Matt Manero & Judge Graham – Burn The Ships University


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Matt Manero & Judge Graham – Burn The Ships University


The schools and social media have failed us all.

We were you. We were on the hamster wheel too, doing the school of hard knocks thing and it wasn’t working. Our entrepreneurial dream was more like a nightmare and it went on not for weeks or months, but for years.
Our journey was your current journey. We were the mules. Our business worked when we worked, and we were forced to work all the time. Teachers, guru’s, and mentors didn’t show up for us, and the struggle was real. The revenue was small and so were the profits. But the worst part, was that we were still doing everything, every day. Looking back, the solution was simple. We still didn’t understand the “Language of Business.” So we made a critical decision.
We decided to “Burn the Ships” and learn the language of business. We became masters at the game of business, and everything began to change. Our companies became aligned, empowered and laser focused. Our clients loved their experience and kept coming back to us with more business. Our hiring problems went away along with our firing and management problems and yes…the revenue and profits started to grow – FAST.
In the end, we both built 9-figure businesses. We got our piece of the American Pie, and now, via we are teaching you the “Language of Business”. It is the final piece you need to get off the hamster wheel and get your piece of the American Pie as well.
In 7 simple steps, here is how we did it…

Start with the end in mind. How much money do you want? What is the impact you want your business to make? Do you want to sell it? If so…for how much? Starting with the end in mind is the key to building out an amazing company that makes your effort worth it in the end.
Learn to lead. Becoming a world class leader is how you find and retain great people. Great people want to work for great people and great companies. Once everyone gets aligned to the same mission, magic happens within your organization.
Building a growth culture. Culture is a nice word, but unless it is a culture of growth, it is just a word. We built real companies because our cultures were focused on growth. Revenue growth, profit growth, customer growth and personal growth for everyone on our teams.
We crushed the competition with our niche. Experts get paid and amateurs get crushed. Experts are the best in their niche and amateurs are generalists. Getting laser focused and building a market dominating niche business.
Recurring revenue. Everything in a business gets better with recurring revenue. You can predict cash flow needs and therefore, hiring needs, infrastructure needs, equipment needs and so one. Building out recurring revenue does one more thing…it increases the value of your company…BIG TIME.
How to quickly scale your business. Working hard is part of the entrepreneurial journey. But working hard without getting rich sucks and most businesses in America finish this way. The owners bust their ass forever and have very little to show for it. Not us, we built businesses that spit out lots and lots of tokens, each and every month.
Infrastructure to sell at any time. Even if your end game doesn’t include selling your business, it should be built to be sold to the highest bidder at any time. This is part of the language of business. Building an enduring, profitable and sell-able business.

These 7 steps are now the backbone of We have turned each step into what we call “workshops”. Each workshop has multiple lessons within them. In the end, these 7 steps become your path to learning the language of business, and your roadmap to your piece of the American Pie. We are your teachers, your confidants, your biggest fans. Come along for the journey. Make it happen.
test drive for free 4 lessons

inside our university. ?

No fake gurus here. We want you to see what you get for your investment.

Here are 4 real life lessons from inside our Burn the Ships University. Judge and Matt have created workshops and lessons to show you the roadmap they used for the creation and exit of their 9 figure businesses.
If you find these videos valuable sign up now to join our Burn the Ships University.

Matt launched his first company, Commercial Fleet Financing, Inc. (CFF), in 1995 with a phone, a folding table and the unyielding confidence of a single client, a trucker.
Fast forward 24 years and CFF, has funded over $1 billion in transportation equipment with annual business of $150,000,000+. CFF has served more than 10,000 clients and has become one of the largest independently owned transportation finance companies in America. CFF is a 4-time winner of Inc. Magazine’s Top 500/5000 Fastest Growing Companies in America and a 3-time winner of The SMU Cox School of Business 100 Fastest Growing Companies.
His companies have been featured in media outlets such as MSNBC, Forbes, Dallas Business Journal, Fleet Owner and Overdrive Magazine just to name a few.
Matt has been a featured TEDx speaker and is the author of two books, “The Grit,” and his most recent, “You Need More Money,” published by Penguin/Random House. He has hosted the nationally syndicated weekly radio show called “The Grit” and currently hosts his weekly podcast cast called, “You Need More Money”.
Matt and his wife Rokki have been married for 20 years and have 3 wonderful boys, John 17, Jack 15 and Julian 13. They reside in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of the GREAT STATE OF TEXAS!
Judge Graham

Judge Graham is a hard-hitting, action-oriented entrepreneur with a successful track record of growing companies and selling them for hundreds of millions of dollars.
His companies have won numerous high-profile business accolades, including Inc. 5000 and multiple best places to work awards. He has also been featured in media outlets like AdWeek, Ad Age, Forbes, Bloomberg, CNBC, Money and many more.
He currently hosts the top-rated Scale & Exit podcast and is an acclaimed author. Judge is the go-to expert on helping businesses identify and capitalize on opportunities to improve revenue and corner markets through integration of cutting-edge positioning, culture, technology, marketing and sales.
Judge lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with his wife Jordan and their two boys Jake and Jett.
Learn from our successes (and our mistakes)

Access to our weekly LIVE 1 hour mentoring and Q&A calls

Follow our proven business roadmap to get yourself off the hamster wheel

Gain the secret to great companies – GREAT COMPANY CULTURE
Scale everything in your business – FAST

Determine your leadership superpower via our unique format

Avoid the 7 deadly habits that kill millions of businesses each year

Create a growth culture that aligns everyone in the same direction

Transform your business into a customer centric machine
Follow our proven communication program that aligns everyone – daily

Build a sellable business (even if you don’t want to sell)

Develop a blueprint for hiring GREAT people

See growth problems before they happen
Get immediately download Matt Manero & Judge Graham – Burn The Ships University
Workshop 1


Workshop Overview

The sad truth is that most business owners never live their entrepreneurial dream. It ends up more like a nightmare. Why? Because they never really knew what they wanted from their business. In this workshop, Judge walks us through how to build out our end game BEFORE the end. His process takes us through what do we want in the form of liquidity, net worth, material goods as well as health and more. You will find this to be one of the most important workshops in because it provides you total clarity to keep moving forward to reach your goals.
Lesson 1: Time is not your friend.

Lesson 2: Are you operating at peak performance?

Lesson 3: Mapping out your personal and business end game.

Lesson 4: Mapping out your financial freedom number.


Workshop Overview

This workshop explores something that most business owners and leaders have never done…learn who they are as a leader. We start with your business DNA test and results, followed by your rhythm or chaos test. These results show you, in a way you have never seen before, what your strengths are as a leader. We also provide you insight into how your DNA impacts others in your organization. We cover the new dynamic between employers and employees, how to build a tribe of support people who fuel you in your business journey and we end with lesson 6 that shows you how to set meaningful expectations within your organization without being a bully leader.
Lesson 1: Who are you as a leader?

Lesson 2: Getting out of chaos and into rhythm.

Lesson 3: Knowing how your employees perceive you.

Lesson 4: Triangle of Trouble and Success.

Lesson 5: Building a support tribe.

Lesson 6: Setting expectations and getting results.


Workshop Overview

Culture is a buzz word within the entrepreneurial world, but we actually teach you how to build a culture that aligns everyone for growth. Revenue growth, profit growth and client growth are all part of building an amazing culture. This workshop is packed with real examples of how the 7 deadly habits will kill your culture (and what to do about it), and how to actually build out core values that solve 90% of your hiring, firing and managing problems.
Lesson 1: Your team is currently walking zombies.

Lesson 2: WIMM (where is my money) company mindset.

Lesson 3: The 7 deadly business habits.

Lesson 4: Creating growth core values.

Lesson 5: Being relentless to your core values.

Lesson 6: Creating a customer centric company.

Lesson 7: Implementing a growth culture.


Workshop Overview

Judge and Matt believe that being an expert will get you paid and being an amateur will get you crushed. You first need to understand the power of finding a profit niche, analyzing the competition to exploit their weaknesses, building out content that positions your company as a leader in your niche, targeting your ideal niche customer and building website content that positions you properly.
Lesson 1: Creating your niche and becoming the market leader.

Lesson 2: Doing competitive analysis to dominate in your niche.

Lesson 3: Creating your niche market leader positioning.

Lesson 4: Creating your ideal target customer.

Lesson 5: Building Market Leader Content.

Lesson 6:.Building a magnetic website that converts.


Workshop Overview

Recurring revenue is the holy grail of business. When you have recurring, repeatable revenue each and every month, your cash flow and budgeting problems go away. However, the secret that nobody talks about with recurring revenue is what it does to your sell-ability. A company with solid recurring revenue can be worth 10X that of a company without it.
Lesson 1: Why you want recurring revenue.

Lesson 2: The three types of recurring revenue.

Lesson 3: The power of recurring revenue.


Workshop Overview

This workshop puts it all together for you. We walk you through how to properly set goals, put the right people in the right seats through a meaningful organizational chart and track it all through Judge’s proprietary “Money Sheet” and daily “911” meetings. The end result is everyone on your team is aligned for one common goal…SUCCESS!
Lesson 1: How to properly set goals.

Lesson 2: Building the right organizational chart to scale.

Lesson 3: Breaking BIG goals into small activities.

Lesson 4: The eight things you must track and optimize daily.

Lesson 5: How to optimize your profits.

Lesson 6: Using the Money Sheet all day every day.

Lesson 7: How to run daily 911 meetings.

Lesson 8: Getting everyone aligned and in-rhythm.


Workshop Overview

Whether or not you want to sell your business, you should build a business that can be sold to the highest bidder at any time. We explore who might be a buyer for your company, what you MUST have in order to command the highest valuation and what the process of building a sellable business looks like.
Lesson 1: Determining what your company worth.

Lesson 2: Exploring the types of buyers for your company.

Lesson 3: The must haves in order to sell your company.

Lesson 4: What does the process of selling your business look like?
Additional Free Bonuses

Free Bonus #1:

Recurring Revenue Calculator

Recurring revenue is the key to maximizing cash flow and your company value. We provide you our proprietary software the helps you build out and calculate the impact of monthly recurring revenue on your organization.

VALUE: $3,000

Free Bonus #2:

Business Health Tracker

As you learn the “language of business”, you will understand that what you track matters. Included in your enrollment, is our unique business health tracker software that gives you the framework to build out every metric that matters and should be tracked.

VALUE: $5,000
So Let’s Talk ABout the Cost

It’s only $299

Judge and Matt believe the single greatest business investment you can make is to learn the language of business. This language is not taught in schools or on social media, but sooner or later you will need to learn it to reach your entrepreneurial dreams. Take the leap to learn the language of business from two proven business leaders who have used it to build 9-figure businesses, by taking action to enroll in Talk to your CPA, but your investment in your business might be 100% tax deductible.
Here is some of what you’ll get:
Your personalized business DNA test and results.

Your chaos or rhythm business leadership test and results.

Competitive analysis workshop and template to beat your competition and dominate.

Step by step process to finally build out your company core values and learn to implement them NOW!

The 7 Deadly Habits that Kill Your Business and the skills to avoid or change them from ever happening within your company.
How to build a growth culture that aligns your team and propels revenue while reducing chaos.

Learning how your company is valued to a strategic or private equity buyer and the primary components of selling at any time.

Recurring revenue calculator to see what is possible to earn with you products or services.

Business Health Tracker software that allows you to track all the key metrics in your business.