Mastermind Accelerator – Simon Zutshi


The Mastermind Accelerator is an intensive workshop for investors seeking to aggressively build out their property portfolio over the next twelve months.Spend three days with Simon Zutshi as he takes you into the “inner sanctum” of how he, and his renowned Mastermind group, are investing right now.Cover the complete Mastermind investing framework – a comprehensive roadmap which effortlessly guides you to the optimal investing strategy for any deal scenario.Get access to our confidential “27 motivated seller sources” – uncover leads from the unlikeliest of places.Spend an entire day on how to find the most motivated of sellers, and how to systemise finding them.”No money down” investing taken to the next level. Never let starting capital hold you back.Advanced lead monetisation – keep the best leads for yourself. Then package up, sell and profit from the rest. Entire side-businesses can be made from selling leads you have already generated.Coaches on-hand throughout the workshop to tailor the best investing approach to your personal circumstances.Your only other chance to get access to this material is to become a fully pledged member of the Mastermind group – something which comes at considerable expense and commitment.Likewise, this is the only chance to spend a dedicated chunk of time with Simon Zutshi outside of the Mastermind group itself. You are getting full access to him and his expertise.IMPORTANT: This workshop is not for the “weekend investor”. It covers hands-on investing approaches that require commitment and perseverance. Stunning returns can be made, but you must be prepared to put the work in.Thu 24th – Sat 26th September, 2020London Marriott Heathrow HotelAccommodation & all snacks/meals included18+ hours intensive instruction by pin founder Simon ZutshiFull money back guaranteeBONUS: Bring a partner for freeThu 12th – Sat 14th November, 2020Forest of Arden Hotel, BirminghamAccommodation & all snacks/meals included18+ hours intensive instruction by pin founder Simon ZutshiFull money back guaranteeBONUS: Bring a partner for free“Five was the magic number for me. Five genuinely good property deals can set you free. Five unlocks you from the burden of the rat race. They become your financial cushion. They embolden you to take on a little more risk on the sixth… because now they’re no longer make-or-break deals. Now it becomes fun. Now you start living for the next deal.”A Personal Message From Simon ZutshiThe quote above was written by me a few years back. Somebody had asked me when I felt the momentum really start building in my own investing, because it’s true, there comes a point when one or two deals a year suddenly becomes ten or twenty.And on reflection, five was the magic number for me.I call this the “hump”. The first few deals are a grind, you wonder if it’s always going to be this hard, and then boom, you get some momentum and you are off to the races.The Mastermind Accelerator workshop exists solely to get you over the hump.The workshop has been designed from the ground up to give you momentum in your property investing.Three days is the perfect amount of time to ensure comprehensive instruction, while still keeping the big picture front and centre in your mind. You make connections between topics much more easily.We made it a residential workshop. This helps maximise instruction time. But the biggie is it helps you get physical distance from your day-to-day life for several days. My best business ideas have always come while on vacation. Similarly, taking a step back from your daily life and immersing yourself in this workshop for three days completely opens up your mind.The workshop is run from Thursday to Saturday, giving you Sunday to start on your action plan. Nothing destroys momentum like having to go to work the next day.The Accelerator workshops are some of my favourite days of the year. The energy levels in the room are through the roof, and it is incredibly rewarding to watch a group grow so much over our three days together.And the timing of the next workshop could not be better…This is fantastic news.If you’ve known me for any length of time, you know I am a big advocate of stepping up your game as others are leaving it.Professional investors make money in up, down and sideways markets. And the very best deals are to be had when the masses stay home and sit on their hands.Come and join me in London on the 24th – 26th September, 2020 and step up your game. I promise you will not regret it. And on the off-chance you do, the first day and a half is on me. If at any point up to lunchtime on the second day you decide the workshop isn’t for you, simply return the course materials and I’ll give you back your money.Can’t say fairer than that.This is where it starts. Get over that hump. Do this for yourself, for your loved ones and for your legacy. Don’t look back in 5 or 10 years time thinking ‘if only I’d started back then’.The Origins Of The Accelerator Workshop.(And How It Benefits You)The Workshop itself started life as a private get-together for my Mastermind group, prior to them embarking on their 12-month Mastermind Programme.My 12-month Mastermind Programme is now over 10 years old. My 24th cohort will soon be graduating. It has created countless property millionaires from all walks of life. It is my proudest achievement.But way back in the first few cohorts, one thing was really bugging me…The feedback from my students was great, the energy during our monthly meetups was great, everybody was attending the weekly webinar calls…But still, many of my Masterminders were often taking 6, 7, 8 months before figuratively hitting the runway and taking off with their property businesses.This was too long in my book. I wanted to ramp up their property businesses in weeks, not months.My epiphany came during one of our Mastermind lunches. Speaking candidly with a few members, it dawned on me that they were holding off on fully committing until they had visited each and every investing strategy that was due to be covered during the 12-month Programme.In other words, they were hesitating for fear of missing out on alternative, potentially better investing strategies. They were waiting for the whole picture before pulling the trigger on deals.It was then that I decided I needed to get everybody together, lock them all in a room for a weekend, and cover the complete Mastermind syllabus from start to end…And so, the Accelerator workshop was born…It was a huge hit. It removed a large amount of initial overwhelm and it also eradicated the fear of missing out on investing strategies covered later on in the Programme.With the roaring success of the Accelerator weekend, it was an easy decision to begin offering it as a stand-alone workshop outside of the Mastermind Programme itself.THE UPSHOT?…You get access to the Mastermind syllabus without the heavy commitment of enrolling on the full programme.The A4 Piece Of Paper At The Heart Of The Workshop…On the morning of the first day of the workshop, you will be handed a piece of paper with a flowchart on it.Do not lose that piece of paper. Study it, immerse yourself in it, cherish it, laminate it if you have to. Do whatever it takes to internalise the underlying theories and applications of the flowchart.Why? Because it is going to become your investing roadmap for years to come.The flowchart was designed by Simon Zutshi as an objective framework that guides you to the optimal investing outcome for any property deal scenario.You simply follow the flowchart and answer a bunch of Yes/No questions. No “maybe this” or “maybe that”, only concrete, objective guidance.Examples of scenarios the flowchart answers:When is a property deal objectively good enough to pull the trigger on?At what point does an HMO become the superior tenancy option?When is a purchase option preferrable to an outright purchase?When does Rent to Rent become viable?Should I package up the lead and sell it on?What should the exit strategy be?These questions, and a dozen others, are answered for you by the flowchart. The beauty is in its simplicity.1. The Flowchart Eliminates OverwhelmDuring the workshop itself, the flowchart provides the foundation for instruction. It eliminates overwhelm because you have the visual representation of the strategies there in front of you at all times.2. The Flowchart Helps You Monetize Your LeadsYou are not going to purchase every property lead that lands on your desk. Some will not fit your criteria and for others the timing will not be right.The flowchart quickly guides you to alternative cashflow strategies. So in addition to executing on those hot leads that tick all the boxes, you are leveraging opportunities on those luke-warm leads that most amateur investors pass up on.By monetising a greater proportion of the leads that land on your desk, you separate yourself from the investing herd.3. The Flowchart Helps You Negotiate With SellersBy asking a set of simple questions, you can provide a specialised solution to a motivated seller in under 2 minutes. Not only does this give you instant credibility and authority, but it is often a win-win deal structure that other potential buyers have missed.Our Promise To YouAttending our 3-day Workshop is a life-changing experience. Your future self is going to look back on it as a defining moment in taking control of your financial future.But please don’t take our word for it.If you are at all on the fence about joining us for the three days, we want to remove 100% of the risk for you.Here’s our promise – the first day and a half of the workshop is on us. If at any point before lunchtime on the second day you decide it isn’t quite right for you, simply tell us, hand back the course materials, and we’ll issue you a 100% refund. And we will thank you for giving us a try.There really is nothing to lose. The very worst case scenario is you take a day or two off work, learn a bunch during the first half of the Workshop, and have all your money returned if you decide it isn’t quite what you were expecting.Get  Mastermind Accelerator – Simon Zutshi , Only Price $92Tag:  Mastermind Accelerator – Simon Zutshi  Review.  Mastermind Accelerator – Simon Zutshi  download.  Mastermind Accelerator – Simon Zutshi  discount. mastermind accelerator course. mastermind accelerator review. mastermind accelerator promo code. property mastermind accelerator. pin mastermind accelerator. property mastermind accelerator review. copy accelerator mastermind.