
Markus Wolf – Becoming the Ultimate Man

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹1,494.00.



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Markus Wolf – Becoming the Ultimate Man
What You’ll Learn
1. Mindsets & Beliefs

How to fully embody the Beginners’ Mindset that allows your psychology to fully absorb all the lesson’s so that you won’t let your ego get in the way of you reaching your full, true attractive potential.
The Secret Mindset We Teach Our Students To Make Sure That They Bring Positive Energy Into Every Interaction We Enter…
How to Fail The Right Way So That You Don’t Spend Unnecessary Time In The Field, Making The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again…
Simple Yet Brutally Effective Mental Reframes That Eliminate Self-Doubt & Ensures That You Always Feel Empowered & Confident Around Attractive Women
The 3-Step-Process To Cleanse Yourself From The Negative Mindsets That Cripple Your Success With Women
The Right Way To Do Affirmations & Visualisation To Develop Your Inner Game

2. UMP Model

Our Heavily Field Tested & Optimized Structure that we teach to our students during our 14-day Residential Programs to help them pull & close as many hot girls as possible.
The Entire Step-By-Step Process From “Hello” To Taking Her To Your Bedroom… And How To Have Her Coming Back For More
Why Everything We Do In Game Is To Generate Compliance
How To Always Make The Right Decision In Your Interactions Even If You Still Have Poor Social Skills
The Most Effective & Advanced Compliance Model EVER Created That Even A Beginner Can Use To Turn Every “Maybe”-Response Into An Enthusiastic “Yes!”, And Sometimes Even A “No”…
Why Other Compliance Models Based On Only “Spiking Buying Temperature” Are Ineffective & Outdated

3. Opening & Sub communications Mastery

The Correct Way To Think About Opening To Always Remain In Control And Never Be “Thrown Off” By Negative Reactions… And How To Reverse Negative Reactions & “Shit Tests”
By Manipulating The Group Dynamics To The Point Where She Is BEGGING For Your Attention & Validation
How Levering Little-Known Cognitive Biases To Build Instant Trust, Safety & Familiarity Can Transform A Complete “Blow Out” To Her Giggling Uncontrollably & Start Chasing You…
Never-Before Revealed Technique To Test & Prime Her “Compliance Levels Before You Open To Save Yourself From Pointless Rejection… And How To Make Her Chase You Before
You Open Even If She’s A “Low Probability Girl”… [We Discovered This One By Mistake]
How To Consistently Spike Her Curiosity So Much That She Has To Talk To You… Before You Even Open!
How To Always Open From A High-Value Frame So That The Girl Perceived You As Sex Worthy And Never As “Creepy” or “Weird”!
How To Achieve A Grounded & Relaxed Posture So That You Immediately Radiate Confidence & Masculinity To Command The Respect You Deserve In Any Room You Enter…

4. Attraction

Learn How To Shoot You Perceived Value So High That You’re On The Same Level Of Attractiveness As Celebrities, Especially If You’re Just A Regular Guy Without Lying!
How To Make Yourself Relatable To Women By Showing Emotional Empathy And Social Intelligence… And Why These Seemingly “Innocent” Social Mistakes Are Ruining Your Dating Life
Discover The Different Types Of Hidden “Value Triggers” That Women Are Biologically Programmed To Look For In A Man, And How To Shortcut Her “Decision-Making” Process In
Order To Skyrocket Her Desire For You… [Attraction Is Not A Choice]
How To Never Have A Boring Conversation That Leads To “Friendzone-Land” Ever Again!
Even If You Have Zero Charisma Or Introverted
Revealing The Ultimate Frame To Instantly Become An Authority Figure For Her… Even If You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About…
Why Emotional Intelligence Is One Of The Most Desired Traits By Women, And How To Develop Yours Close To Super-Human Levels… Giving You Flawless Calibration To Recover
From Any Social Mistake You Make, While Making Her Feel Like Nobody Understands Her Better Than You…

5. Isolation

How To Make Her Friends Isolate Her FOR YOU So That You’ll Have Higher Chances Of Taking Her Home The Same Night…
4 Ways To Effortlessy Spike Her Compliance Levels For Isolation To A “Safe Space” Where She Feels More Comfortable Opening Up To You Sexually… Without The Judgment & Slutshaming Of Her Friends
The Smartest Ways To Isolate Her To The Bar Or The Smoking Area To Massively Increase Your Chances Of Taking Her Home The Same Night… The Game Is Played In Isolation…
How To Overcome The Objections Around Isolation So That She’ll Happily Choose You Over Her Friends!

6. Compliance & Investment

Why Her Compliance Levels Are The Best Way To Gauge How Interested She Is In You, So That You Don’t Waste Time In Meaningless Conversations!
The 5 Different Types Of Hoops That Will Make Her Invest In You So Much Emotionally That She Needs To Have Sex With You In Order To Get A Return On That Investment…
The 4-Step Cyclic Validation Formula That Makes Her Feel So Crazed With Emotions That She Can’t Help But Become Addicted To You… [The Backbone Of Technical Game]
The 7 Compliance Triggers That Bypasses Her Logical Mind And Makes Her Emotionally Compelled To Say “Yes!”
How To Use “Reverse Psychology” To Provoke Her To Sexually Escalate On You, Making It Far Easier To Take Her Home The Same Night
The 5 Possible Reasons For Non-Compliance That Are Never Talked About & Why Failing To Identify The Correct One Will Always Lead To Rejection.

7. Frame Control

Learn How To Reframe Any Girls “Shit Tests” Flip Them Back Onto Her And Always Come Out On Top In Every Social Situation Even If You’re Not Naturally Witty or “Quick”!…
The Right Way To Use Frame Control To Establish Social Dominance Over Other Guys To Become The Highest Value Male In The Environment… And Why Not Knowing This Makes
You An Easy Prey For “AMOG’s”
The 7 Commandments Of Frame Control Thou Shalt Not Break To Develop A Rock-Solid Frame And Become “That Guy Who Can Get Away With Anything Giving You The Ultimate
Freedom To Lead Your Interaction Wherever You Want With Little-To-No Resistance…
How To Leverage The Commitment & Consistency Bias To Make Her Act Very Promisciously Around You… She’ll Love You For It!
How To Differentiate Between “Shit Tests” and Legitimate Concerns & Why Failing To Do So Will Break Her Trust, Leading To Rejection Every Time… [Even Advanced Players Fail To Make This Distinction]
How To Make Her View You As “The Prize” That She Has To Work Hard To Get… Making Her Value Your Attention So Much More… And View “Sex With You” As The Ultimate Win!

8. Sexual Escalation

How To Push Through That Dreaded “Escalation Anxiety” That Many Guys Experience… So That You Won’t Feel Awkward In The Bedroom…
How To Never Miss Your “Window Of Opportunity” For Escalation Again… And Why Failing To Do So Will Make Her Instantly Forget About You As A Sexual Option…
Why Sleeping With A Girl On The First Night Always Build The Strongest Emotional Connection… And How To Help Her Realize This Aswell…
Why Being A “Sexual Authority” In Her Eyes Is The Biggest Attraction Trigger… Even If You’re Not Good Looking Or Sexually Experienced…
7 Different Types Of Touch To Make Sure That Your Physicality Feels Smooth, Spontaneous & Effortless So That You Won’t Have To Look Awkward Or Inexperienced When Being
Physical With A Girl… And Why Using The Wrong Type Of Touch Is Guaranteed To Get You Stuck In The Friendzone!
20 Word-For-Word Routines For Flawless Sexualization So That You’ll Never Be Stuck With “Not Knowing What To Say” And How To Calibrate To Every Possible Response A Girl
Can Give You… [We’ve Had All Of Them]

9. Pulling

Never Worry About “Going For The Pull” Again… Our 10-Step-Process For Seeding The Pull & Planting The Idea Of Going Home So Subtly She’ll Subconsciously Find A Million
Reasons To Enthusiastically Say “Yes!” Without Even Realizing…
How To Pull Almost Any Girl Under A Explicit Sexual Frame Without Only “Screening For DTF / Easy Low-Quality Girls”… [This Works ESPECIALLY WELL With Very High-Quality Girls]
Once We’ve Taught You How To Build Attraction & Sexualize, Your Biggest Obstacle Will Be The Girl’s Logistical Situation… We Show You How To Get Full Logistical Information In
The First Few Minutes So That You Don’t End Up Wasting Time In A Interaction That Leads To Nowhere…
We’ll Turn You Into “The Wolf Of Wall Street” Of Game By Teaching You The Best Ways To Handle Any Objection She Could Possibly Give You When Pulling…
How To Predict & Handle Her Objections Before She Voices Them… Making Her Feel Like You Understand Her Like No One Else…
The 4-Step-Process Which You Can Employ To Effortlessy Find Out Her Real Objection & Handle The Root Cause!

10. Limiting Beliefs

The 4-Step-Formula To Alter Any Limiting Belief So Well, She Will Connect You To Her “Breakthrough”
How & When To Disqualify Sex To Get Her Chasing While Making Room For Handling Objections…
Word-For-Word Script – How To Handle TONS Of Concerns For Example: “I’m Not That Type Of Girl”, “I Don’t Have Sex With Strangers”, “I Don’t Enjoy One Night Stands”, “I Have
A Rule”, “I’m A Virgin”…
How To Conduct The Right Aftercare To Maximize Trust, Feedback And Have Her *BEG* For A Second Date Without Her Feeling Like A Slut Or Being Used…
Before you get started with Becoming The Ultimate Man, you need to know this:

This course is not for…

People who don’t take action
People who are looking to just ‘feel good
People who can’t handle harsh truths

Becoming the Ultimate Man By Markus Wolf