Marshall Haas – Product Manufacturing Class


Product Manufacturing Class Learn how to finally get your physical product ideas manufactured. Everything you need to turn your ideas into manufactured products that are ready for sale. Class starts November 8th. Course Overview This online course takes you through every stage of the physical product creation journey – idea to manufactured product and everything in between. You will finish the course with your idea in the physical form, in your hands, ready for sale! Product Lessons The product brands I’ve created and will teach you from. “I have ideas for physical products… but I’m not really sure where to start” Who is this course for? Do you watch other entrepreneurs launch physical product businesses with envy… eager to dive in with your own ideas? Hey I’ve been there. Ten years ago I started tinkering with ideas for physical products. I didn’t have any formal training… I just winged it through trial, error, and some very painful years. This course will shortcut your learning curve and teach you what I wish I knew when I got started. I’ll take you through every step using several of my own products to show you from the inside how to do it all while avoiding my early mistakes. The essential knowledge you need to build a product business for yourself Shortcut your learning curve The goal is to create your product ideas so you can ultimately build a business around them. By the end of this course you should have your physical product idea produced, in your hands, and ready for sale. ‍I’ve distilled my 10 years of experience into the essential information you need. We’ll start with just an idea, mold it into something better, then get it manufactured, packaged, and ready to ship to future customers. I want to help you skip the mistakes and get to building your business quickly. I’ll be your instructor, teaching from hard-won experience. ‍ Create your ideas in the most cost efficient way Bootstrapped & profitable This course is taught through the lens of a resourceful bootstrapper. You’ll learn how to be scrappy and resourceful while bringing your ideas to life. Let’s be real, it costs money to create physical product businesses. However, this course will focus on the methods to do it in the most cost efficient way possible while also avoiding costly mistakes. ‍I started out with very little money to get my ideas off the ground. I’ll show you how to do the same. Take the course at your own pace Unlimited access The course will be delivered online in a “go at your own pace” format. You’ll be able to read & access the lessons as many times as you’d like. I’ve also included spreadsheets and resources to make your journey as easy as possible. The Complete Course Outline Here’s everything you’ll learn. Module #1 Getting Started First I’ll show you how I approach making physical products and then cover what you can accomplish for yourself once you master this course. The Independent Way: My Story The Scrappy Maker Mindset Pros & Cons of Physical Product Businesses What’s Possible & Your Transformation Ahead Module #2 Refine Your Idea I’ll help you to choose and mold an idea into something that is both well positioned and feasible for you to manufacture. What makes a good bootsrapped product? – :40 Simple vs. complex product solutions Positioning your product in the market Choosing “right sized” ideas The product idea matrix Module #3 Design Your Product We will dive deep into designing your product idea the scrappy way. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an industrial designer. Understanding feasibility Making a prototype Refining the design Tech packs Should you get a patent? Should you hire an industrial designer? Module #4 Manufacture Your Product I’ll take you behind the scenes and show you how to find, communicate with, and judge factories that can produce your physical product idea. Finding & judging factories Communicating with factories Requesting & understanding production quotes Ordering & judging samples Refining your product with the factory Agreeing on terms Quality assurance Should you visit the factory? Should you hire a sourcing agent? Module #5 Pricing & Profit Margins I’ll cover healthy margins, how to price your product for a successful business foundation… all taught from my own real world product examples. Product pricing best practices Calculating your “all in” costs Cashflow & funding re-orders Essential inventory accounting principles Do you have enough margin for a successful business? Module #6 Create Your Packaging Packaging is critically important, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ll walk you through how to package your product beautifully without going overboard. Product packaging basics Finding a packaging supplier Box graphics Assemble your product + packaging Source packaging with your factory or independently? Module #7 Setup Your Global Logistics Making your product is only half the battle. I’ll show you how to move your product from the factory to your warehouse (or garage) while navigating the world of international logistics. Your storage options Moving your production to your warehouse Navigating Import duties & international customs Fulfilling orders plus the partners I use Case Study #1 The Touch Tool – Idea To Manufacturing in 6 Days and $1,000,000 in Sales During a Global Pandemic Learn how we rapidly created a real product from idea to manufacturing in 6 days without going to China. This product then went onto do $1m in sales in the first 65 days. Strap in for a wild ride! The Inside Story From Idea to Launch View Internal Chat Logs, Designs, & Factory Conversations The Entire End-to-End Process Making A Real Product The Complications We Ran Into & How We Solved Them Without Going to China Case Study #2 Emoji Masks – Making A Viral Weekend Side Project Learn from smaller, more humble (and fun) physical products I’ve created. I’ll take you behind the scenes and share all details and numbers. The Entire Story – Our Wild Emoji Empire View The Numbers (Costs To Make & Profits) The Entire End-to-End Process Making A Real Product The Complications We Ran Into & How We Fixed Them Case Study #3 Smart Bedding – Losing $100k in Manufacturing Screw Ups & Turning It Into a 7-Figure Business Shortcut the learning curve and learn from my big mistakes! This case study is a crazy one and will show you what to avoid so you don’t have to repeat what I learned the hard way. The Inside Story – What Really Happened How We Turned It All Around The Costly Mistakes We Made & How To Avoid Them The Entire Process Making A Real Product + Inside The Factory in China