MasterClass – Chris Voss Teaches the Art of Negotiation-Compressed


As an FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss He persuaded terrorists and bank robbers to accept his vision. Now he’s teaching you his Format File: [18 Videos (MP4) + 1… File Size: 504.26MB

MasterClass – Chris Voss Teaches the Art of Negotiation-Compressed

As an FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss He persuaded terrorists and bank robbers to see things his own way. Now he’s teaching you his field-tested strategies to help you in everyday negotiations, whether you’re aiming to improve your salary, the Your relationships and the services you receive. Get stronger communication skills, game-Discovering new insights into human nature and other topics of What you want to see of life.
Classes covered topics
Each class includes an in-Depth, downloadable workbook.

1. Tactical Empathy
Meet your new instructor: ex-FBI international kidnapping negotiator Chris Voss. Many believe negotiation is a fight. Chris Successful negotiation is a collaboration that is rooted in empathy.

2. Mirroring
Mirroring is one. of the most simple yet effective techniques in any negotiator’s repertoire. Simply repeat the same thing. Chris This video demonstrates how to gather crucial information during a negotiation and make your counterpart feel at ease.

3. Labeling
Learn how you can use labels—verbal observations of feelings—to neutralize negative emotions in a negotiation or reinforce positive ones to create a better deal.

4. Exercise: Mirroring, Labeling
How does a conversation about escape room games lead to deep insights into someone’s character? Chris This is how it works by using two key negotiation techniques: labeling and mirroring.

5. Mastering Delivery
It is just as important to say it in a negotiation. the You choose the words Chris This article explores how tone and inflection can be used to your advantage, and shares his top tips on online communication.

6. Case Study: Chase Manhattan Bank Robbery
Two men held three employees hostage in 1993 at a Chase Manhattan Bank, Brooklyn. Hear Chris’s techniques in action as he shares for the first time the Tape recordings of His phone calls with the kidnappers.

7. Body Language & Speech Patterns
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In a negotiation, it is more important to look beyond what people say and how they behave. This lesson teaches us to look beyond what we say. the Surface and distinguishing truths from fiction

8. Create the Illusion of Control
Who has more control during a negotiation? the person who’s talking or the person who’s listening? Chris Let’s get in on the Secret to gaining success the How to shift the negotiation advantage the Use power dynamic to your advantage

9. Mock Negotiation: Teenager
Chris Plays the Part of A father whose teenage girl wants to spend. the weekend with her boyfriend at his parents’ vacation home; he doesn’t trust the boyfriend. Chris He demonstrates techniques to get his “daughter” His side.

10. The Accusations Audit
There are often many. of Feelings in the There is always room for negotiation. Chris This article teaches how to use an accusation audit as a method of These feelings can be identified and turned into positives.

11. The Value of “No”
Most people think the The most important word during a negotiation is “yes.” In fact the It is possible to have opposite. Chris It explains why “no” Can be the The key word that will get you to your desired outcome.

12. Mock Negotiation: Rival
Oppositional views are the hardest to reconcile during a negotiation. Chris Shows you how to handle competing agendas and not alienate the Other side.

13. Bending Reality
Depending on how you frame your case, negotiation can be successful or unsuccessful. Chris This guide will take you through the process the Art with subtlety of perspective and how to understand a counterpart’s key emotional drivers in order to make a compelling case.

14. Bargaining
Hard bargaining doesn’t have to mean taking a sledgehammer approach. Chris This course teaches you how negotiate with skill, diplomacy and tact.

15. Mock Negotiation: Salary
Chris He demonstrates how to negotiate for a raise in pay. Learn why he doesn’t focus the Conversation about money

16. Black Swans
Black swans are a game-Changing pieces of information that you don’t know when entering a negotiation. Chris This article will walk you through an FBI case where a black swan was discovered which led to a breakthrough.

17. Mock Negotiation “60 Seconds or She Dies”
A bank robber with an armed gun is held hostage in a bank. He wants a car. “60 seconds or she dies.” Assist in the video Chris Deals with these high-stress, tense deals-Negotiating stakes is a dangerous business where one mistake can result in a fatal outcome.

18. The Power of Negotiation
Download immediately MasterClass – Chris Voss Teaches the Art of Negotiation-Compressed
Chris’s motivation for teaching negotiation is deeply personal. Find out why Chris Negotiation is a powerful tool that can change your life.