Matt Kahn – The Angel Academy 8


LIVE calls are limited space. Space is limited based on webcast capacity and phone line. Register now for nine weeks of one-Hour calls Format File [WebRip – 9 MP3] File size: 201.97MB

Matt Kahn – The Angel Academy 8

Reclaim Your Divine Power 9-Week Telegathering Series With Matt Kahn & Julie Dittmar
This includes mp3s of all calls, and 2 calls dedicated just to Q&A and answering your biggest life questions. Participation in the previous calls Angel Academy It is not necessary to have a series. Be yourself.
$111 The entire series! (early-Bird rate up to May 28, then $222 after that date
LIVE calls are limited space. Space is limited based on webcast capacity and phone line. Register now for nine weeks of one-Hourly calls The We often call for more than an hour to ensure that the energy transmission feels complete. This allows us to integrate and facilitate integrations. Our time together serves to upgrade your frequency, and act as a high vibrational activation chamber for you to awaken the light of the soul, and manifest your highest potential.
Please join us at the best-Spiritual teacher and author. Matt Kahn Julie Dittmar is a sound healer and meditation guide. This powerful healing energy transmission will support your entire body and your consciousness to transform all areas in your life in the most loving and compassionate way possible.
There is an eternal doorway within you that will allow you to be free from the turmoil of current events, the collective energies, and the gravity of your healing process. When this doorway opens up, a life filled with struggle, stress, judgment, pain, burden, worry, and concern becomes the endless passion and unwavering joy, unwavering belief, and unlimited power you were meant to embody. From this space, a life beyond the pitfalls of suffering reveals a love that has no end.
Julie invites you to discover the freedom and beauty within you, and to open the doorway to your inner peace. Matt For Angel Academy 8: Reclaim Your Divine power. Each call in this 9-week series serves to accelerate your journey twofold by unraveling crucial barriers of human conditioning and activating the dormant qualities of your soul in physical form. As always, there will be time in each call for questions, along with two calls specifically dedicated to Q&A and answering your biggest life questions.
You can choose to attend each call live or not. Angel Academy 8 You can download replays of all calls as mp3s to enjoy at your leisure. Our private sessions with Matt These items are available for sale-Out with a year-long waiting list, so we always make sure we include a Q&A section at the end of each call where everyone has an equal opportunity to ask a question and connect with Matt’s spot-For the benefit and good of all, Divinely guided intuition is available.
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Here’s a look at what is inspiring over 9 million YouTube viewers. “The Love Revolution” To lift up the entire planet!
While Matt Will be downloading brand-New teachings from the Universe are offered during each call. Here are some of the most popular topics covered during these calls Angel Academy 8 Will be:

Unleash your Inner Power
Resolving Victimhood
Expanding Worthiness
The End of Blame
Cultivating True Abundance
Unraveling Yourself-Doubt
Awakening Your Inner Mastery

If you are ready for a bold leap into the purity, wholeness and perfection of your heart,-centered consciousness with clarity, peace, and ease, then you won’t want to miss a moment of this incredibly life-Change 9-Week series. You will continue to enjoy the mp3’s from each call, as always. No matter if this is your first call, Angel Academy or the next chapter of your book Angel Academy adventure, each call energetically meets your exact location, with interactive exercises that maximize the absorption, integration, and integration of your most profound transformation.
We look forward to sharing this special time with your family. We wish you abundant love and blessings.

Q: How are these calls different from the YouTube videos?
A: Yes, most definitely! All the time Matt He shares new teachings that are intuitively perfect for both the individual and collective journey. The Angel Academy Includes the most recent-To-Date energy transmissions Matt It is constantly undergoing energetic upgrades (called “downloads”) in order to provide what he provides as the deepest and highest level.
The Angel Academy This support provides ongoing awakening/ascension that will assist you in riding the waves o the planet right now. There is a Q&A on each call, which is a lovely interactive component that is not only a great dose of heart-It opens joy and also prompts new teachings. The 5-Day Soul Convergence events are the Angel Academies Matt and Julie’s favorite events to offer because of how life-Each one will be different, and there will be Divine surprises along the journey. These calls are only audio, which is why we love them. It allows us to be focused on the voice, the words and energies. We don’t think about visuals (although there may be third).-Eye visions
Q:n I will be contacted by the call-in details?
A: All the calls-In May, you will receive access details. The confirmation email confirming your registration and the call access codes emails (sent in May) will go to the email address that you used to register for BrightStar Events. If you register using your Hotmail address please check your Hotmail mailbox for our emails.
Important Note: To receive your BrightStar Events email, you must be signed up Angel Academy Reminders sent to you You can unsubscribe from BrightStar emails. Angel Academy Details will be blocked. Please also make sure to check our Angel Academy emails in your junk/spam/clutter/promotions folder first before getting in touch with us to provide an alternate contact email address if needed.
Q: Do I Call in By Phone, or Can I Call In On My Computer?
You can listen to the Telegatherings by phone or computer. You will have access to a teleconference telephone line that you can call in with an access code. The The phone number and the code will remain the exact same throughout the series. We will have local dial-In numbers across the USA, Canada and the UK.-Access to the webcast is free by phone. You can also access the webcast via your computer from anywhere in the world. The The webcast listen links for each call will change and will be provided 24 hour prior to each call. We are using
Q: What are all the live calls?-What are the Dates?
A: The The following are the call dates for the entire series:
#1 – Mon. May 29, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm MT/6pmCT/7pm ET
#2 – Mon. June 5, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm Mt /6pm CT /7pm ET
#3 – Mon. June 12, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm Mt /6pm CT /7pm ET
#4 – Mon. June 19, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm Mt /6pm CT /7pm ET
#5 – Mon. July 3, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm MT/6pmCT/7pm ET
#6 – Mon. July 10, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm MT/6pmCT/7pm ET
#7 – Mon. July 17, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm MT/6pmCT/7pm ET
#8 – Mon. July 31, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm Mt /6pm CT /7pm ET
#9 – Mon. August 7, 4:00-5:00pm Pacific Time /5pm MT/6pmCT/7pm ET
Q: What’s included in my Angel Academy 8 registration?
A: All live calls are included in your registration Matt Julie for 9 weeks. It also includes:

All 9 recordings are available for you to listen to as many times and as often as possible
The Live calls allow you to ask questions
The opportunity to hear the depth of the Q&A dialogues (only available at live gatherings)
1 to 2 hours’ worth of the latest intuitive, spontaneous teachings, healings, and activations per call
The Chance to be part of the on-Going healing energy to support you on your journey to awakening
Access to Matt’s highly-attuned intuition – which of course offers you an even greater opportunity to allow Yours To also blossom!

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Q: REPLAYS — What happens if I am unable to listen to all the calls live? Can I get recordings of the calls?
A: Absolutely! Whether or not you can attend some or all of the calls live, you will have full access to each call’s replay, and you will also receive all of the mp3 recordings for the whole series to listen to and re-Listen at your convenience The After each call ends, the replay page for the live event page is automatically created so that you can rewatch it.-It is worth listening to immediately!
Q: Can I join? Angel Academy 8 even if it’s already underway?
A: Yes, registration remains open until the end of the series. If you’ve missed any of the previous calls, you will still have full access to each call’s replay links and from those replay pages, you can download each of the call’s mp3 recordings to re-listen at your convenience. You will receive links to all calls in the past, as well as the call.-Details for the remaining live upcoming calls are available here
Q: How do I ask a question?
A: You can hit *2 on your phone’s keypad to get into the queue for the chance to ask your question when it is announced that we are taking questions. You can also type your questions in the box during the live webcast. Due to the large number of people we serve, we won’t be accepting questions via email prior or after the call. Questions will ONLY be answered at the time of the Q&A during this telegathering. Other live events such as Soul Convergences and Soul Gatherings are also available for personal answers.
Love words
“So fabulous! I tranced out for 2 hours afterward the Angel Academy call and then floated in fairyland the rest of the afternoon. Couldn’t recommend the Angel Academy highly enough, soooo much more powerful than the YouTube talks, like 1000% more!” – Willow Sarah, Australia

“Matt Kahn is an incredibly accurate guide that is able to traverse the inner energetic wilderness with supreme love and unfathomable clarity. His energy is of a raw love that leaves no strings attached, combined with a level of humor that allows you to not even know that you are healing in his presence. Julie Dittmar brings a level of beauty, gentleness, and grace that is unmatched among the spiritual community, and is totally dedicated to the complete integration of every energetically-sensitive soul through her gift of music and chant. Julie and Matt form a duet of compassion, aliveness, and love that will leave you transformed at the heart of your awakening presence.” – Dave Agnew

“Matt Kahn’s work is truly revolutionary. He is uplifting the world one ‘I Love You’ at a time with transmissions that are always fresh and transformative. He cracks your heart open with his humor and then delivers a masterful message so it is received at the deepest level of your being. I am so grateful to Matt for helping me transform my world in this eternal play of life.” – Anjali Frazer

Matt Kahn Julie Dittmar Highly regarded spiritual teachers and intuitives, who combine a heartfelt approach with intuition-A centered awareness of unity consciousness and a deep understanding of the mystical nature reality. They provide messages and energetic transmissions that will help you to awaken humanity and help you to live a life of greater peace, ease, love, and joy. Matt Kahn Is the author of the best-Selling books “Whatever Arises, Love That.”

Matt Kahn’s Out of an out, spontaneous awakening emerged.-This is-Body experience at the age 8Through his direct experiences with archangels and ascended masters throughout his life. As an empath, he uses intuitive abilities such as seeing, hearing, feeling and direct knowing. Matt He feels the emotions of others, and can pinpoint what prevents hearts from opening. He is able to offer revolutionary teachings, both written and spoken, that help you become more energetic.-Sensitive beings assist in healing the body, awakening and transforming reality with the power of love.

Julie Dittmar It is a top choice-Selling meditation guide whose work has been featured by PBS. She is a great grounding rod. Matt’s teachings as a sound healer who anchors compassionate divine feminine energy through breathwork, heart-To help spiritual seekers remember their true nature, there are many exercises, mantras, chants and meditations that can be used.

Here’s what you can expect in the new book Matt Kahn – The Angel Academy 8