Marty Morales – Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs)



Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs), Marty Morales – Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs), Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs) download, Marty Morales – Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs) review, Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs) free torent
Marty Morales – Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs)
Morales Method® Structural Integration Series – Level 2 (15.0 CEUs)

Delving deeper into the MMASI 10-Series
Hello, Structural Integration Enthusiasts, Students, and Practitioners!
Whether you are here as a MMASIâ„¢ student, completing hours for your SI certification, or you are just curious to learn more about bodywork and Structural Integration and the way we MMASIâ„¢ practitioners approach the 10-Series, we are glad you are here with us. (Learn more about MMASIâ„¢ here).
If MMASIâ„¢ is brand new to you, we want to lightly suggest starting at the beginning with our Structural Integration Theory and Gait Assessment Course, our Full MMASI 10-Series: Level 1 Course, and our Free Concepts of Palpation Course as they will introduce you to the concepts, techniques, and theories we will be building upon in this course.
In this second level of instruction on the MMASIâ„¢ 10-Series, we will be exploring in more depth the application of the MMASIâ„¢ Principles, the Order of Complexity, and the Concepts of Palpation throughout the 10 sessions. We will also cover more detail on the nitty-gritty of actually executing the series with your clients in your practice (spacing between sessions, length of sessions, working with athletes, etc!).
In each level of instruction, we go deeper with our work. Rather than simply focusing on the musculature as we did in Level 1, we will be adding more participation from our client with the Morales Method® Concepts of Palpation. In this way, we are asking our clients to engage with the work rather than just receive it.
With this series, we had the unique opportunity to be able to work with a professional Aerial Artist and Contortionist, Layla Tripod. It was such a pleasure to work with her and see the amazing way she was able to take on the work and notice improvements in her Aerial Arts and Contortion! In this course, you will get to watch as I take Layla through all TEN 60-minute sessions! In each session, we will watch Layla walk 3 separate times to assess and plan as we work our way through each unique territory of the MMASIâ„¢ 10-Series!
In this course, you will learn:

The Principles of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration and the Order of Complexity and how to apply them to the MMASI™ 10-Series with more nuanced and detailed instruction now that we have the basics in place from Level 1
The specific boundaries and unique focus of each territory in a Level 2 Series (including more instruction on how to decipher where to work in Sessions 2 & 3!)
How to plan where to work in your session via body reading as I provide you with more guidance by discussing what I see while watching Layla walk and how these observations will influence my plan for the session
How to take your 10-Series work to the next level with more interaction from your client and a deeper focus within each session

“Exploring this next layer of what the 10-series has to offer my practice and my clients have been AMAZING! My work has reached a new level of profound subtlety that I have a hard time attributing to anything other than my training with MMASI! Thank you, Marty and MMASI!”
-CM, Massage Therapist
Your Instructor
Marty Morales

Certified Advanced Rolfer®, CMT
Founder of the Morales Method® of Manual Therapy & Body Conditioning
NCBTMB and FL State Massage Board (50-31259) approved continuing education provider
Creator of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration
Author: Deep Tissue Bodywork- A New Approach to a Classic Modality, Mastering Body Mechanics, 2nd Ed, and Morales Method® Core Integration Therapy
Teaching since 2006
Marty has taught in California, Nevada, Washington, Florida, Japan, Switzerland, Poland, and Taiwan
In private practice since 2003 with over 10,000 hours of private practice logged
MBA in Finance from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles
Read testimonials from previous students here.

Course Curriculum
Introduction to the MMASI Level 2 Series

Review: Part 1
Review: Part 2
Introducing our Model, Layla
Overview of Layla’s Gait

Session 1

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 2

The Series for Athletes
Sessions 2 & 3: The Choice
Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 3

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 4

Spacing Between Sessions
Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 5

Superficial vs. Deep
Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 6

A Note on Session Length
Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 7

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 8

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 9

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

Session 10

Introduction to the Territory
First Walk
First Half: Part 1
First Half: Part 2
Second Walk
Second Half: Part 1
Second Half: Part 2
Final Walk

We are so excited to enter this next level of instruction on the MMASI 10-Series. This powerful tool has so much to offer and I am so honored to be able to share this life-changing work with you!