Marty Morales – Visceral Bodywork – Liver and Kidneys (2.0 CEUs)



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Marty Morales – Visceral Bodywork – Liver and Kidneys (2.0 CEUs)
Visceral Bodywork: Liver and Kidneys (2.0 CEUs)

Working the Liver and Kidneys to help with Back Pain and Scoliosis
Did you know that the liver and kidneys are commonly related to back pain and postural issues?

One of the main reasons I find myself working the liver is to help clients with scoliosis. In this course, I demonstrate the exact techniques I’ve used time and again to successfully help clients with varying degrees of scoliotic curves feel less pain and increase their mobility. As for the kidneys, mid-back pain can be a symptom of visceral restriction in this territory. In this course, you get to see me work the kidneys to relieve mid-back pain for the model in real time.
I’m confident that learning how to work these territories will make a profound difference in your practice and your approach to back pain and postural issues. This course will offer you the skills and knowledge to begin immediately integrating these techniques into your existing practice upon completion.
In this course, we will:

Discuss basic anatomy of the liver and kidneys to help you understand how restrictions in these territories can affect your clients
Demonstrate how to palpate and work the liver to help your clients with back pain and scoliosis
Demonstrate how to palpate and work the kidneys to help your clients with back pain and postural issues
Hear feedback from the model, Caroline, about how it feels to receive this work and how it has helped with her back pain
Provide you with a detailed, downloadable handout reviewing the anatomy of the kidney and liver, The Morales Method® Concepts of palpation, and the techniques shown in the course!

This course focuses its instruction on how to palpate and connect with layers of tissue that are deep inside the body. This work requires you to hone your listening and palpation skills to an expert level that will ultimately improve all your skills as a manual therapist!
Your Instructor
Marty Morales

Certified Advanced Rolfer®, CMT

Founder of the Morales Method® of Manual Therapy & Body Conditioning
NCBTMB and FL State Massage Board (50-31259) approved continuing education provider
Creator of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration
Author: Deep Tissue Bodywork- A New Approach to a Classic Modality, Mastering Body Mechanics, 2nd Ed, and Morales Method® Core Integration Therapy
Teaching since 2006
Marty has taught in California, Nevada, Washington, Florida, Japan, Switzerland, Poland, and Taiwan
In private practice since 2003 with over 10,000 hours of private practice logged
MBA in Finance from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Read testimonials from previous students here.

Course Curriculum

Course Handout
Intro to Working the Liver & Kidneys
Palpating the Liver
Liver Work for Scoliosis
General Work for the Liver


Palpating the Right Kidney
Kidney Work for Back Pain Part 1
Kidney Work for Back Pain Part 2
Discussion & Closing