
Mark Joyner – Mind Control Marketing

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Mark Joyner Mind Control Marketing
My first ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times, and some even say it was the first ebook ever created, though I’m not sure that’s the truth.

“Available”My first ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times, and some even say it was the first ebook ever created, though I’m not sure that’s the truth.
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Mark Joyner – Mind Control Marketing

Mind Control Marketing

“How Everyday People Are Using Forbidden Mind Control Psychology and Ruthless Military Tactics to Make Millions Online…”
How Did I Come To Possess This Information?

I’m Mark Joyner.
Some of you reading this page know of me. But, I’m not so presumptuous to assume you do.
And in these days of “instant expert” internet marketing, it’s smart to seek out the real deal. Even though I don’t like talking about myself, it’s important to show you why I’m worth your time to listen to.
I’m a #1 best-selling author of over a dozen books on marketing and self-development. My passion is sharing what I’ve discovered for the betterment of human kind.
That’s why I created Simpleology back in 2005.
But I’ve been around for much longer than that.
I created a multi-million dollar online business back in the days when nobody took internet marketing seriously. The company (Aesop Marketing) sprouted from a one man show to an international corporation with customers in every Internet-connected country on Earth.
One of my websites became the 37th most visited website on the planet within 6 weeks of its release. (According to, the leading traffic ranking system of the time.)
My first ebook (Search Engine Tactics) was downloaded over 1,000,000 times, and some even say it was the first ebook ever created, though I’m not sure that’s the truth.
But it’s not important what you say about yourself, the real test is what your peers think…
Let Me Tell You What

None Of Them Will!

Exploit radical psychological triggers you won’t find anywhere else…

The secret of “The Herd Theory” shows you how to move massive groups of people to conform to your commands so you persuade huge groups to take the actions YOU want them to take

How to define your group and rapidly zero in on hot buttons… instantly doubling your sales

What you can learn from Nazi Germany to ethically create fanatical fans who buy everything you ever release

A shocking University experiment conducted by Dr. Stanley Milgram that shows 62% of students were willing to kill… and how you can use this principle to leverage your “expert” status – so you can serve your growing audience and change their lives

The sneaky system used by Scientologists and vacuum cleaner salesmen that start out small and snowball to enthusiastic commitments from prospects

The Unique “Target, Tie-in, and Collect” formula that builds trust, subscribers and sales faster than any method known on the planet

The secret sauce used by CNN that practically FORCES the viewing audience to keep their hands off the remote control during commercial breaks and stay tuned in… and how you can use the same principle to keep people reading your ad copy by using the power of being _n_o_p_e_e

The blue-laser beam used for triggering decisions that cut through “buyers remorse” like a hot knife through butter

What essential information you need to include in your sales material to trigger the “buying response” (while simultaneously making prospects think it’s all their idea)

How to naturally tap into human nature and present bomb-proof reasons that back up emotional decisions to act upon your recommendations

Case studies from actual advertising and scientific experiments that show you how to rapidly trigger the emotions that compel people to take action – as if on autopilot

Why you should never try to present a product, service or idea without understanding each link in the chain of needs, and how they relate and interconnect

Slipping your message into the “other-than-conscious” mind that blasts away sales resistance like a fire hose on a birthday candle!

What really happens in your prospects mind when they see a website – and why the path they take to get there influences your ultimate credibility

The 4 categories of Internet Marketers and how to leap to category four and side-step serious problems in your financial health!

3 things to consider with equal weight when conducting any testing and using statistics to make sense of it all

How lessons learned in an obscure Vietnam battlefield will create a business revolution for those that heed the teachings of Killer Junior

Why throwing more money at problems is a one-way ticket to heartbreak city and dismal failure (Not to mention drains your liquid assets)

Why understanding the concept of “business-as-warfare” will open up a whole new world of promise and possibilities that launch your campaign to massive success

Who is the stronger combatant in advertising and how to get behind “enemy lines” and claim the hidden advantage of surprise

How to lower your prospects defenses and close more business by being subtle and “slipping in through the back door” (Forget being pushy – it doesn’t work)

The trick for evaluating your strengths and your competitions weaknesses so you can target their soft, weak underbelly and dominate… even if they seem undefeatable!

Arming yourself with warrior tactics to humiliate your competition and penetrate your prospects outer defenses faster than a New York Minute!

Using the polar opposite strategies of US Army Rangers to attract magnetic attention and instant recognition

The secret for avoiding the biggest problem in business today. Making this mistake will kill your creativity… sap your energy… and pinch your pocketbook

Why Sun Tzu (Famous General and author of the Art of War) was more of a business person than architect of war… and how you can rapidly install the same beliefs while taking no prisoners and achieving lightning-fast wins

The type of victory you want to AVOID at all cost

Why you should stop worrying about rules and caring what other people think and embrace the ‘Forgiveness comes easier than permission” paradigm

Launching your blitzkrieg and capturing rapid market share, mindshare and your fair share of the profit pie

How marketing online allows you to be bold – and sensible – at the same time! (And why that balance is vital…)

The importance of being inconsistent so you aren’t chopped off at the knees… and keeping your competition completely off balance

How to use US Army Anti-Terrorist training to save your business life

Why the Rabbit defeats the Fox more often than not…
“NOTE: The content above has been rewritten by our library.”
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