Matt Clark’s Social Secrets- 6 Weeks Facebook Training


Facebook is probably the most neglected online advertising channel of them all.How often do you hear things like:“Facebook has been dead since everybody’s parents started using it.”“Instagram has 10x the engagement rate!”“Email crushes Facebook.”Yeah yeah, we get it, Facebook is lame.So, how come their revenue is growing so fast?Not only do they have the biggest user base, with over 2 billion monthly active users, but they also seem to make plenty of money with their advertising system.I think there’s a whole bunch of hypocrites out there.If one out of every $10 in advertising is spent on Facebook ads, how come everybody shuns the platform, except for a few?You know what I think?I think every business tries Facebook ads, fails at it and then blames the platform.People just suck at making Facebook ads work for them.  They don’t truly understand their target audience, so they place ads in the news feed of the wrong people, etc.Today, I’ll help you out with that.I’m going to show you a few examples of people who’ve been successful with Facebook ads and then walk you through setting up your first campaign without breaking a sweat.Even if you’re a complete newbie, after reading this guide, you’ll have a good grasp of Facebook ads.Get Matt Clark’s Social Secrets – 6 Weeks Facebook Training, Only Price $77I mean it.I’ll start from the very beginning, but you can skip to any section belowTop Reasons To Advertise on FacebookFacebook Advertising DefinitionFacebook Advertising Overview3 case studies from successful Facebook advertisersHow to Setup Your First Facebook Ad CampaignHow To Fail-Proof Your Facebook Ad CampaignsStep 1: How to Create a Realistic BudgetStep 2: Create a fan pageStep 3: Create your first campaignStep 4: Create your ad setStep 5: Create your first adStep 6: Create 2 more ads for A/B testingStep 7: Wait for 24 hoursStep 8: Kill the ads that don’t workStep 9 [Optional]: Increase your budgetStep 10 [Advanced]: Expand your reach with custom audiences; lookalike audiencesTop Reasons To Advertise on FacebookYou can’t argue with results.Which means you can’t deny Facebook ads.They’re super profitable. (If, and that’s a big IF, you know what you’re doing.)Nearly all social media marketers (96%) consider Facebook advertising the most effective paid option out of all social networks, according to an eMarketer study.One reason is Facebook’s size.Billions of people see ads on their platform each month. People spend almost an hour on it each day.And despite what the haters say, Facebook is still growing, too.That’s why budgets have been doubling (up to $31 billion and counting).Another reason is Facebook Advertising gives smaller companies a competitive advantage, if used correctly.For example, ecommerce startup Barbell Apparel used Facebook ads to surpass their Kickstarter product launch goal of $15,000 by $735,000!Listen:You want to reach people online? Facebook is the single best alternative to Google AdWords.Don’t get me wrong, AdWords is awesome. But it’s also expensive. I’ve personally worked on client accounts where every single click cost anywhere from $50 – 100. Per click!Then only a tiny percentage of those people ever became a lead. Most of them bounced from the site.Now guess how much that ad campaign was? This company literally spent thousands of dollars each day just to bring in a few decent leads.It’s different with Facebook. You get access to the same number of people. But for far less.And once you’ve got a few tricks up your sleeves (after reading the rest of this article), you’ll be able to get website clicks for pennies and new sales for just a few bucks each.Let’s see how it works.Facebook Advertising Definition“Wait, you can advertise on Facebook?”If that was your initial reaction to this post’s headline, then you’re a little late to the party. But, no worries, I’ll get you up to speed.Since Facebook gets tons of data from their users, who enter it voluntarily on their profile (things like age, location, and interests), they have a good idea of who users are and what they like.Therefore, they can serve them targeted ads that show them products that they are likely to buy, sites they tend to like or events they’d love to attend.For example, I recently joined a Facebook group about Udemy, the online course platform.Naturally, Facebook jumps on my choice and starts showing me ads that prompt me to sign up for a course (they thought I might like to learn about creating video games).Get Matt Clark’s Social Secrets- 6 Weeks Facebook Training, Only Price $77Tag: Matt Clark’s Social Secrets- 6 Weeks Facebook Training Review. Matt Clark’s Social Secrets- 6 Weeks Facebook Training download. Matt Clark’s Social Secrets- 6 Weeks Facebook Training discount.