Mark Lassoff – HTML and CSS for Beginners


Mark Lassoff – HTML and CSS for BeginnersLearn HTML and CSS from Mark Lassoff – no experience required. Certification Available.There isn’t a web site out there– whether it be, or the site for your local high school– that isn’t written in HTML. If you do any level of web development– from editing pages on a WordPress site to designing original pages from scratch, understanding and being able to code in HTML and CSS can give you a level of control, and power over your designs that you’ve never experienced before. This course helps you learn HTML and CSS (versions 4.01 and XHTML) as well as prepares you for the future with coverage of HTML5.In this course, designed, authored and hosted by master trainer Mark Lassoff, you will learn HTML and CSS, including everything you need to create a creative, quality and professional web site. Almost four hours of video instruction in punctuated lab exercises where you apply the very skills taught in the course. With an instructor available to answer your questions, and course with both wide coverage of HTML and CSS topics and deep discussion of those topics, there is no better or faster way to learn HTML and CSS for Beginners!When you’ve completed the course, become a certified developer by passing LearnToProgram’s Certified HTML Developer exam. Certified developers are listed on the LearnToProgram web site and sent a printed certificate, digital badges and other materials relating to their certified status.Your HostMark LassoffMark Lassoff is the founder of and lead instructor at Mark has always considered himself a teacher first and a technologist second. With over 20 years experience teaching computer science Mark knows how to make complex technical concepts understandably. Mark’s previous experience encompasses everything from ups to Fortune 500 companies.Mark is the author of six programming books and dozens of online courses. He lives in Connecticut where he’s redecorating his condo. Want to help?EpisodesWelcome to HTMLWeb Development Technologies (5:19)Hello World! with HTML (6:26)Basic Document Structure HTML 4.01/XHTML (8:30)Basic Document Structure HTML5 (1:50)Using Comments in HTML (4:59)HTML Head Elements (4:13)Chapter 1 Lab ExerciseText MarkupText Markup (10:03)Div and Span Tags (5:16)HTML5 Text Markup Tags (8:27)Selecting Text Colour, Font and Font Size (20:16)Text Alignment, Decoration, Indentation and Text Transformation (5:38)Chapter 2 Lab ExerciseWorking with ListsOrdered Lists (3:16)Unordered Lists (2:44)CSS for Lists (4:45)Chapter 3 Lab ExerciseCreating HTML LinksCreating Internal and External Links (11:04)Creating Anchors (7:38)Styling Links with CSS Pseudo-Classes (3:05)Chapter 4 Lab ExerciseWorking with Images and MediaDisplaying Images/Image Links/ Image Styling with CSS (8:18)HTML5 Audio Embeds (5:04)HTML5 Video Embeds (3:27)Chapter 5 Lab ExerciseHTML TablesCreating Tables with HTML (6:36)Styling Tables with CSS (12:23)Chapter 6 Lab ExerciseHTML FormsCreating Text Form Elements (8:38)Creating Radio Button and Checkbox Elements (8:58)New HTML Form Elements (9:39)Creating Multi-Select Elements (6:09)Chapter 7 Lab ExerciseUnderstanding the CSS Box ModelUnderstanding the Content Box Model (2:19)Working with Margin and Padding and Borders (11:40)CSS Based Page LayoutInline vs. Block Level Elements & Positioning Div’s (9:19)Float and Clear (13:18)Creating a CSS Navigation Bar (9:52)Chapter 9 Lab Exercise