Marty Morales – Visceral Bodywork – Heart and Lungs (3.0 CEUs)



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Marty Morales – Visceral Bodywork – Heart and Lungs (3.0 CEUs)
Visceral Bodywork: Heart and Lungs (3.0 CEUs)

Manual Therapy Techniques for the Heart and Lung
Do you want to access deep layers of the body to your clients feel better?
Working with the viscera can have profound effects both physically and emotionally. I find visceral bodywork is a great tool for when my go-to approaches aren’t making the changes I’d like to see. But knowing how to access these territories can be difficult without the proper instructions.
Both the heart and the lungs are protected by the rib cage in ways that make it hard to even fathom how we could even begin to affect them. This course is meant to offer you the skills and knowledge necessary to do just that.
Working these territories can be helpful for:

– Recovery from surgery

– Posture related issues

– Breath related issues

– Recovery from illness

– Emotional wellness
You may be thinking, “there’s no way I can actually work the heart or lungs and make a difference for my client”. I get it! It’s hard to imagine if you’ve never seen it done. But this one of a kind course will give you the opportunity to learn how to do just that. Instead of just working the musculature of the thorax, you will know how to access and even deeper layer and be able to address the viscera of this territory to help your clients feel better.
In this course, we will:

Discuss the basic anatomy and functions of the heart and lung
Discuss common causes of visceral restriction
Demonstrate a variety of bodywork techniques to access the heart, lung, and diaphragm (demonstrated on a live model)
Discuss and demonstrate proper body mechanics for working safely and effectively
Demonstrate how to use the Morales Method® Concepts of Palpation to create sessions that are tailored to the unique needs of each client
Have an in-depth Q&A’s from students of the live class and with our model, Caroline, on the intricacies of working the heart and lungs and what it feels like to receive the work
Provide you with a detailed PDF reviewing all topics and techniques taught in the course and the Morales Method® Concepts of Palpation

This course focuses its instruction on how to palpate and connect with layers of tissue that are deep inside the body. Doing this work requires you to hone your listening and palpation skills to an expert level that will ultimately take all your skills as a bodyworker to the next level.
NOTE: This class is translated from English to Swiss-German in real-time as it is a recording of a live online webinar taught to students in Zurich, Switzerland!
“The Morales Method® classes have increased my confidence and palpation skills to work more efficiently and effectively with my clients”
-J.G., Manual Therapist
Your Instructor
Marty Morales

Certified Advanced Rolfer®, CMT
Founder of the Morales Method® of Manual Therapy & Body Conditioning
NCBTMB and FL State Massage Board (50-31259) approved continuing education provider
Creator of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration
Author: Deep Tissue Bodywork- A New Approach to a Classic Modality, Mastering Body Mechanics, 2nd Ed, and Morales Method® Core Integration Therapy
Teaching since 2006
Marty has taught in California, Nevada, Washington, Florida, Japan, Switzerland, Poland, and Taiwan
In private practice since 2003 with over 10,000 hours of private practice logged
MBA in Finance from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Read testimonials from previous students here.

Course Curriculum
Introduction to Visceral Bodywork

Course Handout
What is Visceral Bodywork?
General Visceral Anatomy
Causes of Visceral Restriction
Treatment Techniques
A Discussion on End Range


Introduction to the Lungs
Quick Skelton Demonstration
Right Lung in Supine Part 1
Right Lung in Supine Part 2
Left Lung in Supine
Left Lung in Side-lying
Working the Diaphragm
Lungs- Q&A


Introduction to the Heart
Anterior Heart Work- Part 1
Anterior Heart Work- Part 2
Working the Heart with Both Hands