Mark Warren – Beyond 20/20 Advanced Journey Guide 2.0


Mark Warren – Beyond 20/20 Advanced Journey Guide 2.0WE’VE GOT A NEW ADVANCED JOURNEY GUIDE!The Advanced Journey Guide 2.0: Beyond 20/20 is all about the things that improved my vision that had little to do with working on my eyes. I could get clear flashes and hold them, but the problem was trying to hold them all the time. In this new addition to the guide, I will talk about 3 parts of the vision improvement triangle that lead to being able to get permanent clarity!The new guide goes into neuroscience of how the nervous system, brain and muscles work together to allow us to see and move. They all must be working and if they’re not, that’s when problems arise. The problems are not just with your vision but also with your mobility and overall health!HOW MUCH IS YOUR VISION WORTH TO YOU?IN THIS GUIDE I TELL YOU…ABOUT REFINING THE BASICSYou can accomplish vision restoration with just the basics, but I learned to start refining further, which lead to more relaxation.HOW TO STRENGTHEN THE EYE MUSCLESNot only did I need to learn to relax, but I also had to strengthen my eyes as well.OTHER ASTIGMATISM CORRECTION METHODSThe hardest thing to correct was the astigmatism, but I learned a few other techniques to help minimize it.ABOUT MULTI-OBJECT TRACKINGTracking two objects converging and diverging is just the beginning. The goal is to learn to see everything at once.ABOUT RELAXATIONRelaxation was the ultimate key to restoring my vision and I taught myself how to do it easily.BALANCING UNEQUAL EYESBalance the vision between eyes is also a challenge, but I learned that eyes with stronger prescriptions have more tension.Get Mark Warren – Beyond 20/20 Advanced Journey Guide 2.0 download