Mark Bentley – The Understand Your Gene Keys 2024


Mark Bentley – The Understand Your Gene Keys 2024What life would you be living if you knew who you really are… and what you came here to do?Deepen your confidence to navigate the journey of your particular shadows, their gifts, and how those gifts reveal your radiance — your true purpose — through the unique evolutionary teaching system known as The Gene Keys… as you discover a new, cellular-level interpretation of your genetic code during this time of incredible change.Are you longing for a life filled with purpose and meaning? Do you face personal challenges and seek ways to overcome them?The Gene Keys, made up of 64 archetypes, is a potent evolutionary system sourced by renowned teacher Richard Rudd. It’s become a phenomenon around the world as people flock to its unique blend of science and spirituality.At the core, it unveils your true nature as a divine creator, opening you to a whole new world of possibilities. The Gene Keys book, along with the entire system, serves as a practical and inspirational guide that can contribute to elevating your life’s patterns, raising your awareness, and exploring new states of consciousness. This, in turn, will optimize your life, allowing for better decision-making and unlocking your full potential.By contemplating your genetic code through this unique lens, you gain valuable insights into your unconscious conditioning. This knowledge drives self-reflection and transformation — empowering you to embrace your true self.Designed for self-discovery, this Gene Keys course unites empowerment with limitless possibility!Mark Bentley, a Gene Keys Ambassador and Human Design Guide, was directly appointed by Richard Rudd to teach this course. Mark is uniquely equipped to give you the tools to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace the fullness of your human experience. With a decade of experience, he has helped hundreds of clients throughout the world unleash their authentic selves, fostering empowerment by cultivating self-awareness, emotional resilience, and sovereignty.In this course, you’ll explore the archetypal patterns within your DNA… unlock the mysteries of your Gene Keys… and step more fully into a life of self-realization, purpose, and harmony.Mark’s refreshing and timely translation will help you understand and comprehend the Gene Keys in new ways, to help you thrive during the evolutionary updates occuring on our planet.This course is designed to transform your life by facilitating profound changes in your perception and understanding of the world. By working with your unique Gene Keys profile, you’ll gain access to tools that are not only effective in manifesting your desires, but also in helping you tackle life’s challenges with a sense of grace and resilience.Mark will also cover what the Gene Keys reveal about the merging of science and spirituality, the simulation of consciousness of which we’re all a part (and largely misunderstand), and how time and space fit into the fundamentals of our “reality.”And… as an extra treat, you’ll be able to engage directly with the author of The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd, during the final module — he’ll be joining the class to share some of his perspectives and reflections, while also receiving your questions and insights.During this transformative journey with this Gene Keys course, you’ll:Discover (or gain deeper understanding of) the Gene Keys, an intricate 64-bit coding language that forms the foundation of our reality’s fabricUnlock your unique Gene Key coding to enhance your self-awareness and awaken your greatest potentialLearn to recognize and interpret your particular shadows and gifts — so you can make empowered decisions that lead you closer to your true path in lifeExplore the role of the “AI Revolution” in fostering creativity in a new era that heralds the rebirth of the polymath mindset — characterized by versatility, curiosity, and the ability to connect diverse domainsDiscover grounded and practical strategies for working with the Law of Attraction through your Gene Keys profileDiscover the potential of your unique IQ Trigger Point — a defense mechanism that activates when your heart is shut off from others —Discover the art of integrating your emotional quotient (EQ) and intelligence quotient (IQ), easily creating a powerful tool for maintaining emotional stability during life’s most challenging momentsExperience profound shifts in your perception and understanding of realityUnlock the gateway to your life’s purpose encoded into your DNA by exploring your personal Gene Key — and unearth profound insights that will guide you on your particular path of self-discoveryReimagine the possibilities for bringing your genius into the world, making a living, and thriving in our ever-changing societyAnd much more!What You’ll Discover in These 7 ModulesIn this 7-module transformational intensive, Mark will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully work with The Gene Keys to navigate the journey of your particular shadows, their gifts, and how those gifts reveal your true radiance.This course will feature step-by-step teachings and experiential practices with Mark. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to overcome fear and find balance in these disruptive times by drawing insights from your genetic codes and applying them to everyday life.Module 1: The Map, the Compass & the Adventure — Step Onto a Path of Self-Awareness, Exploring Your Genetic Code & Setting IntentionDive into the revolutionary teachings of The Gene Keys in this introductory session — featuring a special pre-recorded message from the Gene Keys innovator himself, Richard Rudd — warmly welcoming you and setting the stage for a unique and personally transformative journey.With The Gene Keys, you’ll gain deep insight into our collective evolution and expand your self-awareness, unlocking profound wisdom hidden within your unique genetic code.You’ll receive guidance on how to use the recommended resources and navigate the book, providing a compass for your Hero’s Journey. By reading your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, based on your birth information, you’ll receive a clear map as you embark on a transformative journey towards a richer understanding of your Self.In this session, you’ll:Experience a heartfelt welcome message from Richard Rudd as we embark on this transformative journey — with the anticipation of Richard returning live at the culmination of this 7-module adventure for our final session togetherEmbrace the Map/Compass metaphor in The Gene Keys, and unveil the transformative potential of the keys as powerful tools for self-exploration on your personal Hero’s JourneyDevelop an appreciation for The Gene Keys teachings and the 5,000 year history that underlies itDiscover the holographic nature of reality within your Gene Keys ProfileImmerse yourself in a transformative guided meditation, letting it anchor our collective and personal intentions for the course, as you invite the profound transmission of The Gene Keys to guide and illuminate our journey — both individually and collectivelyParticipate in a guided meditation that will ground our collective — as we set powerful intentions for the journey ahead to tap into its full potentialAt the end, you’ll receive an invitation to explore your four Prime Gifts in relation to your intentions — to contemplate before the next session.Module 2: Find Serenity in Chaos — Unlock Your Personal Transformation & Empowerment Through Time MasteryWe are living in powerful times, and it can often feel like a relentless storm is sweeping through our collective, stirring up ancient patterns that beg to be purged and released. Within this module, you’ll be guided to find your center amidst the storm’s chaos, empowering you to become an active agent of change rather than a mere victim of circumstances.In this enlightening session, you’ll explore the profound impact of time on our lives, discovering the immense value of slowing down, pausing, and engaging in inner contemplation for unlocking holistic health and overall wellbeing. By deepening your connection to yourself, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your personal Gene Key, paving the way for a profound transformation of your being.Together we’ll navigate the depths of Time, understanding its influence and embracing the transformative potential it holds for our lives.In this session, you’ll:Discover that slowing down does not mean not getting things doneExplore the art of pausing exhibited in nature and its natural connection to humanityUnderstand how our perception controls the speed at which we experience Time, which is not a physical 3D objectLearn how pausing can increase our bandwidth for consciousness, leading to a higher definition human experience (similar to the evolution from standard definition screens to high definition screens)Engage in a guided meditation on the 52nd Gene Key of stillness — associated with the archetype of the Mountain, symbolizing the immovable, patient, and wise nature within youAt the end, you’ll receive an invitation to reflect on how to use your “Radiance” Gene Key to unlock your inner light and bring more clarity into your days — to contemplate before the next session.Module 3: Cultivate Stability in Purpose — Embrace Meaning, Transcend Limitations & Embody Your Creativity in the Age of AI AutomationAmidst the chaos of life, it’s essential to ground ourselves in purpose — a concept that’s often used but seldom truly understood. Purpose encompasses not only your life’s work but also the essence of who you are meant to be — radiating from within and surpassing the confines of occupation or circumstances. Purpose is a force that can be lived and embodied anywhere, anytime.As concerns loom regarding AI-powered automation and its impact on purpose, we bear witness to the emergence of a new wave of creativity. By liberating ourselves from repetitive tasks and carving out space for innovation and ideas, we ignite a transformative new era of purposeful expression.In this session, you’ll:Explore the transformative power of embracing the human struggle through imperfection — recognizing it as a catalyst for evolutionUnderstand the distinction between synthetic and organic purpose — and gain valuable insights into which one is propelling you forward on your unique journeyDiscover how the ongoing “AI revolution” is fostering the resurgence of creativity and the reawakening of the polymath mindset of versatility, curiosity, and a capacity to make connections between different domains of awarenessGain an understanding of the significance of sovereignty and how it can be integrated into modern-day society, empowering you to navigate life with authenticity and self-determinationUnlock the gateway to your innate purpose that’s encoded within your DNA — by exploring your personal Gene Key, revealing profound insights and guiding your path of self-discoveryExperience a guided meditation that invites your purpose to manifest in your everyday life — planting the seed for your purpose Siddhi (zone of divine radiance) to blossom and unfoldIn the ending meditation, you’ll receive an invitation to welcome your “Purpose” Gene Key to unlock your sense of meaning and creative expression — to contemplate throughout the week.Module 4: Cracking the Code of Attraction — Uncover Your Unique Key for Manifestation (as the Programmer, NOT the Program)Explore a fresh perspective on the mechanics of “reality” and reframe the Law of Attraction through the profound insights of The Gene Keys, empowering you with a more conscious and clear approach to manifestation.Through the lens of your personal Attractor Sphere Gene Key, you’ll uncover the unique frequency band that governs your creative and sensual capacities, gaining an even deeper understanding of their significance.By embracing new perspectives, you can reclaim your role as the primary programmer of your experiences — aligning your creativity and sensuality in the process — empowering you to navigate the simulation with purpose and conscious awareness.In this session, you’ll:Discover a fresh and innovative approach to understanding the mechanics of reality and the dynamic interplay of consciousnessExplore the fascinating science of epigenetics and learn how your Gene Keys profile can be harnessed to co-create your own realityGain insight into the Information Field, transcending the constraints of space and time, and uncover how it influences the potentials of your lifeDeepen your understanding of the Gene Keys Frequency Band associated with your personal keys — unveiling their profound significanceLearn about the Gene Keys as the intricate 64-bit coding language that underlies the fabric of our realityExplore the groundbreaking discoveries in Quantum Entanglement, which garnered the 2022 Nobel Prize, bridging the gap between science and mysticism — expanding our worldview in relation to the Law of AttractionAt the end, you’ll receive an invitation to activate your personal “Attractor” Gene Key to enhance your creativity and sensuality through the Law of Attraction.Module 5: Relationship Alchemy (Part One) — Know Your IQ Trigger Point to Transform Your Reactions Into Conscious ResponsesRelationships worldwide are going through radical transformations as humanity transcends conventional relational agreement fields of codependency — and learns instead how to be empowered in relationships, fostering interdependency and cultivating a strong sense of being self-directed and community-oriented. Embodied sovereignty is the sense of belonging with others… without feeling owned. In The Gene Keys, the heart is considered a vital aspect that influences and interacts with the IQ, EQ, and SQ Spheres — it’s seen as the center of emotional intelligence (EQ) and the bridge between our intellectual (IQ) and spiritual (SQ) capacities. The heart plays a central role in fostering deep connection, understanding, and transformation within relationships. We’ll begin the heart-centered journey of understanding your unique IQ Gene Key in a way that helps you transform your unchecked reactions into regulated and conscious responses.In this session, you’ll:Discover the role of the IQ/EQ/SQ spheres in safeguarding your heart through the shadow and expanding the capacities of each through the Gift frequencyExplore how to establish healthy boundaries in your personal life that allow for self-care and protection — without isolating yourself from the worldUnderstand the power of your own unique IQ Trigger Point, which activates your defense mechanisms and closes your heart to others, and learn how to use the corresponding Gene Key to gradually open it when you feel readyEngage in a guided meditation that will help you connect to your heart, reintegrating your sovereign wholeness and reassuring yourself of your safety and wellbeingModule 6: Relationship Alchemy (Part Two) — Balance EQ & IQ to Cultivate Embodied Emotional Intelligence and Evolve SpirituallyAs you dive deeper into your emotional body on the path to enhance your spiritual capacities (SQ), you’ll redefine Commitment, consequently unlocking the evolutionary potential of so-called “challenging” relationships. By embracing these deeper dynamics, you can grow more quickly into your potential — fully embracing the nature of relationships to evolve you spiritually.To process your emotions effectively, the key is to counter the cycle of suppression and repression. Contemplating how your IQ (trigger) and EQ (emotional response) interact leads to embodied emotional intelligence — and consequently inner harmony. This is attainable when we cultivate deep connections through our devout relationships, friendships, and legitimate obligations — and become formidable forces that unite individuals.In this session, you’ll:Discover the transformative power of Devotion, experiencing a renewed sense of liberation and connectionExplore the intricate workings of your EQ Gene Key, unraveling the genetic code that shapes your emotional experiences and uncovering the hidden wisdom within themUnderstand a fresh perspective on the behaviors of others, cultivating increased compassion and tolerance for the turbulence they may bring into your lifeLearn how to seamlessly integrate your EQ and IQ, creating a simple yet powerful contemplative tool to maintain emotional stability during challenging timesRealize the profound impact of self-responsibility in transforming relationships, recognizing that one person has the power to change worldsExperience a guided meditation that harnesses the power of forgiveness, inviting the 22nd Gene Key of Grace to transmute old beliefs and unlock deeper connections with the world and our loved onesModule 7: Closing Circle With Special Guest Richard RuddIn this final session, we’ll celebrate our journey together with a special Q&A session with the author of The Gene Keys, Richard Rudd. We’ll explore various pathways to help you continue working with the Gene Keys. You’ll also receive tips for making the most of what you’ve received as you head into the weeks and months ahead.Being witnessed in this transformative process can anchor your insights into reality and set the stage for your next adventure. You’ll take what you’ve learned and create lasting ripples of transformation in yourself, your relationships, and the world around you!In this session, you’ll:Receive a taste of the transformative power of the Gene Keys Living Transmission as offered by Richard Rudd, and immerse yourself in its profound wisdomExplore a deep sense of connection and intimacy, feeling truly seen and recognized in the processEngage with Richard Rudd directly, posing your questions and insights, and receiving his perspectives and reflectionsDiscover an abundance of resources available to support you on your grand life adventureExperience a guided meditation that brings the collective 7-module journey to a close, empowering you to step into your personal power as the author of your unique life experience, bringing the script encoded in your DNA to vibrant lifeSale page: Method– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. 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