
Mark Harbert – Video Ad Playbook

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Mark Harbert – Video Ad Playbook
You’re About To Discover A Proven Marketing Strategy That Combines The INSTANT Rapport of Video Marketing (With The Reach & Laser Targeting of Facebook) To Pull In All The Leads YOU Can Handle For YOUR Home Business…
From The Desk of Mark Harbert
Is your lack of leads threatening your dreams of having a successful home business?
If you’re laying awake at night worrying about your lack of lead flow…instead of laying awake EXCITED over how many daily leads you’re pulling in… then I want to to help you turn that around FAST!!…
You MUST have leads. There’s just no way around it.
However when those leads aren’t coming in at all (I’ve been there before)…or stop coming in because of a force beyond YOUR control (been there too)… it’s the worst feeling in the world.
Your business does not move forward and huge discouragement starts to set in.
You begin to question your quest for home business success!
I know how you feel because the beginning of this year had me getting slapped silly. Let me explain…
You see… I’d built a Six-Figure Per-Year business using my favorite strategy – video marketing – with YouTube as the driving force.
I love the power of video marketing. I love what it’s done for my business. (I’ll tell you all about why soon)…
Yet a little over 6 months ago my entire business was put in serious jeopardy by YouTube.
Because YouTube didn’t just slap me…they punched me right in the gut!
After months of getting videos flagged by my competition, and by YouTube themselves because of crazy rule changes…they finally shut down my biggest video channel. A channel that was bringing me in a consistent 43+ leads each and every single day.
Suddenly my lead flow once again… for the first time in a long time… began to worry me.
It wasn’t just me either. This happened to many of my marketing friends (some who still haven’t recovered).
So like any good fighter…I had to bob and weave a bit. I went deep into the lab, got strategic and creative, and found a NEW much more effective and consistent way to get people to my videos.
A way that I could control!
Today…you’ll have the chance to benefit from that…
The Power and Instant Rapport of Video Wasn’t Something That I Was Willing to Give Up…
It was never an option…
You can’t find a marketing technique that will let you engineer instant rapport with your potential customers like video marketing can…
If someone tells you differently…either they’re lying…or they’ve never gotten to experience that almost instant ‘know, like, and trust‘ capabilities of video.
After generating over 39+K leads online…and putting them through every type of funnel that you can think of… I’ve proven over and over again to myself and the online community that video converts better than anything else you can find.
There’s nothing like having a prospect look directly into your eyes and feel like they’ve just met you. It increases your influence by insane numbers.
Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research says that
“One minute of video equals the power of 1.8 million words of text.”
Read that line again. It sounds insane but it’s been tested and proven!
That’s about equal to 3,600 typical web pages. How long would that much text take you to create VS. a short 1-minute video?
This was proven in my own marketing every single time. Videos tripled and even quadrupled my conversion rates!
So the bottom line… there was no way in hell I would abandon that power of video in my marketing.
I simply needed to find a new, safer, and more effective way to get people to see my videos. My decision didn’t take long…
The Reach and Targeting Capabilities of Facebook

Simply Cannot Be Ignored…
Let’s shoot through some quick Facebook numbers here to drill into your head…

1.32 Billion Monthly Active Users
829 Million Daily Active Users
1.07 Billion Monthly Mobile Users

You can’t find those numbers anywhere else online! Especially when combined with the targeting capabilities that Facebook has.
Here’s a simple question…
What if YOU could consistently pull in multiple leads every single day that you KNEW in ADVANCE

already wanted what you were offering?

Your business opportunity…
Your affiliate products…
Your own products…
Your services…
Whatever the heck it is that you’re selling…

What if you could target ONLY those people with the pinpoint accuracy of a trained sniper?
That’s the power of using Facebook ads in a nutshell.
Combine Facebook With the Power of Video and

You’ve Got Yourself a Dangerously Effective Strategy…
That is…if you do things right! And this is where you should lean in and very pay close attention…
Here’s what you need to know about this strategy right off the bat…
It’s a paid strategy. It’s not “free” like SEO, or YouTube marketing. You’ll have to put money in to get money out.
You’ll have to invest in the cost of the ads that you run…
But let’s be real here. There are NO free strategies. If you’re spending countless hours trying to rank content on Google, or videos on YouTube…you’re losing out on something INFINITELY more precious than cash…
You’re spending your TIME. The time you have with your family. I’ve got an 8 year old daughter…and believe me I know how the time flies. I blink and she grows another inch…
So that’s what you’re giving up when you use “free” traffic strategies.
Plus… STOP giving Google and YouTube the power to get rid of your content and livelihood whenever they take the notion. It’s absolutely insane!
I learned that the hard way.
You’ve Got Two Simple Choices…
Lose Money on Your Facebook Ads (Or Never Start for Fear of Losing Money)…
Facebook ads can be like the possessed snack machine in the lunch room when you’re starving… They just swallow up the dollars you stick in without giving you anything in return…
…Spitting your dollar back… shredded up… laughing crazily in your face like the killer clowns in “American Horror Story!”. Yikes! (Okay that’s a little dramatic but that’s what it feels like when you lose money on your ads.)
You Can INVEST in Ads That Are Virtually Guaranteed to Send Fresh ‘Ready to Buy’ LEADS Your Way Every Single Day Like Clockwork…
Using Facebook Video Ads can create a hyper-active LEAD MACHINE…where you can just stand there all day long sticking in $1 bills…while it keeps spitting back leads that are extremely hungry for what you’re selling! ALL DAY LONG! (Something I like to call a “sweet return on investment”. Or more simply put… PURE PROFIT!!)…
Investors spend a lifetime hoping for that kind of return just ONCE!!
That’s why I’m going to teach you step-by-step how to create hyper-effective videos and ads that pull in leads like bees to honey…
And then you’ll discover tested and proven ways to convert those leads SUPER FAST… so that youexperience that generous lead machine affect 10X over!!
Introducing… Mark Harbert’s Video Ad Playbook
Each of These 8 Step-By-Step Modules Will Take YOU By The Hand and Show YOU Every Step of The Way.
Absolutely NO stone has been left unturned in this completely in-depth, A-to-Z course!
Not only will you experience a flood of extremely targeted leads into your business like you’ve likely never experienced before (leads who already want what you have to offer)…
…You’ll discover cutting-edge lead conversion strategies not being taught anywhere else… so you can quickly turn your advertising dollars into bank deposits…
Over and over again!
These 8 Video Modules Reveal EVERYTHING You Need to Know to Get Started with Facebook Video Ads… and Start Raking in and Converting Leads Almost Immediately…
This is NOT just another course on lead generation.
It’s a full and detailed course on HOW to get extremely targeted leads and have those leads turn into customers. Fast!!…
You’ll immediately notice a staggering difference in the leads you’re generating because of the precision targeting that Facebook offers. The quality of these prospects…and how they see YOU (because of the video strategies I reveal) , will be at a quality level that you’ve likely NEVER even thought you could experience.
Why Would You Listen to Me?
I’ve Generated Over 41,973+ Leads in My Business Over the Past 2 ½ Years and Conducted Test After Test for Conversions…
I’ve tested like a mad man all the different ways to get my personal leads to convert. I’ve used techniques that I’ve learned along the way from other experienced and successful marketers…and I’ve added many of my own unique twists.
In doing so I’ve become a Multiple Six-Figure Earner, top earner in multiple companies, and won and placed well in countless affiliate contests where I was up against some of the biggest marketers in the home business industry…(In one of the most competitive niches you can dare enter!)…
I know how to not just convert prospects into customers…but how to make prospects feel so connected to you that they’re absolutely thrilled to be able to become your customer!
Combining that knowledge with the reach and targeting capabilities of Facebook has exploded my business…and it will do the same for YOU.
Here’s what’s included in this jam-packed course…
Module #1: Pinpointing Your Target Market (The Crucial 1st Step)…

The 5 must-take steps to define your precise target market so that you can always work with only your WISH LIST of exactly who YOU want to work with…
How I flip MONEY instead of houses with the Video Ad Playbook. (Learn how to turn $1 into $2 over and over again!…
How to apply this strategy to absolutely anything that you’re selling…whether it be a business opp, product, or service. (This will increase sales of ANYTHING!)
Why you’re being lied to about how important list size is. I’ll show you what really matters and will prove it to you module after module…

Module #2 : How to Set-Up & Optimize Your FB Fan Page

(Increases Conversions from the Get-Go!)…

The key difference between a FB Profile and FB Fan Page that will dictate how fast you succeed with this strategy (99% of those marketing on Facebook have no clue they’re making a mistake)…
The secret weapon I use on my FB Page to grab an extra 3-5 daily leads absolutely hands-free. (I’ll show you exactly how to set it up and soup it up for MORE profits)…
The #1 mistake that most home business owners make that will be a massive detriment to your success from day #1 (This will save tons of headache and heartache)…
A guaranteed HUGE POSITIVE SIDE-EFFECT of Video Ads that will stuff your bank account even fuller day by day…

Module #3 : Crafting YOUR Perfect Sales Funnel (The Proven Formula!)…

The simple (but CRUCIAL) 5-point-map of your sales funnel. (Miss just one of these and your entire process crumbles before your eyes. Get it right and watch your business skyrocket).
Exactly where and how to present your offer in the sales funnel process for the best results possible (I’ve tested this on over 39,973 leads. This is PROOF not theory!)…
The all-important marketing skill you’ll want to spend time to hone… that when done right can absolutely change your financial life (FOREVER!)…
Your secret weapon to immediately make prospects feel like they’ve made a brilliant decision when they buy from you (This will make them MUCH more likely to buy from YOU over and over again)…
The core element to a winning offer and how to frame it so that it almost guarantees profits into your bank account!

Module #4 : Creating Your First Video ad (Opening the Dam of Lead Flow!)…

The best type of video to create that almost demands engagement, is proven to get the most response, and will allow you to build rapid rapport with your prospects…
How to create videos that showcase your authority within YOUR marketplace and set YOU up as the expert in your prospect’s mind (This of course…leads to MORE SALES!)
3 vital elements that you’ll want to work into every video that you create from here on out (countless tests have PROVEN that these elements are absolutely crucial)…
The #1 secret to getting your prospects to take the exact action that you want them to take with your videos (oddly enough this must happen BEFORE you even create your video)…

Module #5 : Unlocking ‘Audience Insights’ & ‘The Power Editor’

(Insider Secrets Revealed!)…

How I helped one mastermind partner go from spending $10 – $12 per lead to spending just a fraction of that amount with one simple targeting tweak (You’ll know exactly what I told him so YOU can avoid that as well)…
How to use a simple trick to create CUSTOM audiences so you know exactly what they want, and how to give it to them (This ninja strategy will slice your ad spend to crazy low amounts)…
My never-revealed “Audience Insights” tricks to grab insanely targeted leads at ridiculously low prices (Knowing how to use this tool is a MUST and it’s how I’ve been able to get as low as $0.23 cent leads)…
How to find the EXACT people who you KNOW spend money online. Target ONLY the exact prospects that want what you are selling, and most important…HAVE MONEY to spend! (This secret will increase the chances of YOU making a sale infinitely!)…

Module #6 : Advanced Power Editor & Re-Targeting Strategies (FB on Steroids!)

The essential habit you must form… and do first EVERY single TIME time you log into the Power Editor (This is absolutely crucial and failing to follow this will skew your results)…
A tricky way to create “Dark Video Ads” so that you can promote multiple offers without the fear of annoying your fans (this will also allow you to promote any offer using Facebook video ads more often)…
A NINJA tip to get Facebook to approve your ads MUCH FASTER (*This one tip can eliminate tons of frustration that almost all other Facebook marketers face)…
The same strategy 8 and 9-Figure earners (as well as LARGE Corps) use to ethically stalk the people that visit your page… but do not leave their info to become leads…This strategy will literally let you follow them around until they realize the value of what you’ve got to offer. (This is so powerful you’ll wonder if you should actually be doing it [YES you should!])

Module #7 : Tales from the Lead-Conversion Strategies Lab (The Stuff Nobody Else Is Showing You!)…

Why the phrase “The Money Is In the List” is the biggest fattest lie ever told on the internet and how you must start thinking from here on out to truly start building a massively profitable home business…
The 8-Step conversion cycle that I’ve tested… and has proven to work over and over again. You’ll want to start applying this to your business right away…and as soon as you do….you’ll experience a dramatic increase in sales and engagement!
The simple and easy way to provide massive amounts of value to your prospects. Kill your fears and confusion of knowing what to say and do for your prospects forever…
5 Value Hacks to become the go-to rock star in your your prospect’s eyes (ALL CRUCIAL ELEMENTS that MUST be followed no matter what to engineer 10X higher conversions FAST!)…

Module #8 : Pulling it All Together (For TOTAL Market DOMINATION!)

A review and breakdown of the “Video Ad Playbook” strategy that will allow you to easily pull everything together nice and tightly so you can start implementing and mastering this strategy no matter what you’re selling…
How to make sure that get your ad-spend back…plus earn a nice profit (this is crucial to staying in business with this strategy…but by this time… this course makes it drop-dead-simple!)…
What you need to know about the 80/20 rule to make sure that each and every campaign that you ever run is always optimized to it’s fullest (this is how you grow an empire…so pay close attention!)
And much more…

These Are Proven Strategies! Check Out What Some Industry Experts Had To Say…
“I love this course! It’s simple enough that beginners can get their ads up and generate leads fast, yet advanced enough that more experienced marketers can take their Video Facebook marketing to the next level. LOVE that Mark has added modules on target markets, funnel creation and lead conversion… it’s the complete package. Seriously take a look at The Video Ad Playbook… it could be the best investment you make in your business this year!”
Bob Clarke,
“Mark Harbert is THE #1 guy you want to hire if you’re serious about leveraging Facebook video to build your business. I’ve personally watched him help over 1,000 students drive traffic, get leads, and get paid by following his video marketing game plan. The dude flat out is a vid marketing genius.”
Brian Fanale, Co­founder My Lead System Pro
“Mark Harbert is an excellent marketer and someone that I go to when I have questions about video marketing. But beyond that he is one of the most genuine leaders I know in our industry who truly cares about the success of his students. He has an incredible passion that drives him to relentlessly deliver the best of himself in order to lift up and empower those around him.”
Norbert Orlewicz, Co­founder My Lead System Pro
BONUS #1: Exclusive Industry Leader Interviews
I’ve pulled in a few favors from some of my marketing friends who I know hold the secrets to internet marketing success that YOU need to know. The funny thing is that even I was blown away by the intensity and insane value that was dropped on each of these interviews. I found myself taking notes during the interviews…and then again when editing. Here are some of the top earners online you will learn from…
Diane Hochman – Scary Effective Audience Building Secrets.

Learn the secrets of how this 15-year veteran of the direct marketing industry was able to build a loyal following of fans that absolutely LOVE her.
Steve Jaffe – Leveraging Webinars for Big Pay Days

Dude’s a rocket scientist! No seriously…he’s a rocket scientist. However it really doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make big bucks with Webinars. Steve has perfected this and is able to earn as much as $10,000+ per hour using this super-powerful strategy. Learn how YOU can easily do the same.
Norbert Orlewicz – Building Your Vision

He’s the co-founder of one of the biggest most successful memberships online today! He’s a master at helping people like you take your vision and turn it into reality…and that’s exactly what he’s going to do for YOU with this interview. This one interview is super powerful!
Brian Fanale – Success With Copywriting

Not only is Brian one of the co-founder of a massive membership online, he is one of the best copywriters in the market today. Brian shares with you what has allowed his company to generate almost $30 million in revenue and pay out his affiliates almost half of that. This interview is stacked with some of the best nuggets you will hear. Get the insider secrets to the million dollar skill of copywriting on this interview.
Kathleen Deggelman

Learn from a 7-figure earner in network marketing on how social media is changing the game for the home business industry. This interview was amazing and I just know you will grab some serious gold nuggets from this interview.
BONUS #2: Downloadable Audio MP3’s of Each Module
So no stone ever gets left unturned…each module had a question and answer session with the beta-group!
You’ll get these in downloadable format so that you can listen anytime.
Still working a job that you want to get out of? That drive back and forth from job is a great time to get all your burning questions answered.
SPECIAL BONUSES: PDF Guide & 2 Checklists
The Ultimate Video Ad Checklist 

This checklist will take ALL of the guesswork out of the entire strategy. From the beginning of defining your target market…through to getting your video ad out there for Facebook world to see…you’ll be able to simply follow along through this checklist. Warning: This takes away all excuses. Follow the checklist, do the steps, and start pulling in leads and converting those leads into customers and/or team members.
The Ultimate Fan Page Set-Up Checklist 

Your Facebook fan page is vitally important. It needs to be set up specifically in order for you to convert prospects into leads like crazy. This awesome step-by-step checklist I put together will make setting up YOUR Fan Page drop dead simple to follow. It will ensure that EVERYTHING is done the right way. This is how I set up my page, and exactly how I tell my highest paying coaching clients to set theirs up as well. Getting this wrong will skew your results…so spending time with this checklist will make a huge difference in your lead flow and sales.
Video Equipment Budget Guide for Newbies 

If you’re thinking you’re going to have to spend an arm and leg on video equipment to make this strategy work…you’re sadly mistaken. That’s why I’m adding this video equipment guide so that YOU don’t have to waste a ton of money on things you don’t even need. You’ll be extremely surprised to see how little you’ll spend to get started, and stay cranking out awesome videos just like I do!