you can operate with ease and confidence in any given situation.Base FearsWe will go through all of the basic Base Fears that we are all experiencing when it comes to talking to attractive women, putting ourselves out there, and approaching in social settings.Fear of what other people will think of meFear of being polarizingFear of being sexualFear of showing intentFear of escalationFear of running out of things to sayFear of rejectionFear of not being good enoughFear of loud environmentsWe are playing all of those fears out, dissecting them, gathering proof that they in fact – don’t matter, and we will further continue the work of understanding and turning that very fear around.These are extremely in-depth videos.Achieving Fearlessness & ConfidenceFrom there, we will take our steps towards attaining true inner self-confidence. Regardless of the situation, regardless of your own mood.We will also be working on accepting fear, admitting fear, and in the process – making it completely powerless over us.The Triggers of FearAn exact, easy-to-follow Four Step System to turn FEAR into ACTION immediately.You can use this video over and over again as a simple guide in the very moment when fear is trying to overcome you.Dare to FearWe will break down exactly what happens to your brain when you expose yourself to fear, and when you walk through that fear.We will provide you with tricks to change the neurology of your brain, and increase your willpower like CRAZY.I’ve actually been doing these tricks myself, and they are at the very core of why I was able to get so good at game so fast.I’ll be laying out a path to reaching a flow state, and getting “in the zone”, and how you can use that to your advantage in the field so that you can get in state faster than any other guy.You Are Not AloneHere, we are going to hold proof right in front of your eyes that you are not alone, that everyone is feeling fear, and teaching you how you can use your own action-taking to inspire yourself, and inspire the people around you.We will reveal to you the secret of letting go.We will deeply implant into your brain a mechanism so you can INSTANTLY feel deserving of any 10 you come across.You’re Missing OutWe will embark on a Psychological Journey through all of our missed opportunities, and I will make sure that you’ll NEVER BAIL OUT AGAIN.We will go on a deep inner journey, and your mind will be blown away with the results you will instantly experience.Alcohol and FearlessnessWe will lay out the secrets to you on how to get yourself into that “perfect state” without ever needing a drink. From now on, you will never have the need or desire to have a drink ever again in order to game.Warm Ups & TechniquesHere, we are transitioning into the Outer Game & Action-Taking chapter.These are hands-on warm up techniques.I’ve been personally using these techniques, as well as teaching them to my top students over the past couple of yearsThese are some of the most powerful and most effective techniques, and up until now – I have ONLY taught them in-person.However, for the first time ever, I am excited to share them with you within Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.Now… I know you’re pumped… but get this:All of this isn’t even HALF of the programThere is an entire OUTER GAME CHAPTER complete with Comfort Zone Challenges.I split Fearless into two parts because people respond differently.For some, it’s important to UNDERSTAND fear in order to be able to process it and get rid of it.For others, it’s easier to simply TAKE ACTION and watch the fear dissolve as they take more and more steps in the right direction.The first section of Fearless lets you UNDERSTAND fear, accept it, and process it, and the second section of Fearless shows you WHAT TO DO with fear.THE COMFORT ZONE CHALLENGES HOT SEATThe Second Main Section of Fearless is Focused on OUTER GAMEThis is known as The Comfort Zone Challenges Hot Seat.The Challenges are MISSIONS that are going to PUSH YOU out of your comfort zone, force you to go out but in a fun, sustainable way.We are going to stretch your comfort zone little step by little step so you don’t even notice that you’re expanding.On top of that, these Comfort Zone Challenges will show you proof that all your insecurities are based on NOTHING.Not only will we show you how to do it – I am going to show MYSELF going through EVERY SINGLE CHALLENGE.Not only will you see exactly what it takes to snap yourself out of fear, but you will also see that it’s not that big of a deal.We will show you that all of the massive fears you have aren’t really that big.The Comfort Zone Challenges Hot Seat will humble you, and it will make good game attainable!The Challenges Hot Seat is going to TACKLE YOUR BIGGEST FEARS:“She’s with another guy…”“I’m afraid of getting rejected…”“I’m afraid that other people will judge me…”“I don’t know what to do on the dancefloor…”“I’m not good enough…”You will see myself doing the challenges – you will see the reactions, the mistakes, and the victories.My hope is that this will INSPIRE YOU to go out there and do the challenges yourself.FEARLESS FACEBOOK GROUPTo push it over the top we decided to add something very coolMany of the students I have coached IN-PERSON would report back that it was so easy for them to take action while on bootcamp because they had me (the instructor) plus a kickass team kicking their asses, and motivating them to take action. We gave them permission to approach and to feel good and feel free.We took the feeling of a brotherhood, of tackling these fears TOGETHER, we took the very best concepts and we put them into an exclusive, invitation only, private Fearless Crew Facebook Group.With The Fearless Facebook Group, you can’t possibly bitch out, cause you have a community of guys just like you, all sitting in the same boat… and… I AM ON THERE to support you.THE EXCUSE-DESTRUCTION BIBLEOn top of that, we added The Excuse-Destruction BibleThis is an opportunity for you to send in your biggest excuses, your biggest roadblocks, your biggest fears, and have them destroyed right in front of your eyes on a live webinar.You will be left with nothing but a feeling of:“HELL YEAH I WANNA TAKE ACTION!”INSTRUCTOR IN YOUR POCKET (Fearless Edition)Now, if that’s NOT ENOUGH, we also added something really special:The Instructor in Your Pocket, Fearless EditionImagine you are going out, you are doing some challenges… you are about to go on a date… but you’re nervous – you don’t feel like you can do it.Boom!You pull out your phone and watch specific mobile-designed videos of me helping you with your specific problem.You can watch them on-the-go, it’s almost like I’m right there with you, in person coaching you. This is the closest you can get to an actual 1-on-1 personal bootcamp experience.On top of that, you will be able to download the audio and bring it with you wherever you go.Now, all of that sounds pretty cool, but we’ve added even more…ADVANCED PICK UP DEBRIEFSWhile Fearless has a strong emphasis on Fear and crushing your approach anxiety, I wanted to add some full-on, hands-on pickup content.The Advanced Pickup DebriefsThese are exclusive behind-the-scenes videos of the best bootcamps that I have done over the years.We’re talking about advanced pickup concepts, and re-hammering on the basics.We are hitting every single sticking point that I see most guys have when we go out on my bootcamps.Usually – you would have to take a bootcamp with me in order to get access to this type of training, and those run in the thousands of dollars.But I simply had to give the real action-takers something special, and so I decided to include it inside Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.TWO EXCLUSIVE BONUS INNER-GAME VIDEOSNow, on top of that…We decided to add two bonus inner game videos.These two videos were originally not planned to be in the program, but we decided that it’s a perfect way for you to go above-and-beyond with your training.THE FIRST 6 THE NATURAL VAULT WEBINARSNow, on top of that…We’ll also add the First 6 of The Natural Vault WebinarsI decided to take the First 6 webinars from my top-selling program called The Natural, and I decided to include them inside Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.These are webinars that people go absolutely nuts over, and since people loved them so much – we decided to keep the recordings and include them here!HOT GIRL CONFESSIONSNow, we took it even further…We wanted to add an outside perspective of hot girls.On my last tour, we interviewed every hot girl we ran across – we would ask them about HER fears… HER insecurities… HER shyness… HER nervousness.This opens up a new perspective when it comes to game – we wanted to add a unique perspective for you, and we’ve done that and called it The Hot Girl Confessions.MAX’S FIRST EVER INFIELDUpon creating Fearless, I stumbled across an ABSOLUTE GEM!Max’s VERY FIRST INFIELD FOOTAGE!That’s right!This was recorded YEARS ago.You will see me in an awesome set, making a ton of mistakes – and that’s what makes this really fun, and a special experience included for you to enjoy inside Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.THE DEREK AUDIO TAPESNow, we added something else!I’m sure you’ve heard of RSD’s “secret instructor” RSD Derek…Well, I met up with him a couple of weeks ago and talked extensively about:– What it Means to be an Alpha Male– How to Get What You Want– How to Create a KICKASS BUSINESS– How to Attract the Hottest, Highest-Quality WomenAll of that is recorded, all of that is included in The Derek Audio Tapes inside Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.“THE PLAYER” E-BOOKNow, if that doesn’t blow your mind, we added EVEN MORE!You will get an e-book version of “The Player”, written by Bostjan BelingarThis is over 200 pages of first-hand accounts of the craziest, sickest behind-the-scenes pickup stories.Pickup madness, utter insanity, and epic lay reports – all inside:Bostjan’s Book “The Player” (200+ pages!) included with Fearless, The Approach Anxiety Buster.Now, you might be wondering:“What qualifies me to teach you about approach anxiety?”…ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?Have you watched any of my videos?I’m a natural introvert… a nerd… I don’t like going outside.I’ve never seen myself as the guy who is good with girls, who is fearless, who is traveling the world getting with perfect 10 models who are taller than me.Yet… here I am doing it.I AM THAT GUYI’ve been on this journey myself, and there is nothing more humbling than that.And the best feeling in the world is knowing that I can teach that TO YOU.I’ve taught thousands of guys in seminars, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands online…We’ve been all over the world, to countless cities and countries.We’ve been working ourselves to the bone for years upon years to bring you this knowledge.And it’s inspiring…It’s inspiring to know that…You can be that introvert shy nerd who prefers video games to a night out at the club, and yet…You can STILL GET AMAZING RESULTS.You can have all of the things that you want:The success that you want…The women that you want…The life that you want…All you have to do is learn from my journey and apply yourself.You can do it tooRight now, you have a decision to make, there are TWO PATHS in front of you.Path #1: Continue Running Away from Fear…You can do nothing… you can stay the same… you can continue to go the same way you always have…You can wander around the bar rationalizing your approach anxiety with excuse after excuse…You can watch as guys around you get all of the things that you want… the girls… the success… the life…The pages in the calendar will continue to turn, accelerating as you grow older.You will live an average life, date average girls, and eventually – you will get old.On your deathbed – you will be watching a replay of your life. The life you could have lived…A life of amazing opportunities and experiences, filled with an amazing lifestyle, a family, and great memories.You will think back, and you will ask yourself:“Why wasn’t that me?”“Why couldn’t I take action?”“Why didn’t I just believe in myself?”And now… IT’S TOO LATE!Path #2: Get FearlessLuckily, because you are here RIGHT NOW, you have a SECOND PATH.This is the PATH OF POWER.This path takes strength, it takes courage, and it takes a willingness to TAKE ACTION NOW.I know you have it inside you, it’s been right there all along – all you have to do now is reach inside, and TURN THE KEY, and OPEN THE DOOROn this path… you FACE YOUR FEAROn this path… you OVERCOME APPROACH ANXIETYOn this path… you GET WHAT YOU WANTThis is the path of the strong…This is the path of the brave…This is the path of the FEARLESS.The MOMENT you get Fearless, you will step inside, and you will see videos of me laying out exactly what you need to do.You will find yourself in a beautiful community of like-minded individuals, and you will experience the feeling of family, acceptance, support, and understanding.But most importantly…You’ll get a feeling.A feeling of excitement, a feeling of anticipation, and a feeling of hope.By this time tomorrow, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that any rejection, anxiety, or frustration that you face in your life can be easily overcome.You have all of the tools that you need right there at your disposal. A rush of CERTAINTY will flow through you body. You will stand taller, express fuller, and everything you do will carry the weight of a man with CONVICTION.Everything you need is right there in front of you.By this time next week…You will wake up, and you will be PSYCHED!You will feel your life’s momentum begin to shift, and your upward spiral beginning.By this time next month…You will have a sense of simply “knowing what to do”. Making the right move will be easy.You will find yourself in a situation that used to scare you… and you will LAUGH.Going out will be FUN AGAIN.You will be gaining a massive amount of reference experiences from approaching with authority and getting deeper and deeper into interactions.You will STOP making excuses and rationalizations and start making DECISIVE moves.RESULTS will start to come and you will taste the delicious fruits of pushing through your fear.By this time next year…You will be FEARLESS.Your friends will wonder how you’re doing it… girls will notice you, and start to approach YOU!You will be walking down the street and you will notice that people notice you, people acknowledge you, people want to be around you.You will lock eyes with those around you, you will nod, and you will smile.New social situations will now be effortless for you.You will have absolutely ZERO approach anxiety.You will have mastered using FEAR to your advantage.You will realize, that finally, for the first time ever:This is a ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY!You have this GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to learn from a guy who has:Clawed and fought through his own epic battle with Approach Anxiety.Trained HUNDREDS of guys through it out in the field (the ONLY place you can overcome AA).Seen EVERY sticking point and pattern imaginable (I would have to be an IDIOT to not see them with the amount of students I have taught).Thousands of hours of experience, teaching, delivering content, public speaking, and inception-style planting seeds of self confidence in guys just like YOU!If that wasn’t enough!These insider secrets will be delivered in