You use (or plan on using) ConvertKit…You know how important email marketing is for your business…You want to send super personalized emails to your list…You want to give your subscribers an incredibly rewarding and rich experience…But here you are, sending one-size-fits-all newsletters and sales emails to everyone on your list with ¯_(ツ)_/¯‍ results and lots of time spent running around on the content treadmill.It’s easy to get overwhelmed by email marketing and automation. You’ve heard all the conference talks and podcast interviews touting how badass marketing automation is. You’ve read the articles about these businesses that have ridiculously sophisticated and sexy automation yielding even more ridiculous revenue.But making email marketing work for your business? And ensuring you’re doing it right? Well, that can seem like a pipe dream. Instead, you’re…Staring at a hot mess of tags on your subscriber dashboard (“…am I segmenting correctly?”)Writing yet another broadcast newsletter and hoping your subscribers like and want what you have to say (going through your head: “this keeps my list warm, …right?”)And stressing over when you can justify doing another big launch so that you can get some much needed cash in the door.Sound about right?It’s one thing to have access to ConvertKit. But knowing what to do with all this power…?For many of us, logging into ConvertKit with the goal of fully automating your business is a bit like walking into a big box hardware store and thinking to yourself, “I have no idea how, but I think it’s possible to build a house with all this stuff.”Power drills, screws, lumber, and aisles and aisles of who knows what.Or, in your case, visual automation rules, tags, custom fields, email sequences, delay timers, events, and on and on.Hi there, I’m Brennan Dunn and I’m the creator of Mastering ConvertKit.I’ve been a big fan of what Nathan Barry & the ConvertKit team have been building, and a little over a year ago I decided to finally make the switch.“Somebody needs to translate Brennan Dunn’s Mastering Drip course to ConvertKit because all of the existing courses just cover the basics.”JOEL HOOKS, ABOUT A YEAR AGOOver the years, I’ve helped thousands of marketers and business owners better understand how to better use email marketing through keynote talks, workshops, podcast interviews, in-depth articles, and my course, Mastering Drip.And now that I’m happily settled on ConvertKit, I wanted to create the premiere training course for someone who wants to architect the right automated marketing for their business.More than just technicals, included is an entire frameworkThis course is not just how to use all the technical bits of ConvertKit.Instead, it’s a complete tried-and-true framework on how to take your expertise and the products/services you have to offer, package it all up into a bunch of really smart automation that gets more subscribers onto your list, discover who your audience is and what they need from you, and consistently deliver highly relevant and personalized content and pitches at exactly the right time.Quite the mouthful, eh? But the long and short of it is that you’ll be able to give your subscribers a much better experience – leading more of them to buy.So if you’re struggling with not just how to use ConvertKit, but what you should be doing with ConvertKit, then this course is for you.What’s InsideNo matter if you’re just getting started, or you’re ready to throw rocket fuel on your ConvertKit account – the included 15+ hours of in-depth video lessons have you covered.MODULE 1Starting off on the right footIn this module we cover the fundamentals of both ConvertKit and the best ways to use the available features. Here I make a case for the nurturing and pitch framework that 95% of online marketers should be using, and show you how to not only create your automation strategy – but also how to use this course to adapt your needs to this framework.3 HOURS AND 7 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:How to map out your automation strategy before doing anything in ConvertKitWhat’s the best way to organize and name your tags and segments?Visual automations? Automation rules? Here’s what you need to know.MODULE 2Get even more subscribers using dynamic opt-in formsLead flow is the lifeblood of any successful online business. This module is dedicated to helping you get more subscribers each day through smart, segmented, and personalized opt-ins CTAs.1 HOUR AND 23 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:How to segment people before they’re even on your email listWays to use survey funnels to boost your conversion ratesCreating personalized opt-in formsMODULE 3Better understand your audience and their needsWant to personalize your emails and sales pages? Then you first need to segment your audience. This module dives deep into how to profile your audience, segmenting them by who they are and what they need from you, along with lead scoring your best subscribers.2 HOURS AND 29 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:Coming up with a segmentation planHow to ensure you’re always pitching people on exactly what they needYes, you can lead score in ConvertKit. Here’s how.MODULE 4Building trust with your audienceThis module is all about building rapport with your audience by designing thoughtful and personally relevant onboarding and educational automations. More “Ah wow, this content is so great…” = More trust = More customers.2 HOURS AND 47 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:How to create highly personalized onboardingAutomating how you learn why people are joining your list and what they needMonetizing subscribers right after joining with evergreen pitchesMODULE 5More sales through personalized pitchesGetting your email list to buy from you is so much more than just hammering everyone with sales emails. It’s about sending smart, personally relevant emails to people when they’re ready to buy from you, and using segmentation to align what you have with what someone needs.2 HOURS AND 23 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:Using “Glossary Automations” to speak directly to your audience at scaleA blueprint for the perfect product launchMaking your email pitching and sales pages personalizedMODULE 6Getting off the “email hamster wheel”In this module, you’ll learn how to spend more time working on your business – and less time cranking out content to keep the lights on. I’ll show you how to set up evergreen “Shadow Newsletters” and leverage personal Offer Funnels to always pitch the right product to your subscribers, both over email and on your website.1 HOUR AND 20 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:Creating an evergreen “Shadow Newsletter”Pitching personalized offers both over email and on your websiteRe-engagement strategies and keeping your list cleanMODULE 7Doubling down on your successFrom A/B testing to automatically pitching your audience on the products or services they haven’t yet bought, this module is dedicated to helping you increase customer value and optimize your conversion rates across the board.2 HOURS AND 16 MINUTES OF INSTRUCTION, INCLUDING:How to create living documentation for your automation setupBehavior-based cross-selling and up-sellingA/B testing automations, emails, and moreMastering ConvertKit is designed to work for you, no matter how much experience or time you have.“15 hours of lessons? I don’t think I have the time!”No lie: this course is deep. It’s in-depth. It’s looong. But don’t let that worry you, especially if you’re just getting started with email marketing.When you begin the course, I’m going to prescribe a set number of lessons for you. These lessons take just a few hours to go through and implement, but they’ll get you started with doing some basic segmentation and having some solid automation in place.I don’t expect you to go through everything I’ve included right away. You’ll start with getting your basic building blocks in order, and over time you’ll layer on optimizations – like sending your subscribers SMS messages during a pitch sequence – that make what you have even better. You have lifetime access to the material, there’s no rush.(Preemptive shoutout to that person who will binge all the material in one sitting. When you join, you get everything all at once. So enjoy!)Get Mastering ConvertKit – Brennan Dunn, Only Price $107Tag: Mastering ConvertKit – Brennan Dunn Review. Mastering ConvertKit – Brennan Dunn download. Mastering ConvertKit – Brennan Dunn discount.