Marni – The Wing Girl Method – The Approach Blueprint


Marni – The Wing Girl Method – The Approach BlueprintAwkwardness … Creepiness … or RejectionThe Approach Blueprint: The code phrase — which I’ll teach you in a minute — is a combination of words, tonality and body language that unconsciously make women attracted to you.Dear Wingman,it’s the worst feeling in the world….You see a beautiful girl you want to meet and you can’t think of anything to say.She walks by…Your heart jumps…You try to think of an excuse to talk to her…Then just like that … she’s gone forever.You KICK YOURSELF for not talking to her when you had the chance.And she constantly pops into your mind over the next few days.“God that girl was hot,” you think.“But what was I supposed to say to her!?!”These are questions I hear from guys all the time…How can you approach a complete stranger and have it come off as natural?How do you start a conversation with a cute girl without being a creeper?If you’d had these thoughts too, trust me, you’re not alone.It’s completely normal to hesitate when you see a girl you want to meet.After all, we’re taught from childhood not to talk to strangers.And you certainly don’t want her to reject you while everyone is watching!So you do what most guys do…You play the part of the “respectful gentleman.” And you watch her walk out of your life forever.It’s so. Damn. Frustrating.Now…You might relate to this common frustration most men share.So I want to play a little game with you…I want you to imagine having a “code phrase” to start attraction-building conversations naturally.In this fantasy you wouldn’t “offend her” with your approach…You wouldn’t come off as a creeper like other guys…It would be as if you already knew her and talking to her were 100% acceptable.If you had that, you’d see a sexy girl and there would be no hesitation, right?You’d walk over … say the code phrase … and the conversation would just flow.She wouldn’t say: “Why are you talking to me?” Or, “Get out of here weirdo!”Nope…With the right strategy the conversation would happen naturally.She’d be smiling and looking up at you with her pretty eyes.“God,” you’d think … “This girl is SO BEAUTIFUL.”Eventually, she’d start feeling attracted to you.She’d bite her lip and flip her hair … sliding her hand down your arm as she laughed.Your hearts would race together as the attraction builds.There would be chemistry shooting between you like lightning.And nothing would exist for you two except this conversation.10 minutes would go by in an instant.And going on a date together would be her idea.She’d say, “Soooo, are you going to ask for my phone number, or…?”She’d put her number into your phone and you’d say something funny like:“Please don’t call me more than 50 times in a row. My cell phone overheats and I have enough burns on my leg as it is.”She’d laugh and say goodbye … turning around one last time to give you a sexy little smile.You know that amazing feeling…A successful conversation with a hot girl is enough to put you on cloud nine.So if you’re sick and tired of missing opportunities to meet beautiful girls because of a lack of things to say…If you’re fed up with cheesy “pick up lines” and “canned openers” that simply don’t work…And if you’re searching for the single most effective strategy to engage beautiful women in FLIRTY CONVERSATIONS…Then this important message is specifically for YOU.Because you’re about to learn everything you need to know to experience what I outlined above.You’ll know exactly what to do…You’ll know exactly what to say…And you’ll give yourself the opportunity to meet attractive girls you’ve missed out on so many times before.AND YOU’RE GOING TO DO IT NATURALLY — WITHOUT AWKWARDNESS AND WITHOUT BEING “CREEPY.”I’d like to introduce you to my friend Gigi.She’s my official “Approach Coach” for the Wing Girl Method.Gigi used to be a cocktail waitress (so she got hit on a lot) before being discovered and is now a full-fledged model.We did the math, and Gigi has probably been approached over 32,000 times. (And no, we’re not exaggerating that number!)If anyone knows how to smoothly engage women in conversation, IT’S GIGI!And she has a message for you that I STRONGLY suggest you read.What she has to teach could very well change your life forever.Until next time, this is your Wing Girl Marni signing off…Here’s How To Approach Properly(How to smoothly engage women in conversation!)Hi guys!As Marni mentioned, my name is Gigi.I work as a cocktail waitress in LA. And I freelance as a runway & print model.I consider myself lucky to meet a wide variety of people in my work.But the best part is, I’ve experienced just about every approach under the sun.Every technique has been used on me (I’m talking EVERY TECHNIQUE).And I can tell you from experience, 99% of guys do the wrong thing!I’ve seen so many approaches …. have heard so many different lines … and there’s only a tiny percentage of men who’ve stood out to me.When a guy would get my attraction, I’d usually be more interested in HOW he got my attraction than him. 😉Naturally, after being approached so many times, a very obvious method began to reveal itself to me.I noticed 5 distinct similarities in EVERY successful approach.But more importantly than that…Every attractive guy said some combination of what l later coined: “The Code Phrase.”Now, I know what you’re thinking…“Yeah right, Gigi. There’s no such thing as a ‘magic phrase’ to get women attracted to you.”Well, that’s right. But it’s also wrong.The code phrase — which I’ll teach you in a minute — is a combination of words, tonality and body language that unconsciously make women attracted to you.Let me say that again…The Code Phrase MAKES WOMEN ATTRACTED TO YOU.And it doesn’t just work on me.My hottest girlfriends confirm it works on them, too.And to date, it’s worked on thousands of girls across the globe.The Code Phrase MAKES WOMEN ATTRACTED TO YOUFor 10 years I studied men and their approaches like a mad scientist.I LOVE watching how these interactions play out.And about 95% of the time I can predict if a man is going to scoreor go down in flames just by watching his approach.Most times I feel really bad when a man gets rejected.I feel bad because they never taught you guys the rules!No one pulled you aside in 9th grade and said: “OK, this is how you talk to girls.”Nope…Instead they just threw you out there and said: “He’ll figure it out.”Well, I hate that society does that to men.And my genuine purpose — MY “WHY” — is to help guys like you understand how to approach women CORRECTLY.So I started out like Marni.I’d play the wing girl for my guy friends and coach them into successful conversation with gorgeous women.Not to toot my own horn, but I was EXTREMELY good at this.So good in fact, I would charge $800 for 5 hours of coaching. (And I STILL had more work than I could deal with!)Before long, I was known as “Gigi the Approach Coach.”I built a solid reputation for teaching guys how to talk to girls in a way that was fun … natural … and most importantly, would sidestep the majority of factors that cause rejection. I tweaked and improved my system until it worked for literally any man I taught it to.Here Are Some of The Secrets You’ll Discover When You Get Your Copy Today of“The Blueprint for The Approach”Our groundbreaking “Code Phrase” & “OSA Formula” that will ALWAYS give you a reason to speak to a woman … even if you’re terrified of approaching women right now … and even if you’re like most guys and can never think of anything to say.The 10 subtle signs women give that tell you: “GET OVER HERE AND START TALKING TO ME!”The slick way to “accidentally” start conversations with girls you want to meet … Disguising your approach and making the conversation seem like a random coincidence.How to bait a woman to indicate whether or not she’s open to your approach. And how to make her give you either a green light or red light so you’ll know your chances of success before you even start talking to her.The 5 signals women give when they’re not interested. And how to know when to avoid a girl who isn’t open to talking.How to approach a woman without coming off as creepy or weird … and how to respect her space without giving her the “icky feeling” women hate.6 genius “excuses” to speak to women that will make your approach welcome and natural. And how these excuses set the stage for the kind of flirty, attraction-building conversations women LOVE.Why taking the approach one calibrated step at a time has consistently improved our students’ success rates by over 83% with our “Approach Ladder” concept.My bulletproof formula for a seamless approach. And why a sexy mindset + the code phrase always equals success.My famous “Reason for Approaching” protocol — and how using this tactic will make women EXCITED to speak to you.My fierce, devilish way to turn the tables on a girl who “rejects you” — making it look like YOU rejected HER. Who said a little revenge is a bad thing, right?How to “set up the interaction” so the first conversation gets sparked naturally — hiding the fact that you’re an ‘approach operative’ who staged the whole thing!The 3 things most men will never know about how women want to be approached. And how knowing these inside secrets will save you months of heartache and false starts.A simple question to ask yourself to give you the ideal approach for the situation at hand. And how to use her energy levels to gauge the appropriate code phrase to assemble before you begin the conversation.How to turn a cold approach into a warm approach … and a warm approach into a HOT approach. And why this tactic will exponentially improve your ‘stick rates’ for the first conversation.