Mary Rose Cook – Makers Mastery PreCourse


– Over the following 3 weeks, you’ll be learning how to write procedural Ruby programs through challenges, culminating in building your Github CV for the start of your coding journey.

Mary Rose Cook – Makers Mastery PreCourse


Makers Mastery PreCourse
All the prep you need for the full-time Makers course
This course will ensure that you get to the required level of coding knowledge before starting at Makers full time.
– In the first week, you focus on the foundations: first, the command-line, which is key to navigating around your computer; second, you’ll tackle version control using Git and Github.
– Over the following 3 weeks, you’ll be learning how to write procedural Ruby programs through challenges, culminating in building your Github CV for the start of your coding journey.
Get immediately download Mary Rose Cook – Makers Mastery PreCourse
The PreCourse requires at least 20 hours per week to complete successfully, but the more time you can spend on the PreCourse, the better.
N.B. If you are enrolled on the Makers course, you don’t need to pay here for the PreCourse. You should have received a discount code that enables you to enrol on this course for free.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Mary Rose Cook – Makers Mastery PreCourse